Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 26: Girls are trouble


"Wai Wai Wai Wai, Brother Shen Yu, can you hear me?"

Su Zhifu's innocent voice came from Shen Yu's mobile phone. After getting the gift, she was excited and excited.

In order to test whether the watch worked, she ran far away and hid in the toilet on the second floor, closing the door and talking quietly.

The child's happiness comes so simply. At first he was crying like a little cat, but now he is as happy as a silly roe deer.

"I can hear you."

"I can hear you too!"

"Okay, okay, if you continue to play, the battery will run out. If the battery runs out, you can't call me. Come down quickly."


Su Zhifu pressed the button and ran down from the second floor with her watch in hand.

Shen Yu was sweeping the weeds in the yard with a broom into a pile. It had to be said that Puff was pulling weeds quite quickly. It seemed that he had done a lot of farm work in the past two months in the countryside.

"I want to go to school quickly now and then call you!"

Su Zhifu was very excited. She felt so proud when she thought that other children could only cry when they went to school, but she could still call Brother Shen Yu.

"Don't call me if you have nothing to do." Shen Yu knocked on her forehead and said.

"Then what should I do if I miss you?"

Su Zhifu wondered, she just wanted to call Brother Shen Yu, not her mother, because her mother would definitely scold her for not studying hard when she answered the phone.

"Just cry."

"I won't cry!"

"Who cried so loudly just now?"

"Anyway, I won't cry in the future..."

Shen Yu went back to the house to get her a charging cable and told her: "See these grids? If there is only the last grid left, it's time to charge."


"If you get lost or bullied, just call me."

"Then will you come to me?" Su Zhifu asked, tilting her head.

"I'm not going to find you."

"Then why should I call you?"

"I'll tell you not to cry."


After taking Su Zhifu home, Shen Yu returned to the laboratory on the first floor and continued tinkering with his AI algorithm.

He was still a little curious. Bai Xiaomeng didn't come to take a nap in his arms, and he didn't know where he went.

Bai Xiaomeng was reading a book in Asaba Rika's room.

Editor Matsushima was pressing hard for the manuscript, so Asaba Rika hurriedly drew the manuscript while there was no class in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, it started to rain.

The rain was not very heavy, and the water droplets fell on the dry soil of the yard, turning into broken flowers, which were blown by the wind into moist vapor and blew onto the gloomy face.

He was sitting in front of the computer, writing and doing calculations with a draft in hand, and didn't pay attention to the rain outside.

Rika Asaba, who was drawing on the second floor, noticed it, put down the pen in her hand, ran to the window of the room and took a curious look, and then ran to the balcony to collect all the dried clothes.

Shen Yu also collected his clothes, took down the clothes drying rack, and folded his clothes neatly.

Seeing that his door was open, Rika Asaba peeked curiously at the door.

There was nothing special about Shen Yu's room. It even had fewer things than the room she had just moved in. It was just a wardrobe, a computer desk, a laptop, a small bookshelf, and nothing else.

Even the walls were clean white, unlike her, who was planning to buy a poster of "Boom Girl" to hang up.

"Are all boys' rooms like this..."

Asaba Rika muttered, but it is in line with Shen Yujun's character. If he posted a bikini beauty in the room, it wouldn't be like him.

Putting the folded clothes on his bed, Li Xiang hurried out.

The two of them were on the first floor and the other on the second floor. They were quiet and doing what they were doing.

The rain was falling in the sky, and gradually stopped. The dark clouds drifted away, and the sunlight became oblique. The small puddles in the yard refracted the light, like pieces of mirrors shattered on the ground.

Before I knew it, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Asaba Rika saved today's drawing, stood up and stretched, her soft body was stretched out, drawing a graceful arc, like a small peach tree full of vitality.

She ran to the window and looked at the world after the rain. The sunset in the evening was more gorgeous than before, and the vast rays of sunset dyed the sky red.

"What's for dinner..."

Asaba Rika thought and ran downstairs to find Shen Yu again.

Shen Yu was still sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard for a while, and writing and drawing on the paper with a pen. He seemed to have remained in this state for the past few hours.

If Asaba Rika hadn't come to see him, he would have forgotten that there was a girl at home, and would have stayed in this state until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, until his stomach started to protest, and he would order takeout to eat.

"Shen, Yu, Jun..."

Asaba Rika hid at the door of the hall on the first floor and called him softly.

Shen Yu didn't hear it.

"Shen, Yu, Jun...!"

Shen Yu heard this and looked back. When he saw it was her, he turned back and continued writing and drawing.


"What are you having for dinner?"

"Order takeout. If you want to eat something else by yourself, you can also go out to eat by yourself. Don't go far if you don't know the way."

"oh… "

Asaba Rika is still unwilling to give up. She is the thickest-skinned girl Chen Yu has ever seen. She can't be beaten or scolded away.

Bai Xiaomeng also ran downstairs, got into Shen Yu's arms and yawned, then hugged him again, made a comfortable nest and started to sleep.

Seeing Rika Asaba coming to her side, Shen Yu raised his head, glanced at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I, I want to find something to do." Rika Asaba said coyly.

"We haven't finished pulling out the weeds outside yet, go ahead and pull them out." Shen Yu commanded.

"That's made from puffs!"

Asaba Rika rolled her eyes. Shen Yujun always looked down on her, thinking that she didn't know anything and could only do the same job as Puff. She obviously knew a lot, and she told him this when she went to the teahouse for dinner yesterday.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Chen Yu finally stopped what he was doing. He knew that if Li Xiang wasn't arranged clearly, she would be like a candy that couldn't be shaken off.

"I want to cook!"

Asaba Rika blurted out and continued: "Shen Yu-kun, can I cook? I usually cook at home, and I am very good at it! I cook, and then the two of us eat together."

"What to eat? Sashimi? Sushi?" Shen Yu frowned, he didn't like eating very much.

"No, we don't eat sashimi and sushi every day, well, just ordinary stir-fries. I want to learn Chinese cuisine, but I'm not familiar with it yet, so today I want to make barbecue and curry rice." Rika Asaba explained.

Compared with various Chinese dishes, the Japanese prefer home-cooked dishes. The cooking methods are mostly boiled, grilled, and steamed. The taste is also lighter, and they pay more attention to the taste of the dish itself.

For Asaba Rika, whose life plan is to marry a good husband and then be a good wife and mother at home, in addition to tea ceremony, cooking is also an essential skill for her.

Chen Yu is still skeptical about her cooking skills. After all, after spending a few days with Li Xiang, in his heart, Li Xiang is just a stupid girl who is as good as Puff.

Seeing her high spirits, Shen Yu didn't want to dampen her mood. Anyway, it didn't matter what he ate, as long as he could cook it.

"Okay, then you go and cook."

After Shen Yu finished speaking, he continued to write and draw, typing on the keyboard.

The girl beside him stood without moving, so Shen Yu had to stop and ask her, "Is there anything else?"

"Shen Yujun..."

"Can you accompany me to buy groceries..."

He held his hands in front of his chest, his tone was cautious, and his big eyes were full of expectation.

"I do not… "

"Okay, just once! Once!"

She worked hard to stretch out one of her fingers. The finger was slender and beautiful, the nails were shiny and healthy, and the finger belly was plump and attractive.

Shen Yu couldn't say no, and Li Xiang took advantage of her weakness.

"Let's go."

Chen Yu put down the pen in his hand, and Asaba Rika happily went upstairs to get the shopping bags.

Alas, girls are trouble.

I will never waste time shopping for groceries with her again!

