Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 29: Will you be a good father?


Shen Yu stayed on the first floor until around twelve o'clock in the morning before going upstairs.

For rational people, although inner demons are difficult to slay, they can always be slain cleanly if they spend more time sharpening their swords.

This time the inner demon is stronger than before. After all, he has super regeneration ability. As long as Asaba Rika stays at his home for a day, this inner demon will be difficult to eliminate.

But there is nothing we can do about it. Business is difficult to do during the epidemic. His father repeatedly told him to take good care of Rika Asaba. Otherwise, Mr. Asaba will be unhappy and cut off his business, and his father will throw away all his computers. Go to Huangpu River.

When he returned to the second floor, the light was still on in the living room, which was obviously left by Rika Asaba for him. There was also a WeChat message from her two hours ago on the phone: Shen Yujun, I'm going to sleep first, good night!


Bai Xiaomeng, who was sleeping on the sofa, saw Shen Yu coming up, so she ran over and nuzzled him affectionately with her big head.

Asaba Rika wanted to sleep with Xiaomeng, but Xiaomeng didn't want to sleep with her. After reading the manga, she ran out of Rika's room and waited for Chen Yu to come back and sleep with her.

Chen Yu picked up the cat and walked slowly through Asaba Rika's room unconsciously.

When it rained in the afternoon, Lixiang helped him put his clothes in, folded them neatly and put them on the bed.

Shen Yu took his pajamas and shorts, spent five minutes taking a shower, and spent another two minutes washing his face with facial cleanser. He gently turned off the living room light, leaving the bathroom light on, returned to the room and closed the door to sleep.

Rarely, I had a beautiful dream.

He dreamed of a girl whose face he couldn't see clearly clinging to his chest. When he lowered his head, he could smell the fragrance of her hair, feel their warm body temperature, and rub their ears together.

When he woke up at dawn, he found that Bai Xiaomeng was hanging around his neck. His sleeping position was a mess. The softness of the cat's body was unreasonable. It bent its body at a large angle in the opposite direction. However, the little fat cat still slept soundly. .

Although Shen Yu didn't know how other people's cats slept, Bai Xiaomeng's sleeping position was wrong.

Shen Yu lifted it up and put it aside.

Bai Xiaomeng also woke up, stretched, meowed lazily, jumped off the bed, and went to wash up with Shen Yu.

"Shen Yujun, good morning!"

Asaba Rika woke up early and had prepared things. When Shen Yu woke up, they went to have breakfast and go to school.


Shen Yu took a towel and toothbrush into the bathroom. When he came out, the fatigue from waking up was gone, and he looked very refreshed.

When he went downstairs, Rika Asaba followed him with her handbag, her nose moving like a puppy.

"Shen Yujun, you..."

"Yes, I used facial cleanser."

Shen Yu snatched her words away, thinking she would have nothing to say, but she didn't expect Asaba Rika to be even more excited.

Asaba Rika plans to make Shen Yujun into an exquisite boy.

The image of a boy is also very important!

There are many hikikomori in Japan, but neither Japanese girls nor Chinese girls like a boy who is unkempt and slovenly.

After getting married, whenever the husband wants to go to work, even if the wife does not have to go to work, she will wake up early to prepare breakfast and the clothes the husband will wear today. The best image to face at work.

Chen Yu's appearance is excellent, and people like to be clean and not slovenly, but he is just too unrefined. In Li Xiang's opinion, Chen Yu Jun can become better.

When she thought that Shen Yujun had become more handsome and charming under her care, and could make other girls scream as soon as she walked out of the door, Asaba Rika felt that this was a very fulfilling thing.

She is a person who truly loves beauty. Not only does she want to be beautiful, but she also wants the people around her to be beautiful, and everything around her to be beautiful. When she has free time, Lixiang plans to take good care of the yard at home. Otherwise, such a big yard would not be beautiful, and it would be such a waste.

After Chen Yu heard her express her thoughts, she was also speechless. Is this the endless energy of the cute girl in life

"Shen Yujun, I will give you a facial mask next time! Apply it after washing your face, and your face will feel smooth, your skin will be full of vitality, and you will feel particularly energetic!"

"I do not want."

"Try it. Facial masks are not something that only girls can use. There are many men's facial masks, and many boys use them."

Shen Yu didn't want to talk to her.

Do you think it's okay to keep going like this

Today I’ll use facial cleanser, tomorrow I’ll use facial mask, and the day after tomorrow, do you want me to apply sunscreen and moisturizing lotion? And a little later, do you still want me to wear a skirt

Too much!

Chen Yu couldn't help but have a picture of himself wearing a skirt in his mind. What was even more disgusting was that there was a chicken girl and a duck brother in the picture. Ke Liangji looked at him with stars in his eyes and screamed, while Zhao Yage took a knife and planned to hack this pervert to death on the spot.

I have to find a chance to make it clear to Brother Duck and Sister Chicken today.

These two guys kicked him out of the group yesterday and ignored him again. They didn't even reply to his private messages.

Breakfast is still noodle soup.

The difference from yesterday was that Su Zhifu was no longer afraid of going to school. She carried her schoolbag early and waited for her grandfather to send her to school.

Nowadays, the breakfast shop is crowded, and Puff is also helping in the shop. When customers order breakfast that she can handle, such as steamed buns, she helps bring it to the customers.

There are no outside hires in the shop, and Aunt Wang and his wife work together. Puff's father makes soup noodles in the back kitchen, and Aunt Wang sells steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and soy milk in front of the store. Sometimes there are many people, and grandpa and grandma will come over to help.

"Uncle, your barbecued pork buns!"

"Oh, thank you, thank you, kid, aren't you going to school yet?"

"We'll be there soon!"

Su Zhifulula pulled the schoolbag strap on her shoulder, ran to the front of the store and brought over a custard bun, and trotted to the table of Shen Yu and Asaba Rika.

"Today's custard buns are super delicious. I asked mommy to give them to you because we are the best in the world." Su Zhifu whispered into Shen Yu's ear, fearing that other guests would hear.

Shen Yu wouldn't usually order a steamed bun like custard bun, which sounds very milky just from the name. He would have to eat the barbecued pork bun, but since it was given by Puff, he would just eat it reluctantly.

Two for each, just one for each of Asaba Rika.

"Is it delicious?" Su Zhifu leaned forward and asked.

"It's so delicious!!" Asaba Rika held the custard buns in both hands and was extremely satisfied with the meal.

"What about you, Brother Shenyu? What about you?"

Su Zhifu watched Shen Yu eating custard buns with expectation. Custard buns were her favorite buns, sweet and fragrant. She didn't like to eat barbecued pork buns because the fat was secretly vomited out.

Chen Yu was a little speechless. Why did Puff and Asaba Rika always like to ask him if it was delicious? This made it difficult to answer. It must be delicious, but telling others that this food is delicious would always make people feel uncomfortable. I like to eat this food.

Like this kind of thing, it's so private. Mature people are not willing to let others know what they like, and they feel insecure about exposing their weaknesses.

"It's delicious." Shen Yu answered honestly.

"I knew we were so good, we must all like the same things!"

Su Zhifu was very satisfied with her big friend and went to school with her grandfather carrying a small schoolbag.

Before leaving, she waved to Shen Yu and showed off the watch Shen Yu gave her.

This is her and Shen Yu's secret. Her mother knows that this watch was given by Shen Yu, but she doesn't know how to call Shen Yu. Su Zhifu doesn't tell her, so how can adults know about the child's secret.

"Shen Yujun, you like puffs very much!"

Asaba Rika said, using affirmative sentences instead of questions.

Shen Yu: "..."

Can you please stop asking me what I like? I’m in a dilemma!

"Then you must also want to have a daughter as cute as Puff in the future. Mr. Shen Yu must be very good to his daughter and be a gentle father!"

Shen Yu: "..."

His thoughts were guessed, and Shen Yu remained speechless.

"I also want to have a daughter!"

Asaba Rika said this.

His eyes are full of longing for a better life in the future...

