Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 31: Interpretation is an art


"Come on, quickly bring me back to the group."

"Brother Duck asked me not to pull your strings yesterday..."

Seeing Ke Liangji's embarrassed look, he felt depressed and angry.

"hurry up."

"Okay, it's a misunderstanding anyway."

Ke Liangji took out his mobile phone and opened QQ. He glanced gloomily and found that the background picture of his QQ chat was another two-dimensional beautiful girl.

"How many wives do you have?" Shen Yu asked.

"Not many, just six."

Ke Liangji opened the pictures enthusiastically and introduced his wife one by one: "She is the gentlest, she is the coldest, she is the cutest, she is the smartest, and she..."

Shen Yu couldn't understand Ke Liangji's love for his wives. Just as Ke Liangji often told him, many perfections that are unreachable in reality can be realized in the second dimension. The soul has a sustenance and a pursuit.

Under this kind of super-stimulating psychological effect, when you see three-dimensional things, you will inevitably feel imperfect.

Ke Liangji pulled Shen Yu back into the group of "The Three Musketeers, the Invincible Singles in the Universe, Love Each Other and Hug Together for Warmth".

But before they stayed for five minutes, Zhao Yage kicked them both out of the group.

Shen Yu: "?"

Ke Liangji: "?"

"What do you mean, we were kicked out and she was the only one left in the group?" Shen Yu was a little confused.

"You killed me."

Ke Liangji complained, and then he had an idea and said, "How about we create a group and don't invite Brother Duck in, wouldn't it mean that Brother Duck was kicked out by both of us?"

"If you hit me with this move, it's as good as if I hit you."

Shen Yu praised him, saying that building a group was not a solution to the problem. It seemed that he would have to explain it to Zhao Yage in person later.

Zhao Yage is not as easy to fool as Ke Liangji...

After the first get out of class, Shen Yu walked to the front of the classroom with his books and sat down in the empty seat next to Zhao Yage.

She sat alone today, while her two roommates hid in the back of the classroom watching a drama. Zhao Yage was a top student and a bit short-sighted, so she sat in front by herself.

Seeing Shen Yu sitting down next to him, Zhao Yage didn't move at all, as if he didn't exist as if he were air.

Adjusting her glasses, she continued to write and draw on the scratch paper. She had already learned the middle and latter parts of the textbook by herself and was doing the questions.


Chen Yu coughed twice, intending to attract Zhao Yage's attention.

Because he is studying the emotional computing of AI, Shen Yu is still involved in psychology. In this situation where he is not justified, if he explains first, he will inevitably be at a disadvantage in communication. The best way is to wait for the other party to ask. .

"If your throat feels uncomfortable, go see the school doctor. If you want to talk, go to the chicken girl. If you want to study, just be quiet."

Zhao Yage didn't even raise her head. She was doing an algorithm question. Because it was a later course content, it was a little difficult to do this question. She frowned and crossed out line after line of calculations.

After hearing what Zhao Yage said, Shen Yu also found it difficult, so he calmed down and watched her solve the problem.

"You can try the matrix to solve it."

"Tried it."

Zhao Yage threw over a scrap draft.

Shen Yu glanced twice and pointed out the problem: "There is another border situation that you haven't considered. Look -"

He took a pen and scribbled on the paper. Before he finished writing, Zhao Yage felt like his thoughts were flowing smoothly.


"Thank you, you never said thank you to me."

Zhao Yage then looked up at him and said expressionlessly: "After all, we are just classmates, so you have to be polite, otherwise your girlfriend will misunderstand."

"You misunderstood."

Shen Yu finally found a breakthrough, and the general came up, first denying Zhao Yage's position.

"Can this be misunderstood? You abandoned me and Jiemei, and you picked up such a beautiful girl. We rode a little sheep to school together, had lunch together, and maybe even lived together. Hey, you are exuding all over your body. Smells the stench of love." Zhao Yage said, showing an expression of extreme disgust.

After all, during lunch that day, she enthusiastically complained to Shen Yu about how sour the couple she saw in the morning was, but it turned out that it was Shen Yu!

Not only was she so depressed and embarrassed that she was speechless, but she herself felt embarrassed from her toes to her hair.

Especially when he saw Asaba Rika coming over with two bowls of soup, Zhao Yage felt as if he was as redundant as a bone on the dining table, like a light bulb brighter than the sun, lighting up the entire cafeteria and even eating it in his mouth. All the rice has turned into dog food...

"It's not what you think."

Shen Yu moved Ke Liangji out first and said, "Liangji understands everything, but you still misunderstand me."

Psychologically speaking, this move is called seizing a positive position, first pulling Ke Liangji from Zhao Yage's camp to his side. In this way, Zhao Yage will be in an isolated and helpless state, and his position will naturally be shaken.

"Oh? Then please explain." Zhao Yage looked like he was listening attentively.

It is really a laborious thing to explain to girls, whether they are cute girls or tomboys. After a lot of effort, Shen Yu finally got the chance to explain.

As long as a girl can give you a chance to explain, then the matter will basically turn around.

Of course, not all girls will give this opportunity. After all, it is unreasonable to reason with girls. Zhao Yage is different. She is a very rational person, so she will definitely give this opportunity.

"That girl is an international student from Japan. My dad asked me to take care of her. This guy is a road addict, so it's normal for me to bring her to school, right? It's normal to walk here so far. We only have one electric bike at home, so it's normal for us to ride here together, right? ? The back seat of the electric car has no armrests. Is it normal for her to support me? She is not familiar with the school, so it is normal for me to take her to the canteen to eat? So this is a misunderstanding. I have not abandoned you two. "

"But what you said seems to be normal if the role is replaced by a girlfriend? And it must be more normal than what you said, right?"

Zhao Yage's rebuttal was very sharp, putting Shen Yu into a debate dilemma.

If Shen Yu is asked to prove that Asaba Rika is his girlfriend, it would be too simple, but if he is asked to prove that Asaba Rika is not his girlfriend, this makes Shen Yu embarrassed. It seems that no matter what she says, she can find someone. A breakthrough was made to prove that the relationship between the two was abnormal.

For example, if she is alone here, you must want to protect her; if she is so beautiful, you must be tempted; if she lives with you, you must not be able to control it...

"She's my distant cousin."

Shen Yu said sternly, and finally came up with this argument. As long as the identity of Asaba Rika's cousin is determined, then the proposition of proving that she is a girlfriend will naturally not be established.

"how far?"

"Does it matter?"

"Genetically, this is a very important thing."

Zhao Yage showed a meaningful smile, which made Shen Yu think something was wrong with her.

Even though Zhao Yage is a girl, she is the filthiest among the trio, and she always says some very filthy things in a serious manner. It is obvious that she is filthy herself, but she acts as if she has heard the filth. .

Seeing that Shen Yu was silent, Zhao Yage sighed and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter even if you tell us that you have a girlfriend, as long as you can ensure that our status of studying and researching together remains unchanged, we don't care whether you are in love or not. Having someone you like is a good thing, right?"

For a moment, Shen Yu almost blurted out: Don't worry, it will definitely not affect study and research.

I suddenly became alert, this is a trap!

If he followed her words, wouldn't he be admitting that he was in love in disguise

"She is really my distant cousin."

"Okay, I believe you once."

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji would not come into contact with Li Xiang anyway.

Cousin is just cousin...

