Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 33: How did I become a scumbag?


The bell rang, and the students in the classroom stood up and left with their books. There was a big difference between arriving at the cafeteria five minutes earlier and arriving five minutes later.

Teachers who usually say things like, "Are you in a hurry to go have a meal at this time?" must have never served food at the student window with the students during meal time.

Ke Liangji sat in the back row for a class, then ran to the front after class to prepare to have dinner with Shen Yu and Zhao Yage.

"You guys go eat first, I have to pick up my cousin, she's an idiot."

Shen Yu didn't want these two guys to meet Asaba Rika. Rika would choke to death if she didn't speak for a minute. It was inevitable that she would spill the beans when she was with Chicken Girl and Duck Brother.

"Let's go together! Let's introduce each other to each other. I didn't even have time to talk to her yesterday."

"Didn't you run away by yourself yesterday? I don't even have a chance to explain."

"Then let's eat together today."

Shen Yu felt the strong ill intentions from Zhao Yage, but he had no reason to refuse.

He then looked at Ke Liangji: "What about you? You should eat it by yourself, right?"

"Me, I'm coming too!"

Ke Liangji thought of the appearance of Asaba Rika, how could there really be a girl who came from the second dimension to the third dimension? This is really terrible. In comparison, the pressure is not so great when he is with Brother Ya .

"Aren't you afraid?"


"Then you are still going?"

"I'm curious!"

Ke Liangji looked embarrassed and curious, his body and soul seemed to be torn in half, half of him shouted to go over and take a look, and the other half shouted to run away, so even his expression became distorted and weird.

"Bad bones." Zhao Yage complained with a disgusted look.

"Brother Duck, who are you talking about?" Ke Liangji looked like he was about to start a fight.

Zhao Yage showed his long, snow-white neck and said arrogantly: "Here you go, pinch me."

"Just wait, I'll wear gloves next time I go out."

"Coward, tut."

Shen Yu walked in front with a heavy heart, while Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji walked behind and bickered, and soon arrived near the library.

Asaba Rika had been waiting for him here very early. She and Jiang Ningle walked around the campus for a while after class. Although there were many clubs, there was no one she wanted to join.

At eleven o'clock, we came to the library to read together, and then when the appointed time came, Asaba Rika and Asaha Rika came out to wait for Shen Yu at the door of the library.

Two young and beautiful girls stood in front of the library, naturally quite eye-catching.

Especially this beautiful girl who seems to have stepped out of the two-dimensional world, with almost no faults in her appearance.

She was waiting obediently at the door, wearing small leather shoes and a short skirt with calf socks. She was holding an off-white handbag with her hands hanging in front of her body. Her eyes were looking in the direction of the teaching building from time to time, clearly waiting for someone.

It's okay to wait for a girl, but if you're waiting for a boy, you'll be so jealous that you can't even eat lunch.

So as a certain figure appeared, a happy smile appeared on the face of the two-dimensional girl. She pulled the girl who was traveling with her and trotted towards the figure happily.

The figure was male.

Oh no! Please let the real fire of Samadhi fall from heaven and burn this couple of bitches to death! !

"Shen Yujun! You are here!"

Asaba Rika stood in front of Shen Yu, not feeling unhappy about waiting for him for a long time, only feeling happy about finally waiting for him.

"Well, are you with your friends? How about you two go to the dining hall to eat, and I will bring my friends with me..."

Chen Yu was about to push Qianyu Lixiang away, but he didn't expect that Zhao Yage smiled gently and said enthusiastically: "It's okay, let's eat together, we met yesterday."

"Hello, hello! I'm Rika Asaba! This is my good friend Jiang Ningle. I'm from Japan, and Jiang Ningle is from Singapore. Please give me some advice!"

When it comes to politeness, Asaba Rika is impeccable, and she is not as reserved as other girls. After all, in Japan, if a husband brings a colleague to his home as a guest, the wife is also the hostess, and it is very rude to be afraid of guests.

This is a girl who gives a very good first impression regardless of whether she is a boy or a girl. Zhao Yage naturally does not hate her. Even seeing how soft and weak she is, he actually still feels a little protective in his heart

This cousin is a bit interesting...

Shen Yu is riding a tiger and can't get off, so it would be a bit unkind to let Asaba Rika go now.

He turned around to introduce Ke Liangji, but when he looked back, there was no one there.

"Where's Liangji?" Shen Yu asked.

"Hiding behind the tree." Zhao Yage pointed.

Sure enough, behind the big banyan tree on the roadside, I saw a shivering Ke Liangji.

"Is she, is she the fast girl...boy we met in the library yesterday?"

Asaba Rika also looked in that direction. Ke Liangji was so frightened that he quickly turned his head and took out his wife on the phone to calm down his shock.

"Yes! He is a woman!" Zhao Yage said with a face full of approval, expressing satisfaction that Asaba Rika chose the camp so quickly.

"But Mr. Chen Yu said she is a boy..." Asaba Rika was also a little confused. She couldn't see her appearance clearly, but she could see her long hair and slim figure.

"His name is Ke Liangji. He's a boy. He's afraid of girls. The prettier they are, the more afraid they are. Just get used to it. Leave him alone. Let's go eat."

"There are actually boys like this..."

Asaba Rika and Jiang Ningle were both shocked. This was simply a walking female appearance detection machine!

If a girl can make Ke Liangji take one look at her and kill him on the spot, she will be so beautiful that she will be so beautiful. For a girl, this is definitely something to be proud of.

Rika Asaba just saw Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage walking together. Looking at Zhao Yage now, she seemed to understand why Ke Liangji didn't run away. If Zhao Yage changed into boy's clothes, he would look like a handsome boy.

Shen Yujun’s friends are really strange...

Following Shen Yu, the three girls walked to the dining hall together. Ke Liangji also went together, but they didn't dare to get close because they were far away.

Chen Yu and Zhao Yage didn't talk much. Qian Yulixiang and Jiang Ningle were the ones talking along the way. They were both international students and felt very new about everything in the school.

"We went to see a lot of clubs today, but none of them were very interested. Mr. Shen Yu, do you want to sign up together? I want to join you."

So straightforward.

Zhao Yage and Jiang Ningle complained in their hearts at the same time. There were two lonely girls next to them, so couldn't they take care of the feelings of the people around them

"No interest, go on your own."

"If Mr. Shen Yu doesn't go, then I won't participate either..."

Sour sour!

Silently, Zhao Yage and Jiang Ningle were half a step behind consciously.

When they arrived at the dining hall, there were not many people there. The four of them packed their meals and walked all the way to the back of the dining hall, where they found an empty dining table and chairs and sat down.

"Chen Yu, can you help me get some soup?" Zhao Yage said.

"If you want to drink, you can go by yourself."

"We're all girls, so be a gentleman, okay?"


Shen Yu was speechless, why did she remember that she was a girl now? But he still got up and reluctantly went to make soup.

Zhao Yage finally found a chance to be alone with Asaba Rika.

She is very smart, and from their brief relationship, it can be seen that Shen Yu may not be in a relationship with Asaba Rika, but Asaba Rika is obviously very close to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu didn't come to eat, so Asaba Rika sat obediently and waited for him to come over to eat together. The two made an appointment to exchange dishes together.

"Qian Yulixiang." Zhao Yage called her name.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Is Shen Yu your boyfriend?" Zhao Yage asked.


Asaba Rika was a little strange, but she still admitted it generously and said, "Shen Yu-kun takes good care of me."

"He, isn't he your cousin?"

"Eh? No..."

Zhao Yage's heart was in turmoil!

You Shen Yu, you are really lying to me, what are you talking about about your distant cousin!

She is indeed a girlfriend!

Zhao Yage's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about whether to expose Shen Yu's lie on the spot. He should be dragged to the pig cage, but he still wanted to be single.

Even a girl like Asaba Rika, who is so cute that she can't help but feel protective, is actually felled by Shen Yu, which is really infuriating.

Calmly and calmly, first ask how far the situation has developed. If they were just dating, Zhao Yage decided to break them up.

"Um, how long have you been together? Are you living together now?"


Asaba Rika nodded, thinking that she could meet an upright boy like Shen Yujun when she came to China, and a look of luck appeared on her face.

In Zhao Yage's opinion, this was a look of happiness.

"It's been four days, because it was my first time... I was very scared at the time and didn't understand anything. Mr. Shen Yu picked me up from the airport and took me home. Although he was a little rough, he was actually very gentle and took good care of me. Feelings have also taught me a lot of knowledge, and meeting Mr. Shen Yu is the luckiest thing that happened to me."

Zhao Yage was dumbfounded and dropped the spoon in his hand...

Separately, these words have no meaning, but when combined, they even have images and sounds.

It’s over, it’s over, it’s already reached this point! !

Zhao Yage also thought about the many scumbags exposed on the Internet. They obviously already have girlfriends, but they still pretend to have no girlfriends to deceive other ignorant girls...

Look at Chen Yu's impatient attitude towards Asaba Rika, it's simply a template for always giving up!

No wonder Chen Yu refuses to admit that he is in love. That's it, that's it!

Seeing Asaba Rika's desperate look, it is already unrealistic to break them up. So in order to prevent Shen Yu from degenerating into a scumbag and harming other girls, Zhao Yage decided to do justice and help Asaba Rika, the poor victim, maintain this relationship.

"Don't worry, I won't let Shen Yu separate from you." Zhao Yage said with a righteous look.

"Eh...? Thank you!" Asaba Rika didn't know why, but as long as Shen Yu-kun was around, it was something worth being happy about.

Zhao Yage looked at Li Xiang, shook his head and sighed. Sure enough, falling in love can make people stupid. Such a cute and innocent girl fell into Shen Yu's claws.

Increasingly, Zhao Yage became extremely protective.

Shen Yu came back after finishing the soup. Four bowls were divided into two trips. When he put the soup in front of Zhao Yage, he seemed to hear her gritting her teeth and whispering something.



Why am I helping you make soup? Even if you don’t call me a gentleman, how can I become a scumbag?



(I’m asking for a recommendation vote...)