Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 43: Spot checks


I just made a face recognition algorithm not long ago, and Shen Yu was very easy to work on this project.

Just two hours of work at noon made up for the delayed progress in the morning.

The alarm bell rang, it was almost time for class, so he packed up his things and got ready to go to class.


Li Xiang actually hasn't gone downstairs to look for him yet.

After getting along with her for a few days, Shen Yu also knew that she was a very punctual person. Even if she needed to put on makeup when going out, she would definitely be prepared long in advance.

So he went upstairs to find her.

The door was closed, and you could feel the cold air blowing out from the crack in the door. It was still very hot in southern Jiangsu in early September, and it was impossible to withstand it without turning on the air conditioner.

Shen Yu knocked on the door: "Get up, don't you have to go to class?"

no respond.

Knocked on the door twice more, but still no response.


"I'm going in!"

"Give you one last chance!"

"are you a pig!"

Just when Shen Yu was about to call her, Bai Xiaomeng, who was hiding inside and blowing on the air conditioner, opened the door for him from the room.

As soon as he saw it, he saw the big bed and the girl lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Asaba Rika rarely takes a nap in Japan, because the lunch break in Japan is very short, only enough for lunch, and then she has to start studying or working in the afternoon.

But after coming to China, lunch break seems to have become a very common thing. Two hours, no more, no less, is just used to draw comics and get into the state. It is better to use this time to sleep. Woolen cloth.

I have to say that it is really comfortable to take a nap with the air conditioner on in the room and a small quilt under your head in the summer.

Shen Yu was stunned. In his sight, a girl in thin clothes was sleeping soundly. She was curled up, dreaming of some sweet dream, murmuring in a low voice, holding the little bear he had received as a gift with both hands, her slender and even thighs sandwiched between soft On the quilt, a large area of snow-white skin is exposed...

Bai Xiaomeng, who had kindly opened the door for Shen Yu, realized something was wrong and opened the door again to close it.

"Get up! Get out of bed!"

Chen Yu yelled, withdrew his nostalgic gaze, and closed the door with a bang.

"There's an earthquake! There's an earthquake! (Japanese)"

Asaba Rika finally woke up. She covered her head with a pillow and tried to get under the bed with her hands and feet.

Then I came to my senses in a daze, this is not Japan, there are not so many earthquakes...


"Late! Late!"

Eight minutes later, Asaba Rika, who was neatly dressed, stood in front of Shen Yu with her head lowered, clasping her little hands and not daring to speak.

"How late are you?"

"One minute… "

"Do you know math? One minute is the current time! By the time we get from home to school, we will be at least ten minutes late!"

Mr. Shen Yu is so cruel...

Asaba Rika's heart was beating fast.

"Why are you still standing there?"


When he looked up, Shen Yu was already going downstairs, and Asaba Rika hurriedly followed him downstairs.

She was still riding an electric bicycle. After putting on the helmet, she hugged Shen Yu's waist very naturally, as if she was not the one who was scolded just now, and she had no sympathy for Shen Yu at all.

The depressed abdominal muscles tightened instantly.

"Hold back a little bit."


The electric car started going faster than before, and the sultry wind on the road blew onto my face, which made me miss the air conditioner in the room.

Then Asaba Rika remembered something important.

She asked cautiously: "Shen Yujun, how much electricity does the air conditioner use in a day?"

"Why is the question so stupid? Isn't the power consumption linked to your time and power?"

"Then, what if it's the air conditioner in our home?"

"...Did you forget to turn off the air conditioner?"

"Shen Yujun, scold me to death!"


Shen Yu wanted to speak but stopped talking, and still wanted to stop talking, but still sent Asaba Rika to school safely.

It's past three o'clock in the afternoon, and even though the weather is hot, the campus seems very lively.

The freshman military training is in progress.

Some of the poorer classes were training under the scorching sun on the playground, and the dark-skinned instructors shouted slogans of one, two, one, which could be heard from a long distance away.

Many evil-minded senior brothers and sisters specially chose this time, holding a cup of delicious cold drink in their hands, sitting under the shade of the tree to admire the grace of the junior brothers and sisters, and give them some spiritual encouragement.

"Are these all soldiers?"

Asaba Rika was very curious.

"He's a freshman."

"Why do you need to train like this? It's such a hot weather..."

Shen Yu thought for a while and said: "Reduce your love rate. After military training, you will be at least two levels ugly."

Asaba Rika: "..."

Because she was late for class, the afternoon class felt like it was over quickly. While waiting in the library, Rika Asaba began to plan what groceries she would buy later.

She plans to start learning Chinese cooking, and has two recipe apps installed on her phone.

Obviously, Chinese people have a profound culture in food, but why does Mr. Shen Yu not seem to be keen on it

In Lixiang's opinion, eating is the easiest thing to do to gain happiness.

"Why did you buy so many vegetables? This brat doesn't know how to cook. Will it grow mold in the refrigerator?"

"I'll make some braised pork or something later. These will last a long time. He can just heat them up and eat them when he gets up. Now there's a girl living with him. We'll cook a meal for them when we come back today."

A black Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of the yard. Zhang Xiaoru was holding vegetables in one hand and the key in the other hand to open the door.

"Hey, where did this door lock go?"

Shen Deyou had already experienced it. He parked the car and came to the door and shouted: "Open the door!"

[Who is coming?]

"I'm your father!"

[Identity confirmed]

Then the door opened.

"What the hell is this? It's so high-tech..."

After Zhang Xiaoru came in, she was still looking for the door switch curiously. When she saw the situation in the yard, she was a little surprised.

"This yard is so clean! The soil has been plowed, is it for growing vegetables? Is this..."

"It definitely can't be your son."

Shen Deyou took the key and opened the door on the first floor. He was equally shocked when he saw the situation inside.

"Look! He does nothing but tinker with these crappy computers all day long! So many tables have been moved here. Does this mean he wants to open an Internet cafe?"

"Don't touch his things, he'll get angry with you later."

Zhang Xiaoru also took a look at the hall on the first floor and said, "It looks like he is doing something serious. There are potted plants on the table. It doesn't look like your son did it."

Then the couple went up to the second floor. Bai Xiaomeng was sleeping on the balcony. When he saw this, he immediately ran out to say hello to his parents.

Zhang Xiaoru looked at the environment with some surprise. Although it had not changed much, it did look a lot tidier at first glance. For example, the dining table, which was full of clutter before, was now very tidy.

When she entered the kitchen with the vegetables she bought, as a housewife, she immediately felt cordial.

The pots and pans are neatly arranged, there is no oil stain on the kitchen counter, and the dishes and chopsticks in the disinfection cabinet are all hot, obviously they have only been used recently.

As a woman's intuition, Zhang Xiaoru can be 100% sure that these changes are definitely not caused by Shen Yu.

"Old Shen, have you found a wife for your son?"

"...It seems to have some effect?"

Looking at the old house full of life, Shen Deyou also felt a little weird. The couple had always come back whenever they wanted, but now they felt like they were disturbing the young couple.

"Should we call our son and talk to him before we come back?"

"hurry up!"



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