Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 44: Is it my home or your home?


People always make impulsive decisions when they are emotionally unstable.

For example, now, Shen Yu is shopping for groceries in the supermarket with Asaba Rika. After shopping, his eyes are dizzy and his legs are sore. Then he starts to reflect on why he agreed to accompany her out at noon.

That's not what I originally thought!

What's going on lately!

"Shen Yujun, what food do you like to eat?"

Rika Asaba pushed the car in front, and Shen Yu followed behind her to help her hold the handbag, feeling tired and sleepy.


"It's great that Mr. Shen Yu is not picky about food!"


Chen Yu rolled his eyes. Sure enough, Asaba Rika's brain circuit was different from that of ordinary girls. If she had answered Zhao Yage like this, she would probably be eating the soles of her shoes.

"Then I'll make something simple, because I'm not very good at it. Mr. Shen Yu, don't think I'll make it taste bad."

"It must be very unpalatable. I can only eat half a bowl of rice at most."

"Don't be like this, I will lose my confidence..."

Asaba Rika pouted her lips, she was shocked by him.

Shen Yu was getting excited. Bullying Li Xiang was a fun thing. He was about to continue to erode her confidence when his cell phone vibrated.

I took out my cell phone and saw it was a call from my dad.

"Hello, Dad?"

Shen Yu was a little strange. After all, his father rarely called him. If anything happened, he would just drive over.

I seemed to hear my mother's voice on the phone, saying something like "go out," peek, "girl," and the like, but the voice was very small, and Shen Yu couldn't hear it clearly.

"Ahem, have you finished class? When will you be back?"

"get out of class just finished, what happened?"

"Oh, your mother and I are planning to go back to see you and see if the girl is used to living here. When will you come back?"

Chen Yu's mind was racing, thinking that if his parents came over and saw Li Xiang cooking, they would definitely start nagging him again. Thinking about eating together makes his scalp numb.

"Well, that's really unfortunate!"

Shen Yu turned his back to avoid Lixiang and said into the phone: "I have activities in class tonight, and Asaba Lixiang also has class activities tonight. After all, school has just started, so you can come back another day! Or I will visit you again on the weekend!" "

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then Shen Deyou said regretfully: "Forget it, your mother and I are not free tonight, okay, that's it!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Shen Yu, let's make Coca-Cola chicken wings tonight!"

After finally finishing shopping for groceries, Shen Yu's electric car was packed to the brim. Rika Asaba sat in the back seat, hugging his waist and chattering to him about the recipes she learned online.

“I didn’t expect that Coca-Cola can also be used to cook food…”

"Pineapples are used to make sweet and sour pork ribs, but I don't know how to peel pineapples. Do pineapples grow on trees?"

"You thought it was an apple."

"It turns out it grows in the ground..."

"You thought it was sweet potato."

"Then how did it grow?"

Shen Yu didn't want to have this stupid conversation with her, and soon the two returned home.

She bought a lot of things, so Shen Yu also helped carry some. He also had Asaba Rika's handbag on his shoulder, and the two of them went upstairs together.

At the corner of the stairs, he bumped into his parents who were carrying things and were about to go downstairs.

Shen Yu: "...?"

Shen Deyou: "...?"

Their eyes met each other, and they all looked a little innocent.

Compared to the dumbfounded Shen Yu, the expressions on the faces of his parents were even more shocked when they saw Shen Yu and Asaba Rika returning from grocery shopping together.

Zhang Xiaoru looked at Asaba Rika up and down. Asaba Rika didn't know her, nor had she met Shen Deyou. She thought it was a stranger entering the house, so she subconsciously hid behind Shen Yu, getting very close to him, her big eyes flashing. Suddenly.

She was still holding a lot of dishes in her hands, and like a little daughter-in-law, she asked Shen Yu in a low voice: "Who are they..."

Zhang Xiaoru fell in love with this girl at first glance. For no reason, he just thought she was very well-behaved and looked like she was easy to bully. She would never talk back to him in the future.

The key thing is that her son actually went out to buy groceries with her!

It has been many years since my son went shopping with his old mother. Even a tractor could not drag him away from the computer. Now he actually accompanied this girl to go shopping and even helped carry things!

Looking at how intimate these two are, there must be something wrong!

Thinking about the changes at home, especially the changes in the kitchen and yard, Zhang Xiaoru already had the answer in her heart.

No wonder he lied on the phone and said he was unavailable tonight. This brat didn’t want his parents to disturb their world!

the other side.

The father and son looked cross-eyed for a moment in shock, and then asked in unison: "Didn't you say you weren't free tonight?"

Zhang Xiaoru, who already understood everything in her heart, quickly came out to smooth things over. She didn't care about these two men, and came up to talk to Asaba Rika with a smile.

"Is it Lixiang? I heard Old Shen say that you, the daughter of Mr. Qianyu's family, are really handsome!"

"Eh… ?"

Seeing that Asaba Rika hadn't reacted yet, Shen Yu reminded him in a low voice: "This is my dad and my mom..."

The next second, Asaba Rika made a huge bow, which was like a traditional wedding salute to her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Her beautiful hair could not keep up with the speed of her bowing her head, and it instantly became weightless and flying.

"Hello, uncle and aunt! I am Rika Asaba! My father asked me to say hello to you on his behalf! Thank you very much, uncle, for taking care of our family!"

Zhang Xiaoru was startled, thinking she had scared her, but she was really easy to bully.

"No matter where you are, we can't even talk about care. We are honored to have a partner like Mr. Qianyu..."

"I'm so sorry! I didn't recognize my uncle and aunt just now. I'm sorry!"

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay..."

Chen Yu patted his forehead. Li Xiang always made a fuss about things like etiquette. He was shocked when he remembered that he had picked her up at the airport.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it when we go up."

The father and son did not follow each other's routines and caused a big embarrassment. Naturally, it was not easy to run away now, so they went upstairs together.

Arriving on the second floor, after Asaba Rika put down her things, she immediately went to the shoe cabinet to find slippers suitable for Shen Deyou and Zhang Xiaoru, and thoughtfully delivered them to them. Then she welcomed them to the sofa in the living room and sat down, skillfully finding cups and giving them to them. Pour some water to drink.

Shen Deyou and Zhang Xiaoru were both a little confused...

Next time you come here, you should call in advance. It always feels like you have become a guest, and it feels like you are breaking into a private house...

"Uncle, aunt, you drink a glass of water first, and I will make tea for you."

Not to mention my parents, even Shen Yu was a little dumbfounded.

Rika Asaba found the tea can in the cabinet with great familiarity. After boiling the kettle, she washed the tea set, brewed two cups of tea skillfully, and brought it to Shen Deyou and Zhang Xiaoru respectfully.

"Uncle, please have tea!"

"Auntie, please have tea!"

Shen Deyou and Zhang Xiaoru were a little at a loss when she did this. Their palms rubbed their thighs uneasily. They also took the tea cup with both hands and nodded while saying: "Okay, okay..."

"Uncle and aunt, please rest for a while, and I'll go cook for you."

Asaba Rika arranged everything in a hurry, tied up her shawl long hair with a headband, took off the apron hanging on the kitchen door, and put it on to prepare for cooking.

Shen Yu finally couldn't sit still anymore. If he continued like this, let alone his parents, the Civil Affairs Bureau would come to his door tomorrow!

"What are you doing… "

Chen Yu hid in the kitchen and grabbed Asaba Rika who was about to pick vegetables.

"Uncle and aunt are here, we have to entertain them well. They are Mr. Shen Yu's most important relatives, so we can't be rude."

"This is my home! My home!"

"Eh… ?"

"Me! Home! Understand?!"

Asaba Rika's short-circuited thinking finally stopped the car, and her face turned red in an instant...

Yes, what am I doing...

I am the guest...


wanna die!

