Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 56: Reason ultimately loses to emotion


"Asaha-san, don't leave so fast. Think about it carefully."

"I've thought about it very clearly. I'm sorry, Student Jin."

When school was over at noon, the rain that had fallen all morning had stopped, and the school road was a little wet.

Asaba Rika pulled the bag on her shoulder, walked sullenly, and hurried to the library to wait for Shen Yu to finish class.

Beside her, a stylishly dressed boy who was only a few centimeters taller than her followed her shamelessly.

"Then have you found a dance partner for tomorrow night? If not, I am the most suitable one, right? Those white people can't get along with you at all... "

The speaker was a Korean student named Jin, who was one level higher than Asaba Rika and had been in China for almost two years.

It is now the second week of school. In addition to the school's regular freshman party, international students also have their own welcome party, which is mainly conducted in the form of dance parties to make friends.

Prom is an activity that European and American students like very much. If you can't find a female partner, it is a very embarrassing thing. In order to get the consent of the invited girls, the boys often come up with all kinds of tricks, such as sending flowers and gifts. You won’t give up hope of finding a dance partner until the last minute.

"I can't dance, I'm sorry!"

Asaba Rika didn't want to pay attention to him. If there wasn't a requirement to attend the dance tomorrow night, she wouldn't be very willing to attend.

"I can teach you if you don't know. Qianyu-san is a very smart girl at first glance. There are no requirements for the dance. I will teach you all afternoon and you will learn it quickly."

"I don't have time in the afternoon either."

The man surnamed Jin did not want to give up. After all, there were too few girls as good-looking as Asaba Rika. If she could attend as his dance partner, it would be something worth showing off in the circle.

In China's study abroad circle, Korean students account for a high proportion. They are large in number and have their own groups at school. They don't like to come into contact with Chinese people. They also dress very fashionably. They live in China where consumption is cheaper and there is less pressure. , you can go back to Korea when you get tired of it, and you can also show your friends back home what you learned about studying abroad.

Of course, there are such international students everywhere, but Asaba Rika doesn't get along with these people and doesn't want to play with them.

Seeing that Asaba Rika refused to agree, the man surnamed Jin also changed to a tactful way and said in an experienced manner: "If Asaba is really unavailable, forget it, but you just came to China not long ago. Are you not familiar with this place? I have been here for two years. I can take care of you. If you want to go somewhere, I can take you there. "

"No, thank you. I've already been taken care of by someone, and he must be more experienced than you." Asaba Rika refused without hesitation.

She walked faster. She had never seen such a shameless boy in Japan. It was really rude to insist on pestering him even though she had already expressed her rejection.

"More experienced than me? Are you from China?"

"is it not OK?"

When he heard that he was from China, the man surnamed Jin laughed and said, "If it's a man, then Qian Yu, please be careful. Maybe he is deceiving you because of your beauty."

Asaba Rika stopped and finally got angry. She glared at him and said, "I don't allow you to talk about my boyfriend like that! He is a very good person! Don't follow me anymore!"

The man surnamed Jin was stunned. He really didn't realize that Asaba Rika already had a boyfriend.

He wanted to talk again, but Asaba Rika turned around and left.

Chen Yu tied the umbrella strap tightly and held it in his hand like a sword.

He had already arrived at the door of the library, and was a little curious as to why Rika Asaba hadn't come yet. After waiting for a while, he walked in the direction where she came from.

At the intersection, he saw Asaba Rika, but this silly girl lowered her head and walked silently, never looking around, so she just walked past him.

Then she was followed by a boy who disgusted Shen Yu at a glance.

"There's no class in the afternoon, let's go out and play together. I'll take you to meet new friends."

"Don't go!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be my dance partner. I'll pick you up tomorrow night and we can go to the dance together..."

"No need! No need! Don't follow me anymore! I'm angry!"

After following Asaba Rika for a while, Shen Yu probably understood what was going on.

There are so many hormone-dazzled men on college campuses that it's disgusting.

An unreasonable feeling of irritability surged into my heart.

I just feel that the more I look at that man, the more I dislike him, and I want to kill him with a heart-killing knife.

So Shen Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the man surnamed Jin who was about to follow Li Xiang forward, with great force.

The man surnamed Jin was suddenly pulled due to his inertia. He stumbled immediately and fell to the side of the green belt. His clothes were soaked by the wet leaves and were mottled.

"What are you doing?! (Korean)"

The man surnamed Jin was over 1.7 meters tall, a bit shorter than Shen Yu. He dressed up like a sissy in a fashionable style. He quickly climbed up from the green belt and wanted to make a move, but he still stopped in front of Shen Yu. steps.

If it were any other thin boy, he might have fought back, but when he saw Shen Yu's height and figure, and the stick-like black umbrella in his hand, he immediately retreated. The fear of bullying and fear engraved in his bones made him take two steps back. .

Especially the gloomy and ferocious eyes, so cold and frightening, made him obviously feel the pressure.

"Do we know each other? (Korean)"

"What the hell are you mumbling about?"

Shen Yu pointed at the other party with the black umbrella in his hand. He felt that the broken umbrella was like a knife used to kill the inner demon, very sharp.

He would kill such a useless thing with one punch. Although he didn't exercise much now, he was on the basketball team in high school, and his explosive power was no joke.

Being in a foreign country, the man surnamed Jin did not dare to conflict with local students. After hearing the other party speaking Chinese, he thought about it carefully. He had never had contact with Chinese students. Who was this person

"We don't know each other, right?"

The man surnamed Jin rubbed his left shoulder. This guy was terribly strong. The pull he just pulled was clearly emotional, and he was almost dislocated, but he couldn't figure out where he offended him.

The movement here also attracted the attention of Li Xiang, who was walking dully. She stopped and looked back, her eyes widened in surprise, and then she felt relieved again, and ran to Shen Yu's side.

"Shen Yujun! Why are you here! I'm sorry, I delayed you for a while and kept you waiting..."

Shen Yu didn't speak to Li Xiang, but took two steps towards the man named Jin, and nodded his face to warn him: "Show some shame. Do you understand?"

After saying that, Shen Yu took Asaba Rika home.

The timid man surnamed Jin already understood the identity of Shen Yu's boyfriend and did not dare to have any more conflicts. After glaring at him, he also walked away in despair.

I didn't come here by bike today. Fortunately, the rain stopped at noon. It seemed a bit muggy at noon after the rain.

Asaba Rika lowered her head and said nothing, her face was red, and she didn't know whether it was because of the heat or something else.

It wasn't until she felt that there were indeed more eyes around her that she whispered pleadingly: "Jun Shenyu... you... you hurt me..."

Chen Yu was still a little unhappy at the moment. Although he didn't understand why he was so upset, just seeing the man named Jin pestering Li Xiang made him want to hit him.

Pulling her away just now was also a subconscious act.

Hearing Li Xiang's reminder, he reacted and let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted.

Asaba Rika also quickly withdrew her little arm, and light red marks could be seen on her fair skin.

"Does it hurt?" Shen Yu apologized a little.

"It doesn't matter… "

Li Xiang whispered, her tone seemed to be a little happy.

After walking together for a while, she looked up at Shen Yu and smiled:

"Mr. Shen Yu is just so domineering. It's the first time I've seen Mr. Shen Yu fight with others, and his eyes are so fierce..."

"scared you?"

Shen Yu also calmed down. Although he didn't start a fight, he still moved his hands. Not to mention that Asaba Rika was surprised, even he, who had always been rational, couldn't understand why he suddenly became excited at that time.

Asaba Rika shook her head and said:

“I feel so at ease!”

"So, Mr. Shen Yu, can you be my dance partner tomorrow night?"

