Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 58: Lucky attribute max


"Stop dawdling, hurry up."

"I knew Mr. Shen Yu would take me there!"

Asaba Rika ran over happily, sat down on the back seat of the electric car, stretched out her little hands and hugged Shen Yu's waist firmly.

The muscles tensed instantly.

Shen Yu didn't say anything and drove out with a straight face.

It is now seven o'clock in the evening, it is already dark, the street lights are on, and many pedestrians are walking after get off work.

The cool wind felt very comfortable on her face, and Asaba Rika could smell the scent of Shen Yu's body.

It smells like licorice after being exposed to the sun. It smells very good.

Her hair was also blown by the wind, flying behind her. For a moment, she wanted to lean on the gloomy back.

Asaba Rika found that she liked riding electric cars more and more.

Soon we arrived at school.

"Get out of the car and go there by yourself."

"oh… "

Asaba Rika reluctantly got out of the car and asked him quickly: "When the dance is over, can Mr. Shen Yu pick me up?"

"Why are there so many things..."

Shen Yu murmured, but he didn't refuse. From the moment he sent her out, he had already expected that he would definitely take her back.

After all, it was dark now. Lixiang might be able to walk home slowly during the day, but she would definitely be lost again at night.

"When does the dance end?"

"About two hours, but if I could leave earlier, I would go home earlier!"

"Two hours..."

Shen Yu secretly thought to himself that it took half an hour to go back and forth...

"How about Mr. Shen Yu accompany me to the dance?"

Asaba Rika suggested very cleverly: "This way, you don't have to bother Mr. Shen Yu running around. Then we'll sign in and we'll go home soon. It doesn't matter if you can't dance. Let's go have snacks together. Listen Said there were a lot of delicious snacks…”

"It's boring."

Shen Yu refused again.

But the tone was not as strong as yesterday.

"Okay, Mr. Shen Yu, come with me, just this time..."

Rika Asaba put her hands on the handles of his electric bike and looked at him pitifully with her big eyes.

Shen Yu: "..."

"I really can't stand you!"

Shen Yu complained, turned over, locked the car, put the keys in his pocket, and walked to the activity center.

Seeing Asaba Rika still standing there, he turned around and asked her, "Are you going yet?"


Qian Yulixiang felt happy and trotted over, following Shen Yu.

Since yesterday, the dance has become a hot topic of discussion among international students. The boys are discussing how to invite girls to be their dance partners. The girls are discussing who was invited today, who agreed to whom, and what they should wear. What kind of shoes, what kind of makeup, etc.

Compared with ordinary students, the courses for international students are very relaxed, which gives them more time to spend freely. Basically, they actively participate in these activities.

Shen Yu also envied Asaba Rika's leisure. She only had four classes a week, no class on Thursday, and only half-day classes on the other four days.

Next year, when Chen Yu meets the conditions for being in school and has earned enough credits, he will no longer have to attend classes.

This year's international students' dance was held in the activity center. The venue was very spacious. In the afternoon, members of the international student organizations began to decorate the venue in full swing.

Starting at seven o'clock, international students began to arrive one after another. The official start time was 7:30 in the evening. Shen Yu and Asaba Rika came relatively late.

"Sorry, please show me your ticket. (English)"

"This is my dance partner, thank you."

Asaba Rika took out the ticket and helped Shen Yu register. Before entering, she also had to do an alcohol test to confirm that she was not drinking before entering.

Drinking is not allowed at school dances, and no alcohol is provided at the venue.

"Welcome, I wish you have a good time!" After the blond girl finished the examination, she let the two of them in.

After entering the venue, Shen Yu looked at the surrounding environment.

Compared with the freshman party, the international students' dance seemed much more free. There were already more than a hundred international students inside. In this kind of event, they were all quite well-educated. They were all dressed up brightly and chatting with each other. Although They were all still students, but Shen Yu always felt like he was attending a gathering of nobles in movies.

On one side of the dance floor, there were photographers providing photography services. Around the dance floor, there were a row of tables with many snacks, fruits and ice water of various colors prepared on them.

At half past seven, the dance party officially started, music started playing, and two hosts, a man and a woman, also entered the venue.

First the speech, then the outlook, and finally the program arrangement.

There are no fixed seats in the venue. Most of the international students hold a glass of ice water in one hand and stand watching the performance. There are quite a few talented international students, singing, dancing, etc. The place is very lively. .

Chen Yu sat down in a seat and watched quietly. He had to say that the various snacks prepared here were quite delicious. He had never seen these kinds of ice water in various colors before.

I took a glass of blue ice water and tasted it. It tasted a bit like Sprite with some kind of juice added.

No one was eating the melon seeds on the table, so Shen Yu took them and watched the show while cracking the melon seeds. It was like watching a foreign Spring Festival Gala performance.

Rika Asaba was not far in front of him, joining in the fun with the crowd. She clapped her hands and applauded enthusiastically when she saw the wonderful performance. The spotlight shone on her little face, and you could see that she was quite happy.

At the end of the show, there is a lottery. The tickets that everyone turns in when entering the venue have independent numbers and names. The first prize is a pair of headphones worth a thousand yuan, the second prize is an exquisite pen, and the third prize is the International Students Association. Memorial notebook.

Rika Asaba clasped her hands together, stared at the center of the stage with her big eyes, and listened to the host's draw with nervous anticipation.

The ten third prizes were drawn and she was not there. I felt a little disappointed and pursed my lips.

After the five second prizes were drawn, she was a little disappointed without her. She also groaned along with the crowd, stamped her feet, looked back at Shen Yu, and her face turned bitter.

"The winner of the first prize will be announced below. Which lucky partner is it?"

The host paused deliberately and slowly took out a ticket from the box, and the sound at the scene became quiet.

"No. 0125, Miss Asaba Rika from Japan, congratulations!"

Applause erupted from the scene, and Shen Yu couldn't help but feel happy, applauding along with him.

Asaba Rika was stunned for a moment, her original disappointed expression disappeared, and she subconsciously looked back at Shen Yu, seeing him applauding and beckoning her to go up and get the prize.

Only then did he realize what he was doing, and he ran up to get the prize coupon, the smile on his face almost unstoppable.

"thank you all!"

He bowed to everyone and then ran back to Shen Yu.

"Shen Yujun!!"

"We won the lottery! So lucky!!"

"This is called stupid blessing."

Shen Yu thought that it was not a bad trip. Our family at least earned a pair of headphones.

When he came back to his senses, he felt that something was wrong. The prize that Lixiang won had nothing to do with him. Lixiang must have misled him by using the word "we" indiscriminately...

Continue to eat melon seeds.

At the end of the dance, it’s the carnival time that everyone has been waiting for.



(Thank you for the 10,000 rewards for Qian Nian’s already faded memories~)