Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 60: Wages have been paid


After the freshman dance, the regular activities at the beginning of the semester are basically completed.

Major clubs have also recruited the freshmen they want, and the military training for freshmen has also ended in the second week. Shen Yu and others are busy with their studies while squeezing out all their free time to work on projects.

The peaceful campus life passed quickly.

On September 16th, Sanlan Studio finally completed the outsourcing project in hand.

"It's not an exaggeration. In the past few days, my dreams have been all about coding."

Zhao Yage was lying on the table like a dead fish. She had short hair, probably because she hadn't slept well. The bunch of dull hair that was usually suppressed also stood up, and the dark circles under her eyes were big and round, like a panda.

"What do you mean? I haven't slept much, which means your physique is not good."

Ke Liangji stood up and poured a glass of water, and then put it into his mouth. The water glass hit his helmet with a clang, and water spread all over his clothes.

"Girl, are you crazy about typing codes?"

The crowd roared with laughter.

Compared to these two, Chen Yu and Asaba Rika's status has not changed much.

For Shen Yu, it just takes a little longer, and the real brain power is not much. Moreover, Li Xiang cooks for her every noon and evening, and the nutrition is balanced. On the contrary, she looks better than during the summer vacation. Moisturized.

"Okay, thank you for all the hard work. Let's test it together and find bugs."

Chen Yu sent the installation package to a few people, and Qian Yulixiang and Jiang Ningle happily started testing it.

They were taking pictures of each other with their mobile phones, and various resources were exchanged in turn.

There were still some minor problems, and Shen Yu allowed them to sort them out.

"Shen Yujun, look!"

Hearing the shouting, Shen Yu turned around, and then Qianyu Lixiang secretly took a photo.

The CG template of a future girl is used. Shen Yu in the picture has blue radiation-proof eyes and two antenna-like things in her ears. With special effects such as face slimming and skin polishing, Shen Yu thinks this picture is ugly. 'The damning photos were taken.

"so beautiful!!"

"... I'm letting you test it, not play with it. I'll delete it soon."

"We are just testing."

Asaba Rika was very proud. Recently, she especially liked to take secret photos of Shen Yu. She secretly took photos of him from all angles. Sometimes when he found out, she would quickly hide her phone and run away.

She also created a special folder in her mobile phone called 'Depressed Daily Life'

For example, when riding an electric car, take a photo of him from behind, and then use the front camera to secretly take a photo with him.

If you see him playing with Bai Xiaomeng in the living room, take a photo, or if he is talking to Puff, take a photo too.

Shen Yujun is so good-looking, no matter how you take pictures...

Sometimes at night, when the lights in the room are turned off, she will open this photo album and look through the melancholy photos one by one. She will smile as she looks at them.

This feels weird...

Whenever I reacted, I felt my face getting hot, and I quickly closed the photo album.

I even wanted to delete these photos several times, but I still felt reluctant.

As for Shen Yu, in the past two weeks, she has become somewhat accustomed to this kind of life. He rides an electric car to school every morning and picks her up at the library when school is over.

Gradually, Li Xiang was no longer required to remember the road. Subconsciously, she felt that she would not be able to remember it. Instead of letting her get lost and then having to go out to find her, it would be better to take her with him.

Poets always like to use sprouts to describe various things, such as life and love.

In the yard, the marigolds and snapdragons planted by Pear Fragrance have sprouted.

Like a green grass, it grows on the slightly moist soil. When you get up early, you can still see the dew on the young leaves.

In the yard at the end of summer, it felt like spring was coming after being planted by her.

Chen Yu quite admired Li Xiang's reverse thinking. At least he didn't expect that he could still plant flowers and grass before autumn came.

By mid-September, autumn has begun to emerge slightly in the south, and nights arrive earlier than before.

But every time, before night arrives, Asaba Rika can prepare dinner on time.

If she sees that Shen Yu is not busy, she will ask him to come up and peel the garlic.

Shen Yu observed carefully several times, and at first he thought peeling garlic was for cooking, but there were several times when it was obvious that no garlic was used in the cooking.

In this regard, Asaba Rika gave an explanation and said hesitantly that she peeled it off and put it in the refrigerator for cooking at noon tomorrow.

The progress of the entire project was under Shen Yu's control. There were no major bugs and minor bugs were quickly fixed. He submitted it to Character Technology the next day and waited for them to conduct testing.

On September 19th, the testing there was also completed. Based on the good cooperation between the two parties, Zizi Technology also readily paid the final payment.

At noon, Shen Yu called everyone to his home.


Chen Yu coughed twice, like a big leader.

Like a positive little secretary, Asaba Rika quickly brought him a glass of water.

"Our studio does not engage in such formalism. Please be more careful in the future. And you, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Ke, and Xiao Jiang, please sit upright."

"Yes! President!"


Zhao Yage and Jiang Ningle were dumbfounded, thinking that you are still good at playing, and you can play various roles with ease.

However, the project was completed, and everyone felt that the pressure was instantly relieved. After getting along with each other for this period of time, they became very familiar with each other. It was rare to see Shen Yu, who had always been serious, making fun of everyone like this, and they all laughed out loud.

"Chen Yu, I think you are addicted to being the boss. Hurry up, let go of your farts as soon as possible, and say what you have to say as soon as possible."

When Zhao Yage came up, he brought the depression of official steps back to the crowd.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Shen Yu took out his mobile phone and said with a smile: "The project payment has been settled. I called everyone here today to pay wages. You all remember the quotation on the quotation sheet you got at that time."

"Have wages been paid?"

When several people heard this, they all became excited.

After all, they are still sophomores and have only done a few part-time jobs. When I heard that my salary was about to be paid, the fatigue from the previous days was gone.

"I'll send it to you on WeChat. Who gets the first salary first?"

"Me me me!"

Asaba Rika jumped up to Shen Yu and raised her phone high.

Zhao Yage and Jiang Ningle knew in their hearts that of course they couldn't argue with the boss's wife. Judging from Shen Yu's proud look, he was responsible for most of the project and his salary was naturally the highest. Maybe they would all be handed over to Asaba Rika later.

Chen Yu ignored her and looked at the others, but none of them competed with Li Xiang.

"It's okay to pay you a salary, as long as you delete my photos on your phone."

"Then I don't want a salary."

Shen Yu: "?"

Shen Yu was speechless. This guy was getting more and more presumptuous, but he couldn't do anything about her. After all, she was the one who cooked, washed the dishes, and cleaned...

Asaba Rika's phone vibrated, and Shen Yu transferred 7,500 yuan to her.

The price quoted for one CG resource was 1,500 yuan, and Li Xiang and Jiang Ningle worked together to make ten, which was exactly 7,500 yuan each.


Asaba Rika looked at the transfer message. Not counting her meager royalties, this was the largest amount of money she had ever earned on her own.

Later, the wages of Zhao Yage and others also arrived, Zhao Yage was twenty-six thousand five thousand, Ke Liangji was twenty-one thousand, and Jiang Ningle was seven thousand five thousand.

In the past half month, without any urging from Shen Yu, everyone has basically worked about ten hours, and this salary is considered worthy of their efforts.

"I've never made so much money!"

"I can upgrade my computer and buy a game console..."

The employees who received their wages were discussing enthusiastically how to use the money.

"I'll treat everyone to a meal tonight, Saturday."

Chen Yu glanced at Li Xiang indifferently and said:

"It happens to be this guy's birthday."

