Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 65: Perfect girl


"Shen Yujun."


Asaba Rika and Shen Yu walked on the road together, the sunset rays shone slantly on their bodies, and even the road was dyed golden.

The temperature dropped in the evening and there was a slight breeze in the city. Li Xiang gently tucked her flowing hair behind her ears with her hands.

Chen Yu put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked on the outside of the road, looking at the distant sky. The sky was red. He walked much slower than he usually walked. After all, if he walked faster, Li Xiang would have to use You have to run to keep up with him.

Her legs were not short either. After observing for a while, Shen Yu discovered that the reason why she walked so slowly was because she didn't pay attention to walking at all.

Like a curious kitten, he takes two steps and looks at the cars and pedestrians around him. If he takes two quick steps to keep up with Shen Yu, he will peek at him inadvertently. After being caught by his gaze, he immediately Look up at the sky and pretend you're looking at a plane.

"How did you design Xiaomeng No. 1?"

"I said it, do you understand?"

Rika Asaba understood what Shen Yu meant and quickly explained: "It's not the technical one, it's Xiao Meng No. 1's name, personality, occupation, etc. She really looks so real, like a person with her own soul. .”

"It's just the inspiration given by Bai Xiaomeng."

"Is it just Bai Xiaomeng?"


Seeing that Shen Yu was silent, Asa Yulixiang said to herself: "Then the image of this girl must be the most perfect girl in Shen Yujun's mind, right?"

Shen Yu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Asaba Rika explained: "Because I draw comics. Does Shen Yu-kun know what is the most difficult part when creating?"


"No, the most difficult thing is the characters!"

"If you want to make a character real, you can't just rely on the clothes and appearance in the painting. Shen Yujun must have been very careful when creating Xiao Meng No. 1. I feel that she has her own past, and all her answers are... It’s a reflection of her past experiences, and she has a sense of life.”

Shen Yu thought about it and realized that he was indeed very attentive in giving life to Xiaomeng No. 1. When creating the file, he even added some details of her past, childhood, and some words she had said into it. .

It's quite a contrast when you think about it. You try hard to be like a robot, but you have to work hard to make the robot look like a human.

Suddenly I wanted to know something about this stupid girl next to me, so I asked sadly:

"Is there anything that impressed you when you were a child?"

"Me? Well..."

Asaba Rika thought for a while and said: "When I was very young, a beggar came to the door of my house. I chatted with him through the gate in the yard. He said that he had no home and was hungry, so I ran in and told my mother. , my mother was chatting with the guests and asked me not to run out, so I secretly went to the kitchen to get some snacks. He was really hungry and ate very quickly, but he started crying while eating. I asked Where are you going from now on? He said he didn't know. Then he leaned against the door rail and talked to me. I listened to him. He said he was leaving and said to me, "You will be very happy in the future." '"

Shen Yu looked back at her. She was very focused on the memory and her eyes were very soft. Even when she thought about it now, she still had the same pure mind as she did when she was a child.

People are different because everyone has different growth experiences. People who grow up in love and tenderness will naturally understand tenderness and love better.

"Is there anything else?"

"Another time, when I was going shopping with my mother, I saw a very beautiful doll. I really liked it, but my mother didn't buy it for me, so I secretly bought it myself with the money I saved. I actually knew the way! But after buying the doll, I didn’t know how to get home, so I started crying in the store. Later, the store owner contacted my mother and took me home... "

"You must have been scolded, right?"

"No, my mother told me not to run around by myself next time. She was scared when she didn't find me at home."

Thinking of her mother who was far away in her hometown, Lixiang also felt a little homesick, "My mother is very gentle."

"Have you ever been scolded?"

"If you don't count Mr. Shen Yu scolding me, I don't seem to have received much scolding in my memory..."

"That's great. You are as stupid as Puff. Not only did Puff get scolded, he also got beaten and beaten. Have I ever scolded you?"

"You are the fiercest! You never use expressions when sending messages! You are so fierce!"


"Look, you're so mean now that you're silent."

Chen Yu couldn't understand her definition of 'fierce'. Could it be that like her, every sentence had to have a cute expression to call it gentle

The key is that if you think he is fierce, shouldn't you tremble and stay away from him, but you still come over to him all day long and have nothing to say to him.

Asaba Rika walked while talking. The sidewalk was made up of two-color tile grids. She always playfully walked on one color grid. Sometimes the two grids were a little far apart, so she would jump hard.

"Is there anything memorable about Shen Yu-kun when you were a child?" Qian Yulixiang looked at Shen Yu and asked.

"No." Shen Yu said.

"Like getting first place in the exam or something?"

"Isn't that a common thing?"

Rika suddenly didn't want to talk to him.

Unknowingly, I arrived at the door of the hot pot restaurant.

Chen Yu opened the WeChat group chat and asked where everyone was. Not long after sending the message, everyone arrived.

Ke Liangji was the first to arrive. He sat on the rocking car at the entrance of the supermarket next to the hotpot restaurant. It cost him two yuan to rock the car for ten minutes. It was expensive as hell.

There were only two rocking cars in total. He took the Ultraman one, while the other children had to wait in line. The old mother holding the children looked at the boy with long hair unkindly.

"I was the first to arrive! I've been waiting for you for half an hour!" Ke Liangji said.

He didn't wear a helmet today. After getting along with her for half a month, he gradually gained a little resistance to the lethality of Asaba Rika. As long as he didn't see her, talk to her, or sit next to her, he could barely feel at ease. .

"Can you shave your beard? It's disgusting." Zhao Yage said with a look of disgust.

"Anyway, I'm not disgusted with myself. This wave is a counter-attack."

Jiang Ningle came to Asaba Rika. They had the best relationship. In addition to working together, they also sat together in class.

"Lixiang, this is my birthday gift to you, I wish you a happy birthday!"

"Wow! Thank you!!"

"And me, this is what I gave to you, and this is what Chicken Girl gave to you. Happy birthday to you!"

Although they are both girls, the gifts given by Zhao Yage and Jiang Ningle are different. Jiang Ningle gave them lipstick, and it was the color most suitable for pear fragrance. Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji gave them books related to painting. After all, for them, , giving gifts is really more troublesome than doing a set of algorithm questions.

"Thank you!! I love it!!"

Asaba Rika held the gift box contentedly, her big eyes almost narrowed into crescent moons when she smiled.

Seeing her so happy, Zhao Yage, who was worried that the gift would not be welcomed, was relieved and looked at the melancholy man who was leisurely watching the sunset.

She poked his soft spot with her elbow and asked, "We've all given birthday gifts, what about you?"

"Didn't I treat you to dinner?" Shen Yu said, took the ticket and went into the hotpot restaurant.

Zhao Yage was so angry that he was indeed a scumbag!

When other people's girlfriends celebrate their birthdays, their boyfriends have to put in a lot of effort, so Shen Yu invites a group of people to have a meal like this to celebrate both their achievements and their birthdays without caring at all. It's really too much!

"What are you doing standing around stupidly? There's a seat available. Come in and order."


Hearing Chen Yu's greeting, Asaba Rika happily held the gift in her arms and was the first to run in after him.

Zhao Yage sighed: "I hate that I can't fight..."

"What are you fighting for?" Ke Liangji asked.

"You don't understand even if I tell you." Zhao Yage and Jiang Ningle also went in.

Ke Liangji was left in a daze.

That's what you said!

