Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 67: Happy birthday


At half past eight in the evening, the party ended.

After all, the bottle of wine was still not finished. Shen Yu thought about it for a long time and still couldn't figure out why so many people loved such an unpleasant drink.

In TV dramas, if the male protagonist is emotionally injured, he will drink bottle after bottle of wine, or inhale one cigarette after another.

Shen Yu has never experienced it, so it is difficult to understand that feeling.

He rarely listens to music, and he can't find a sense of empathy in love-related songs. The only song that he has feelings for is the song "Farewell" that the class sang together when he graduated from high school.

Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky...

For some reason, during the class meeting that afternoon, everyone sang this song together, and Shen Yu suddenly felt a sadness of separation lingering in his heart.

Maybe the meaning of the songs and stories in the book can only be truly understood after you have experienced them yourself.

"Go back to the dormitory and talk to the group."

"Say it when you get home."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."


At the entrance of the hot pot restaurant, Shen Yu, Qianyu Lixiang and Zhao Yage separated and strolled towards home.

The ruddy color on Asaba Rika's face has not faded yet, and the night wind is also cool, which feels very comfortable when it blows on her face.

She held the gift in her arms and followed Shen Yu with a smile.

"are you drunk?"

"No, I just blush, but I'm not drunk yet!"

"Have you ever been drunk?"


"Then how do you know what it's like to be drunk?"

Asaba Rika thought for a while and said: "If you are drunk, you will probably talk nonsense, and then you will vomit everywhere, and you don't even have the strength to stand up. I have seen my father get drunk several times, and my mother took care of him all night. He didn’t sleep, and later he didn’t dare to drink so much.”

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Then your father's wine is okay."


"He just looks drunk."

Shen Yu said: "My father was drunk and sang opera at home. My mother kicked him out, so he sang in the yard by himself."

Asaba Rika was amused and asked, "Does uncle know what he did when he was drunk?"

"Who knows about him."

Shen Yu continued to move forward.

The scenery in southern Jiangsu at night is quite beautiful. As an ancient historical and cultural city, there are many small bridges and rivers, all of which are lit with colorful lights. Sometimes you can see a boat floating on the river, with a few lights hanging on the dock. A swaying lantern.

The temperature dropped a lot at night, and when the wind blew, Li Xiang felt a little cold, so she sneaked closer to Shen Yu, and it was especially warm near him.

Girls are afraid of the cold. If the heating is not turned on in the room in winter, their little feet will still be cold until dawn.

There were many people walking at night. Now that they had just eaten, Shen Yu couldn't walk very fast, so the two of them walked away as if they were taking a walk.

When you step on the bluestone road, you can feel the friction of the ancient stone slabs. Occasionally, there will be a few pieces that are loose, and they will make a crunching sound when you step on them.

Asaba Rika said distressedly: "I feel like I have gained weight..."

Chen Yu turned around and looked at her. Li Xiang's body proportions were perfect. Although she was only 165 in height, she looked slender and slender. And because her waist was particularly thin, some parts were more interesting than she looked.

"Are you a hundred pounds? That's fifty kilograms."

"How can it be!"

Asaba Rika touched her belly and said, "I feel like my belly has gained a little weight. I need to start losing weight."


"Shen Yu-kun, are you running with me too?"

Asaba Rika didn't like running, but after hearing what he said, she immediately became interested.

"I won't run with you. You must be running very slowly."


Girls are still very concerned about their weight. When passing by a shopping mall, Asaba Rika took Shen Yu in and bought an electronic scale.

Just such an ordinary gadget costs more than two hundred yuan, which is enough for Shen Yu to weigh himself in front of the drugstore two hundred times.

Nowadays, pharmacies are no longer conscience. In the past, weighing was free. Now, if you go to weigh yourself, you will either be charged one yuan, or you can scan the QR code to follow the official account and complete the browsing task to get a free weighing.

"Shen Yujun, how much do you weigh?"

"I weigh two hundred pounds."

"I'll weigh you when you get home!"

"I'm afraid I'll break this little tablet."

"It's not that easy to break."

Asaba Rika was very enthusiastic about helping Shen Yu weigh her, which made Shen Yu suspect that she was like a pig, weighing herself so that she could sell her meat.

When crossing the road, Asaba Rika followed Shen Yu and waited for the traffic light. There were more and more pedestrians around. She didn't like to come into contact with strangers, so she kept leaning towards Shen Yu, and finally they were next to each other through their clothes.

The heavy body temperature spread to her skin, and Rika Asaba felt her breathing speed up a lot, as if she could hear the thumping sound of her heart beating in her chest.

I don't know whether it was because the blush after drinking had not dissipated, or because it was really too hot around him, but Rika Asaba's little face turned red again. Shen Yu looked at the traffic light across the road expressionlessly, and she unscrupulously raised her head to peek at him.

The light of the street lamp fell on him. This was the first time Asaba Rika was so close to him, and she could clearly see the outline of his ears and the thin fluff around the hairline on his neck.

At that moment, it felt as if everyone else in the world had disappeared, and the picture was imprinted in her mind like a film reel for a long time.

Until the green light turned on, Shen Yu called her: "Let's go, why are you dazed."

She lowered her head and quickly trotted to follow him.

After returning home, Asaba Rika put the gift back in the room, and couldn't wait to take out the electronic scale, stepping on it with her bare feet to weigh herself.


Before coming to China, I gained a full 0.3 kilograms!

Could it be because the gravity here is relatively strong? Li Xiang felt that she didn't eat much at ordinary times, so when Shen Yu took her to find the way, he ate candied fruit, duck neck, rice cakes, stinky tofu...

Asaba Rika was frightened and ran down quickly, holding the electronic scale to find Shen Yu. She also wanted to weigh Shen Yu's weight.

But Shen Yu was not found on the second floor, nor was Shen Yu found on the first floor. Even Bai Xiaomeng was missing.

"Xiao Meng No. 1, do you know where Mr. Shen Yu has gone?"

Xiao Meng No. 1: "He said he went to the rooftop to look at the stars."

Asaba Rika ran to the roof again.

The small building has a two-and-a-half-story structure. There is only a utility room on the top floor, and the rest is open space. There are also several poles set up here to dry quilts and so on.

Chen Yu was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a pair of binoculars in his hand and looking at the night sky.

Bai Xiaomeng jumped to the edge of the wall. It was as high as three stories below. It was not afraid at all and walked steadily on the edge.

"Didn't I tell you? The weather said tonight the visibility of Mars is very high, and it happens to be your birthday, so I remembered it."

Mr. Shen Yu is so annoying!

Asaba Rika hummed, thinking that she didn't need to say the second half of the sentence, but he had to say it, it was so annoying!

She also sat down next to Shen Yu, hugged her knees with her hands, and looked at the night sky in the direction Shen Yu was looking.

The starry sky tonight is very clear. All kinds of stars that are not usually seen appear. The deep starry sky looks very gorgeous.

"What a nice view!"

"Shen Yujun, where is the spark? Is it the brightest one?"

"That one is Sirius. Mars is in the southern sky. Do you see it... The one that doesn't shine and is red in color is Mars."

"I saw!!"

Rika Asaba took the telescope given to her by Chen Yu and finally saw Mars.

She was just a girl, and she was obviously more interested in twinkling stars. After returning the telescope to Shen Yu, she clasped her hands together at the brightest star and made a birthday wish.

"What are you doing?"

"Make a wish. I heard that making a wish on a star will work wonders. I will make a wish on the brightest star. It must have the strongest ability to make wishes come true."

Rika Asaba continued to make wishes with a pious look on her face. She had a lot of wishes.

"Sirius is 8.6 light years away from the earth. It comes back and forth. Even if your wish is to be realized, it will take seventeen years."

"Ah, why is this like this!"

Rika Asaba was greatly shocked and asked: "Then should I make a wish on that star?"

"Mars, it won't flash, but at least it's fast."

Rika Asaba then made a wish with Mars again.

In order to verify Mars' ability to fulfill wishes, Asaba Rika also made a wish for Shen Yujun to give her a birthday gift, but she whispered in a low voice and spoke in Japanese. Shen Yujun must not know, and he was not prepared. It’s a birthday gift, and it’s definitely too late to hear it.

If this wish can come true, she will become a believer on Mars from now on!

After making her wish, Rika Asaba opened her eyes. Unexpectedly, there was a ceramic panda doll beside her.

It was so small that it could be held in the palm of her hand. She immediately felt familiar. Isn't this the same as last time...

Li Xiang held the panda doll in her hand, and the ceramic was still warm. She looked back at Shen Yu—

It's just that Shen Yu picked up the telescope and looked at the night sky again. His lips moved slightly, and he was obviously a little nervous, but he still pretended to be casual and said:

"Bought it for two dollars."

"Happy birthday."



(Bless Lixiangbixin~!)