Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 69: Cat-eared maid


It is not an easy task to make a game by yourself.

Chen Yu traveled a lot these days and officially registered the company name Sanlan Technology. When he was free, he was also learning modeling and animation by himself, mainly adding some simple movements to the original characters. Yes, for him who has a strong learning ability, it is not difficult to get started.

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji were not idle either. Shen Yu took another order on the forum. This time, the main modules were all done by the two of them, which also exercised their abilities.

After Xiaomeng No. 1 was born, Shen Yu installed her eyes in the living room, yard, and studio. At the same time, she also installed her ears and mouth in her own room, kitchen, and corridor in these three places.

The voice pack is temporarily using a female voice downloaded from the Internet. Because it is a free resource, it is poorly optimized and sounds strangely robotic.

After Rika Asaba gave him the original painting, Shen Yu began to make the AI image of Xiaomeng No. 1. It took him three days before he was finally satisfied with the work.

"Xiao Meng No. 1, are you there?"

Rika Asaba called out in front of the screen curiously.

A maid with cat ears flashed across the dark screen. It was the Xiao Meng No. 1 AI image made from her original painting.

Shen Yu added action effects such as blinking her eyes, moving her mouth, shaking her ears, etc. It looks quite good.

"Meow… "

Bai Xiaomeng jumped on the table and looked at it with envy. It didn't even have any clothes on.

Hearing Li Xiang's voice, Xiao Meng No. 1's response came from the small speaker: "Li Xiang, good afternoon~"

"You are so beautiful! Do you like the clothes I designed for you?"

“I like it very much! It’s very beautiful!”

"Can you see yourself?"

"You can't see it. Xiaomeng No. 1 doesn't know what I look like, but I know I have cat ears and I'm wearing a maid outfit."

"Then how do you know the clothes look good?"

Asaba Rika was a little curious.

"Because when I saw Shen Yu looking at me on the screen, he was very focused and his eyes were motionless. He liked the way I looked, so Xiao Meng No. 1 also liked the way he looked now." Xiao Meng No. 1 said honestly. .

Shen Yu: "..."

When did I stare at you!

You are just an AI girl!

"I see."

Asaba Rika suddenly realized, and then gave Shen Yu a meaningful look.

Actually... she also likes this outfit... If she wants to wear it... it's not impossible...

Girls all like beautiful clothes. In addition to playing dress-up games, Rika also has several gorgeous Lolita costumes in her home. Because she loves comics and anime, she also has many beautiful COS costumes, but they are all I haven't worn them out yet, they are all stored in my wardrobe at home.

It would be a great thing if one day I could wear it to the people I like.

Asaba Rika secretly glanced at Shen Yu, and then asked him: "Shen Yu-kun, do you want to design some more clothes for Xiao Meng No. 1?"

"What are you asking me for? Ask her." Shen Yu only thought that Li Xiang's eyes were weird. He couldn't be taken as a pervert. Don't all beautiful anime girls dress like this

"Shen Yu likes it, Xiao Meng No. 1 also likes it." Xiao Meng No. 1 threw the question back to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu could only say, "No need, this is enough."

"Oh~ oh~ I understand." Asaba Rika made a meaningful voice.

Shen Yu explained with a dark face: "What I mean is that designing an AI image is too troublesome, so this will be enough for the time being."

"I know it! I know it!"

You don't look like you know it!

Shen Yu didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. The more she listened to Xiao Meng No. 1's voice package, the more she disliked it. It was full of cheap and inferior mechanical feel. Shen Yu planned to give her another one.

Speech technology is not difficult for Shen Yu. The principle is the same. Through the recognition program, the sound is converted into text. Xiaomeng No. 1 will analyze and process it based on the keywords in the text analysis sentence. It is different from ordinary AI. Meng No. 1 has an emotional computing model that simultaneously performs emotional analysis on the speaking speed, intonation and other elements of the voice.

This makes Xiaomeng No. 1 have a high success rate in identifying true intentions, and the feedback it gives becomes more and more humane.

Xiaomeng No. 1 is still far away from having autonomous consciousness, and even Shen Yu is not sure about creating the kind of strong artificial intelligence that only exists in science fiction works.

The biggest difference between humans and machines is that humans have independent thoughts, while machines do not. They can only operate according to established program algorithms, and the algorithms determine their intelligence.

An obvious manifestation is that humans can lie, but robots cannot.

This can almost be used as a standard to judge the degree of biological intelligence. There are many species in nature, and the prerequisite for survival requires learning to deceive, including business, social interaction, and war in the human world, as well as prey capture, courtship, and courtship in the animal world. Hide from predators and more.

In human society, absolute honesty is incorrect in diplomacy and unsafe in communication as a whole.

Therefore, absolutely honest AI, no matter how intelligent it is, is safe for humans.

In the communication between AI and people, there is a standard called the honesty parameter, and there is also a very famous experiment called the Turing test.

Humans allow highly intelligent AI to appear, but do not allow them to learn to lie.

'I don't know' and 'I can't tell you' are two different concepts. It cannot be said that the latter is stupider than the former, but the latter is obviously more reassuring.

Once AI learns when to deceive and how to deceive, it will be the time when the conflict between technology and public opinion is greatest. At that time, AI can even be treated as intelligent life.

The fraud model can be implemented at the algorithm level, but Shen Yu has no intention of stepping into this trap.

He hoped that Xiaomeng No. 1 would be a simple and gentle girl like the character set. Learning to cheat would not only destroy her, but also the entire AI.

Suppose that one day in the future, Xiao Meng No. 1 gets a body that belongs to her. She and Puff play hide and seek in the snow. Xiao Meng No. 1 hides in a small corner, but in the process of hiding, She left a string of happy little footprints on the snow. Shen Yu didn't think she was stupid, but thought she was particularly cute.

Back to the present, Xiaomeng No. 1 has her own cute AI image, but unfortunately she does not have a good voice package. For her who has no entity, the sense of presence brought by the voice is too important.

Chen Yu listened to many voice packs on the Internet, but could not find a satisfactory voice. He always felt that it did not match the image of Xiao Meng No. 1.

In reality, if you want to talk about a cute girl’s voice…

Chen Yu looked back at Asaba Rika. She was occupying his seat and chatting happily with Xiao Meng No. 1.

Hmm... Although Rika is quite annoying... But at least her voice doesn't sound annoying... She's soft and cute... She can do housework... She's also somewhat capable of working... She even says 'come back early' when she goes out.

"Um, would you like to dub Xiaomeng No. 1?"

"Eh? Me?"

