Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 74: Forced into a corner


"Where are we going now?"

"Go take the subway."

Asaba Rika followed Shen Yu, and the squad leader led the way. The group of people walked toward the subway station near the school.

The destination of this trip is a newly opened farm in the suburbs. The location is relatively remote. Because we signed up as a group, there will be a bus to pick up and drop off the farm after the subway.

Listening to the conversations of other students in the class, this farm has a very good reputation recently, especially the field projects, which use the latest equipment.

Rika Asaba has taken the subway only a handful of times. Every time the subway in Japan reaches rush hour, there are so many people, and there are special pushers pushing passengers outside the door to help them squeeze into the subway.

Even though the subway is very convenient, most Japanese girls don't like to take the subway. After all, they have to put on makeup every day when they go out. It's easy to mess up the makeup, or if they wear something cooler, it's inevitable that someone will take the opportunity to do something offensive. thing.

"There must be a lot of people, right?"

"Fortunately, the flow of people is relatively even on weekends, so you can squeeze in."

When you come to the subway station, you swipe your card if you have a card, and swipe your phone if you don't have a card.

Shen Yu taught Asaba Rika how to do it, but she was full of curiosity. After swiping her card to enter the station, she came to the waiting area to wait. There were not really many people, but there were about ten people lined up in front of each gate, and everyone was quiet. He lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, looking up from time to time to look at the direction of the subway.

"Come here, there are fewer people."


The classmates were all crowded in front of the same door. Shen Yu took Lixiang to the next door with fewer people. If he hadn't taken her, Lixiang wouldn't have dared to go too far away from Zhao Yage and the others, otherwise they wouldn't be able to find her if the crowd rushed in. People.

Five minutes later, the subway arrived at the station. Rika Asaba could see many people standing in the subway through the glass, and she felt a little desperate.

"Shen Yujun, it seems like you can't get in!"

"Okay, otherwise you won't be able to get in at night."

The cabin door opened, and after the passengers got off the bus, a lot of space became available, and people waiting outside filed in.

"Follow me!"

Chen Yu subconsciously pulled Asaba Rika's wrist and led her to squeeze inside.

Li Xiang was stunned for a moment, her face turned red and she became dull, and she followed him obediently.

The hatch was open for a short time, and some people inside slowly came out. People who had not entered outside couldn't wait and began to squeeze in. There was a lot of chaos at the door.

Fortunately, Shen Yu opened the way in front of her. He was 185 in height and build, and Rika Asaba followed him. He blocked the crowd and squeezed into the subway smoothly.

Shen Yu pulled her to the corner between the seat and the wall and asked her to stand here. Then he blocked the opening of the corner so that no one outside could squeeze in her.

The cabin door was closed, and some passengers who had not squeezed in had no choice but to wait for the next train.

As the train started, Rika Asaba swayed for a moment, but fortunately she was leaning against the wall in a corner, so she stood firmly in the corner.

Chen Yu stood in front of her like this, looking straight out the window. The billboards that flashed by from time to time reflected a light in his eyes.

Asaba Rika was very close to him, secretly raising her eyes to look at him.

The crowding outside seemed to have nothing to do with her. She felt extremely safe and comfortable in this small corner blocked by depression.

"Shen Yujun..."


"You're sweating..."


"Let me wipe it for you!"

Saying that, Asaba Rika was about to take a tissue from her bag, but Shen Yu tilted his head and wiped the sweat off with the clothes on his shoulders.

There were so many people in the subway, the air conditioning was not working well, and there were so many people crowding behind him. If he didn't hold on to the wall, he would have fallen on Li Xiang.

Fortunately, as the train moved forward, everyone gradually stood still, and Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

For such a crowded place, Asaba Rika, who was in a safe corner, barely concealed her curiosity and looked at the people around her with her big eyes.

There were people who had successfully occupied seats, people who were playing games on their mobile phones, people who were listening to music with headphones, students who were discussing games, office workers with grimaces and expressionless faces, chattering grandparents, and a couple hugging each other as if no one was watching. couple.

The girl was about the same height as Rika, and the boy was about the same height as Shen Yu, but they didn't occupy this safe corner, so the boy became a human-shaped pillar, and the girl hugged his waist with a happy face, her face pressed against his chest. .

Aren’t they hot…

Li Xiang thought a little sourly, it must be very hot!

If it were her holding Shen Yujun... Well...

Asaba Rika felt that her heart was hit by a deer, and she quickly put back her random thoughts.

He still couldn't help but secretly raise his eyes to look at Shen Yu. Anyway, he was looking out the window. In fact, there was nothing good to see outside the window, but if Shen Yu lowered his head naturally, he would only be able to see Li Xiang, which would be embarrassing.

"Shen Yujun, have you often taken the subway before?"

“Junior high school and high school students have to take the subway to and from school every day.”

"There will be a lot of people at that time, right?"

"Get used to it."

The two chatted for a while, but Shen Yu's answers were almost always used to interrupt the conversation. If it were another girl, she might not know how to answer the conversation.

It's a pity that Asaba Rika never runs out of topics. She looked at Shen Yu with a smile and asked him: "Why did Shen Yu think of taking me out to play with you today? You ignored me in the past two weeks..."

Shen Yu looked at the car window expressionlessly, and after a while he asked her, "Did I ignore you?"

"Yes! Just say 'no time'"

"Isn't this none of your business?"

Qianyu Lixiang was so frightened that she finally closed her mouth and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Shen Yu felt at ease. Fortunately, he didn't have to change lines. However, he still had to stand for half an hour after there were so many stops.

Asaba Rika felt a little tired after standing for a long time, so she leaned on the corner at a wider angle, stretching out her calves a little, and her shoes were just between Shen Yu's shoes. Occasionally, Shen Yu moved his legs, and their shoes touched. When he touched him, she immediately retracted as fast as lightning. Seeing that he had stopped moving, she secretly stretched out his hand again, very naughtily.

Shen Yu noticed her little move and warned: "If you step on my shoes again, I will take off your shoes and use feathers to tickle the soles of your feet!"

Asaba Rika was startled. She was most afraid of having her soles of her feet tickled, so she quickly retracted her restless feet and stood up obediently.

When passing a station with a large passenger flow, there were a lot of people rushing up in the subway. Not long after the muscles relaxed, they were depressed. One of them couldn't stand still and was pushed by the passengers who entered the door and pressed towards Asaba Rika.

Feeling some kind of fiery breath approaching instantly, Asaba Rika tensed her body, her eyes widened, and her little hands grasped the corners of her clothes uneasily, feeling that he was about to pounce on her.

Shen Yu's chest was less than three centimeters away from her little face. It looked so strong and warm that it burned her little face.

Her little nose moved and she smelled the gloomy smell.

Then he raised his head and looked into his eyes.

The little face is a little pink.

"Shen Yujun..."

"You, you smell so good..."



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