Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 84: I really know how to cook


When Shen Yu returned home, the courtyard door opened. Bai Xiaomeng, who was sleeping on the stone table, saw Su Zhifu who was proud of him in the back seat. Not to be outdone, he ran out quickly and sat down in the basket of the car.

"We're already home, why are you running up here?"


Shen Yu was speechless, parked the electric car, and Su Zhifu climbed out of the back seat. Bai Xiaomeng also got out of the car basket, turned to look at the crushed green onions in the basket, and quickly ran away.

"Shen Yujun, you are back!"

Rika Asaba saw Su Zhifu sitting on the electric car and expressed great envy that she could hang the whole child on Shen Yu's back like this. If she were to hug him like this, Shen Yu would definitely throw her away. On the main road.

"I didn't find the minced meat. Maybe I ran out of it. I bought some pork and chopped it myself."

Chen Yu took out the vegetables from the cart basket and showed them to Asaba Rika for inspection.

Li Xiang looked through it briefly and saw that she had bought all the vegetables, but the quantities were a bit too much. Shen Yu didn't know how to buy vegetables, so he just bought the extra ones.

"It doesn't matter, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Shen Yu! I'll go up and cook!"

"Let me do it."


Before Asaba Rika could recover, Shen Yu had already taken the dishes and went to the kitchen on the second floor to prepare them.

"I'll come too, I'll come too! I'm the best at making dumplings!"

Su Zhifu shouted and followed Shen Yu up the stairs.

When he came to the kitchen, Shen Yu put the dishes on the kitchen table. He didn't know how to start for a while.

Asaba Rika, who was kicked out by him and stood at the door of the kitchen, reminded: "Wash all the vegetables first, and then chop them into fillings..."

"Do you think I don't know?"

Shen Yu started to wash the vegetables. Pork was the hardest to wash. This kind of fatty belly meat made his hands greasy after washing.

When killing the prawns, Shen Yu also had difficulties. He couldn't bear to pick off the heads, tails and shells of the lively prawns. Like many novices in the kitchen, they know how to cook chicken, duck, fish and other delicacies, but If you want them to kill chickens and fish, you feel like you can't do it anymore.

"Puff, are you coming?"

"I don't want to kill the prawns!"

Su Zhifu took the scissors and wanted to try to cut off the heads of the shrimps, but the way the prawns were struggling so hard frightened her. She also said that the prawns were so pitiful that she stopped eating prawns.

"I'll add some water and drown them."

Su Zhifu said that she was about to put the prawns into the pool. Shen Yu drove her away, fished out the prawns, and cut them with scissors.

"Brother Shenyu, will the prawn hurt? If you cut its head, it must hurt a lot, right?"

"...Can you stop talking? How can I cut you like this? How does your mommy usually kill prawns?"

"She didn't kill the prawns. Our family only eats red prawns, not this white one."

"You go pick spring onions, I don't want to see you."


Su Zhifu went over to talk to Asaba Rika, who was peeling corn kernels. With her sharp eyes, she saw the wound on Asaba Rika's left hand caused by a wooden skewer.

"Sister Lixiang, what's wrong with your hand?"

"I'm injured. Mr. Shen Yu is afraid that if I touch the water, the wound won't heal, so he's going to make dumplings for us to eat today."

Shen Yu, who was killing prawns on the other side, muttered, "I just want to cook today, can't I?"

No one paid any attention to him.

"That must hurt, right?"

Su Zhifu said: "Let me blow it for you. I usually fall and it won't hurt after I blow it."

"It doesn't hurt. In fact, it's just a little bit. It will get better soon."

Asaba Rika likes talking to Su Zhifu very much. She has always liked children, especially well-behaved and cute children like Puff. Whenever she sees her little arms and short legs, she is holding a plump white baby. When Xiaomeng entered the room, he couldn't help but say kawaii.

"Puff, did you make any new friends at school?"

"Yes, Li Mutian and I are the best, we are at the same table, and I even saved her life!"

"!! What's wrong with her?"

"Just last week, Li Mutian fell down and broke her hand. I remembered the rescue methods on TV, picked a lot of small flowers and grass at school, crushed them up and applied them to her hands. She said it didn't hurt anymore. The next day Li Mutian came to school and said, "My father said you were a fool and told me not to play with you, but I think your medicine is very useful. You saved my life. We Let’s be friends secretly. Then we will become good friends!”

"Then Li Mutian also told me a secret. She said that the honeysuckle tea in the office was delicious and very sweet, but the teacher only gave it to children with fever. Then she took me to the playground to bask in the sun and wait for the forehead to be burned. Then we went to find the teacher, and the teacher poured us tea as expected."

After listening to this, Asaba Rika also admired the intelligence and wit of the two children.

Like a curious child, she quickly asked: "Is the honeysuckle tea really sweet?"

Su Zhifu pursed her lips and said, "I don't think it's very sweet, but Li Mutian especially likes it."

"Then how do you make your herbal medicine..."

"It's super complicated. I searched all over the school to find so much grass..."

Shen Yu, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, had dark lines on his face and felt that his IQ was being rubbed on the ground. The key was that Li Xiang was able to chat with Puff!

After Shen Yu washed the ingredients, he was ready to chop the meat filling.

He put a whole piece of pork on the cutting board, took the knife and was about to start chopping.

Asaba Rika reminded: "Shen Yujun... it will be faster if you cut the meat first and then chop it..."

"Do you think I don't know?"

Shen Yu secretly thought it was troublesome, and then he started to cut the meat. He felt the blade of the knife moving on his fingertips. He couldn't help but increase his concentration. However, the meat was a bit disobedient. He always felt that the edge of the knife would tilt back and forth when he exerted force.

Asaba Rika reminded again: "Shen Yu-kun, you can easily cut your hands like this, your fingertips should be retracted..."

"How could I cut my hand? Hiss...!"

Then Shen Yu got it.

He suddenly retracted his left hand, put down the knife in his right hand, and instantly pinched his left index finger, and a few drops of bright red blood came out from the incision.

"Ah? How are you, Mr. Shen Yu!!"

Rika Asaba was startled and immediately became anxious. She took a pack of tissues, pulled out several pieces of toilet paper, rushed to Shen Yu for the first time, then held his hand, wrapped his fingers with tissues, and then I didn't dare to press hard for fear of hurting him.

"Let's go to the hospital! It's all my fault. If I didn't want to cook, you wouldn't have cut your hand..."

Asaba Rika was so anxious that she was distracted. Shen Yu was stunned by her. He could feel the warmth of Rika's left hand holding him, and could clearly see the anxiety between her brows and eyes. Her eyes were misty, and she wanted to cry. look like.

Suddenly her heart felt warm. She was very close to him, so she felt her heart beating involuntarily.

"I'm fine, it's just a little bit of skin... I was watching... I pulled my hand away as soon as the knife was tilted... "

"You're bleeding! I, I'm going to get medicine..."

"It's really okay... Hey? Don't cry... It was my hand that was cut, why are you crying..."

Seeing Asaba Rika crying anxiously, Shen Yu also became anxious. He was most afraid of girls crying.

So I quickly took off the tissue and showed her the wound. Fortunately, the cut was not deep. If I didn't touch it randomly, the blood would no longer flow out.

Asaba Rika held his hand and looked at it carefully, wishing she could use a magnifying glass to see it. Only after she was sure it was not serious, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Yu felt a little uncomfortable when she held his hand like this, his face felt hot, and he didn't dare to look at her.

"Let me give you some medicine..."

"It's okay, I'll just do it by myself, and we'll talk about it after dinner."

He withdrew his hand without leaving any trace and continued to cut the meat.

But Rika Asaba said nothing and wouldn't let him cut anymore. She put on her gloves, picked up the kitchen knife on the chopping board, and began to cut the meat and stuffing with skillful movements that Shen Yu could not catch up with in a hundred years.

Chen Yu was watching her busy at the side, and Su Zhifu took his hand and helped him blow while looking at her cheeks.

"Blow it and it won't hurt anymore!"

"But I always feel like you're blowing all your saliva on my hand."

"My saliva is also very effective!"

"Are you a dog?"

Shen Yu went out to get the medicine box. There was still a lot of medicine bought yesterday. He simply disinfected it, put a band-aid on it, and came over to help make dumplings.

Asaba Rika has prepared the fillings and is sitting at the dining table making dumplings with Su Zhifu. The dumplings are made in the same way. Of course, the dumplings made by herself have more fillings.

"Mr. Shen Yu, your hand is injured, just let me take care of it."

Rika Asaba looked at the band-aid wrapped on his index finger and felt distressed. It was obviously his hand that was cut, but she also clearly felt the pain. Her heart felt like being scratched. When she saw his wound, she frowned. Wrinkled together.

I am also extremely complicated inside, and I always feel that it is all my fault.

"It's okay. You made me think I cut off my finger."

"Mr. Shen Yu, please don't talk nonsense. Next time, next time, you won't be allowed to mess around..."

The three of them made dumplings together.

Except for Su Zhifu, Shen Yu and Li Xiang were a little silent.

Chen Yu was concentrating on making dumplings. He couldn't be underestimated by Li Xiang because he knew nothing.

Rika Asaba was a little absent-minded. From time to time she would stare at his finger covered with a band-aid, still worried.

"Can you please stop looking at me like this? I'm really fine..." Shen Yu was not blind, and he felt uncomfortable when she looked at him.

"Okay..." Asaba Rika couldn't help but look at him.

The room fell silent.

Until Su Zhifu was surprised to discover:

"Brother Chenyu has a cut on his hand, and Sister Lixiang also has a cut on her hand, so together you two are a couple!"

Lixiang reacted, blushing and lowering her head without saying anything. The dumpling in her hand was filled with fillings, and she was still adding...

Shen Yu wanted to speak but stopped, stopped talking but wanted to.

There is still less homework for primary school students...



(Remember to vote for feeding~)

(Thank you very much to the leader of 'Cracked Me' for the reward~!)