Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 85: a family of three


Darkness comes earlier and earlier.

Chen Yu installed Xiaomeng No. 1 with switch sensors for many electrical appliances in his home. As the sky darkened, the lights in the room automatically turned on.

The lights in the city are also lit one by one. If you look down from a high altitude, you can see the golden river formed by the vehicle lights below, as well as the brightly lit windows of one house after another.

"Finally finished!"

Su Zhifu cheered for joy. Her little hands were covered with flour residue. She just wiped her face, so there was a white streak on her face.

Among the three of them, Shen Yu was the slowest in making dumplings. He estimated that he had only made about ten dumplings, Qian Yulixiang had made more than thirty, and even Su Zhifu had made more than twenty. indivual.

"Hehe, brother Shenyu, you have the least baggage, so you are the stupidest!"

Su Zhifu was very proud. Although she was small and had small hands, her family ran a small noodle shop. Aunt Wang often needed to make dumplings, and sometimes she would help. For Shen Yu, dumpling wrappers The dumplings are very small, but for her, they are very big. Instead, they take advantage of their dexterity. The dumplings they make have round bellies and are very cute.

"I'll give you a finger. Are you proud of winning?"

"Ah, you are cheating!"

"If I use ten fingers, I can wrap more bags than all of you combined."

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Seeing Shen Yu and Su Zhifu bickering, Qian Yulixiang found it very interesting. The more she watched, the more she felt that Shen Yu was a good father.

She wiped her hands on her apron, took out a disposable crisper box from the cabinet, and put twenty fresh dumplings in it.

"Shen Yujun, we made a total of seventy dumplings this time, and I plan to give 20 to Puff to take home to eat."

"Add a few more, we won't be able to finish them all."


Chen Yu looked at her actions and suddenly felt a sense of connection. Originally, he wanted to remind Li Xiang to pack a portion. After all, Aunt Wang's family often gave him things during the Chinese New Year and holidays, including homemade rice dumplings, glutinous rice cakes, and snacks. , he would often ask Puff to bring some for him to try.

Among the neighbors, Aunt Wang’s family is the only one who often interacts with them now. After all, many of the neighbors no longer live in this old alley and have bought new houses outside. The old houses are rented out to young people who come to work in southern Jiangsu. , the faces are always changing.

When Shen Yu was a child, she could still walk around the streets and play with her friends. When Su Zhifu was a child, she was the only big brother next door.

Asaba Rika packed thirty fresh dumplings, all of which are still raw. You can fry, steam, or boil them when you want to eat them. They are not a rare thing. Maybe the taste is not as good as those made by Aunt Wang herself, but at least it is a good idea. Well.

She went to the kitchen to make dumplings, and Shen Yu took the box she had packed, put it in a clean plastic bag, put it on the side of the dining table, and reminded Puff to remember to take it back when he gets home later.

The two of them had a tacit understanding.

Su Zhifu was lying in front of the fish tank, looking at the little goldfish with Bai Xiaomeng.

"They've grown up so much!"

Su Zhifu certainly remembered that this was the gift she gave to Shen Yu last year.

It's not right to say they are gifts, because she caught these three little goldfish at the amusement park, one black and two red, and they looked very silly.

Because there was no fish tank at home, he sent it to Shen Yu's house. Shen Yu didn't have a fish tank either, so he kept it in the bathtub. It wasn't until Asaba Rika came to live at home that she remembered to buy a big fish tank for the three little goldfish and move them to a villa. .

"You can eat, you can poop, and you look stupid." Shen Yu said with disgust.

"It's not stupid at all!"

Su Zhifu's little face was pressed against the wall of the fish tank, and three little goldfish swam over stupidly, looking curiously at this stupid child through the glass.

She twisted a few grains of feed into the water and sprinkled it, and the little goldfish swam over to lick it. Her little fingers stirred on the water. The little goldfish was not afraid of her, and even licked her fingers, making her giggle. laugh.

As the saying goes, nothing tastes better than dumplings.

Dumplings originated in the Spring and Autumn Period. They are called differently in each place, such as steamed buns, water buns, dumplings, flat food, etc. There are also various ways to eat them.

After dumplings were introduced to Japan, they became even more popular. In Japan, you can go to any restaurant, ramen shop, izakaya, etc. and order a dumpling to eat. It is also very popular. Grow delicious food.

In terms of eating methods, they prefer to fry them. In China, dumplings are mostly used as staple food, while in Japan, dumplings are used as a side dish, a food that is used with meals.

Of course, there was no cooking at home today, and the dumplings didn’t have such a strong flavor. Asaba Rika planned to make them in three ways: pan-fried, boiled, and steamed.

As Chef Lixiang is busy, the tempting aroma comes from the kitchen.

Shen Yu stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at her in an apron. She was picking up dumplings one by one with chopsticks and frying them in the pan.

Her movements are skillful and gentle. When cooking, she always ties up her hair, so you can see her slender and white neck. On the edge of her hairline, there is a very small and inconspicuous mole. Usually she Shen Yu never noticed when her hair was let down.

Lixiang, who was cooking very seriously, seemed to notice the gloomy gaze and looked back. The two looked at each other for a moment, and then immediately avoided it.

"Shen Yujun... why are you looking at me like this..." she asked in a low voice, looking at the dumplings in the pot, flipping them with chopsticks from time to time, very gently.

"Oh... I just wanted to ask if there is anything you need help with. Since you have trouble with your hands, I'll just ask." Shen Yu said vaguely.

"No need, my hand is fine. Shen Yujun's hand just got cut, so you need to pay more attention..."


Shen Yu stopped standing at the door of the kitchen and was an eyesore. He originally wanted to go down to the first floor to work, but for some reason, he became more and more lazy and didn't want to move.

'It's probably because my finger is injured and it's inconvenient to type on the keyboard'

Shen Yu felt relieved, returned to the living room, and turned on the TV.

Su Zhifu ran over immediately.

"Brother Shenyu, when will your TV be repaired?"

"It would be nice to be struck by lightning."

"I want to see the animal world!"

Shen Yu went to look for movies and found a documentary about Blue Planet. Su Zhifu hugged Bai Xiaomeng and sat down cross-legged in front of the TV and watched it carefully.

"Don't get so close, or you may damage my TV with your eyes."

Shen Yu went over and put her on the sofa, watching TV with her.

Su Zhifu is very similar to Shen Yu when he was a child. He prefers watching these animal worlds to cartoons, which he finds very novel and interesting.

"Brother Shenyu, is this a horse? Can a horse swim in water?"

"This is the Grass Sea Dragon."

"Are those red eggs its eggs?"

"He is the father of the sea dragon, and the red ones are the eggs laid on him by the mother of the sea dragon. He will become a daddy and keep dragging these egg babies until they hatch."

"Wow… "

Hearing the sound of the TV in the living room, Asaba Rika, who was cooking in the kitchen, couldn't help but look back. Then she saw two figures, one big and one small, on the sofa. Puff had question marks on his head and kept asking Shen Yu. Shen Yu answered the questions patiently.

I don't know what came to mind, Li Xiang looked at this scene and was in a trance for a long time.

"It's time to eat~"

After dinner was ready, she brought out the dumplings. Shen Yu also turned off the TV, took Su Zhifu to wash her hands, and then sat down to eat together.

The dumplings taste very good, and the most fragrant ones are the fried dumplings. The skin is golden and crispy, but the fillings inside are still very tender.

The prawns and pork are chopped together into a filling, and wrapped in a dumpling wrapper with corn kernels, mushroom kernels and other ingredients. It is super satisfying when you eat it.

"Didn't you say you don't eat prawns?"

"I didn't see any prawns..."

The dumplings were quite big. Su Zhifu ate eight dumplings but didn't see any prawns.

Because Su Zhifu was eating messily, there were a lot of oil stains on her hands, face, and collar. Asaha Rika used a tissue to wipe her clean while eating, with gentle and considerate movements.

Shen Yu looked at the two of them with the same gaze, and said nothing as he ate dumplings in a muffled voice.

After the meal, Qian Yulixiang put away the dishes and put on gloves to wash the dishes. Shen Yu carried the dumpling box and sent Su Zhifu home.

The alleys are much livelier at night than during the day. Young people after get off work have come back one after another and have a simple meal at various fast food restaurants.

"Brother Shenyu, will you marry Sister Lixiang in the future?"

Su Zhifu asked him this unexpectedly.

Chen Yu almost choked on his own saliva, rolled his eyes, looked down at her and said, "How could you ask such a stupid question?"

"Mommy said Sister Lixiang is suitable to be a wife and asked me to learn more from her."

"…Then what did you say?"

"If I say I want to marry you when I grow up, mommy and the others will just laugh!"

"Haha, I don't eat leaf rice mixed with mud."

Shen Yu slipped Puff back home.

On the way back, I received a call from my mother. Today is Monday, Thursday is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and we have a week off for both festivals.

In addition to daily phone inspections, this time my mother specifically asked him to go home for two days during the Mid-Autumn Festival, otherwise she and her father would come to stay with him for two days.

He also asked him to bring Li Xiang with him.

"She should go back to Japan for such a long vacation. Besides, it's so embarrassing for our family. There's no way she can agree."

"You ask, you can't come back and leave the girl alone in the house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Your dad said that business will be particularly difficult this year, so you have to take care of them..."

When Shen Yu returned home, the kitchen had been cleaned up, and Asaba Rika was painting in the room.

The door to her room was open, and Shen Yu didn't go in. He knocked on the door.

"Hey! Mr. Shen Yu, you are back! There are cut oranges on the table!"


Shen Yu organized his words and asked, "Um, are you going home for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Go back to your house or mine?"




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