Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 89: Gift


Ever since his parents moved to a new house, Chen Yu has been living here by himself, and he is not used to it. Instead, he feels free and comfortable living alone.

It wasn't until a clingy man moved in that life began to change.

If Li Xiang is too dependent, then Shen Yu is too independent.

Two people with completely opposite personalities gradually got used to it after living together, especially Asaba Rika. Shen Yu helped her make the decision in everything. She was very happy, and Shen Yu didn't have to worry about what the two would do. Whenever there was any disagreement, Rika would listen to him anyway.

Shen Yu is usually busy with work and study, and rarely goes back to his new home except for the New Year and holidays. This time, his mother asked him to take Li Xiang home for two days. I don’t know what she thought. If he didn’t agree, I’m afraid my parents would really I came to stay with him for two days.

Rather than letting them come back to live there, it is better to take Lixiang back to live there. Once the door is closed, the ears will be clean.

After school early on Wednesday afternoon, he rode his electric bike home. When he entered the alley, he saw Su Zhifu running on the road carrying a small schoolbag.

"Were you chased by a dog?"


"Then why are you running?"

"It's a day off tomorrow! If I run back early, can't I have more time off?"


"Brother Shenyu, are you going to chase me? You ride the bike and I run. I want to compete with you to see who gets home first!"


Then Shen Yu turned the accelerator and reached home in the blink of an eye.

Su Zhifu chased after the electric car so hard that she was so tired that she stuck out her tongue. When she passed by his house, she snorted at him and said, "You're so stupid! I haven't even called you start yet!"

Shen Yu ignored her and she couldn't run the electric car with both legs.

Su Zhifu first ran home to put away her schoolbag, and then ran to his house and came over to pull the water pipe to water the flowers and plants in the yard.

Asaba Rika was preparing dinner upstairs. Shen Yu had nothing to do. She found a two-liter empty mineral water bottle in the corner, then found a small stick and some ropes, rummaged through the glove box, and found Some wires and the small light bulb that Su Zhifu picked up last time came out.

Sit down on the stone table and chairs in the yard and cut open the mineral water bottle with scissors.

Su Zhifu had sharp eyes. After pouring the water quickly, she put the water pipe in place and walked over to him. She put her dirty little hands on his thigh and stared at Shen Yu unblinkingly. The pile of rags in his hand.

"Brother Shenyu, what are you doing?"

"Do you have a red pen for drawing?"


Su Zhifu ran home and got a red pen.

“Paint the water bottle red.”


She used a pen to paint the mineral water bottle red little by little. The color didn't stick and her little hands were also dyed red.

Shen Yu found two batteries, connected the light bulb with electricity, fixed it in the mineral water bottle with wire, and made a small switch. Finally, he tied it with a small rope and hung it on a wooden stick.

As soon as the switch was pressed, the light came on. Through the wall of the red mineral water bottle, red light was emitted, and it was very bright.

"Wow! What a bright lantern!"

Su Zhifu's eyes were shining and she liked it very much.

"Here you go, go home and eat."

“We are the best!!”

Su Zhifu took the lantern that Shen Yu made for her and ran home happily.

Xiao Meng No. 1: "Chen Yu, Li Xiang called you to eat."


Shen Yu washed his hands and went upstairs to eat.

The sky was already gray. When I walked to the balcony on the second floor, I could see the shadow of the moon faintly appearing in the sky in the east.

Tonight's meal was very sumptuous. Shen Yu could smell the aroma from a distance. Li Xiang made his favorite braised pig's trotters tonight.

I don’t know who leaked the news, but she seems to be sure that she must like this dish very much, and she will cook it for him once or twice a week.

And I am becoming more and more skilled in making it. The taste is slightly different from what my mother makes, but it has her own characteristics. In short, it is quite delicious.

"Shen Yujun~ It's time to eat~"

She took off her apron and hung it up. She came out with the fragrant pig's trotters and put them on the table with a smile. Then she picked up the rice bowl and filled Shen Yu a large bowl of rice. She filled about half of the bowl and sat across from Shen Yu, eating in small bites. While eating, she secretly observed him.

Asaba Rika is now smarter. She no longer asks Shen Yu if it tastes good or if he likes it, but observes silently.

She tries to cook different dishes every day. If she finds out which dish Shen Yu cooks more often, she secretly writes it down in her notebook.

Asaba Rika herself doesn't care which dish she likes to eat, and she plans to lose weight recently. For her as a cook, seeing Shen Yu like the food she cooks can bring her a huge sense of satisfaction.

Shen Yu silently picked up a piece of pig's trotters and gnawed on it. He spread the sauce on the rice and took a bite of the rice. The aroma of rice and meat exploded in his mouth.

I can't talk today because Shen Yu also discovered that if one day, his favorite dish is on the table, then Li Xiang must be hiding some little thoughts...

Sure enough, when he stood up to fill the third bowl of rice, Li Xiang spoke -

"Shen Yujun, can you go shopping with me later?"

What a mistake, I should have stopped eating after the second bowl...

Chen Yu asked helplessly: "What do you want to buy?"

"Why don't we go home together tomorrow, so I want to buy gifts for my uncle and aunt."

"I'm going home, and your family and mine have to be separated."

"Then I want to buy a gift even more!"


Shen Yu always felt like he was being tricked, so he could only say, "It's okay. You don't need to buy anything. I always go home empty-handed."

Asaba Rika looked at him pitifully with her big eyes: "But if I go empty-handed, it would be very rude! And I also have to help dad give gifts to Uncle Shen to say hello, so Shen Yujun must help me... "

Shen Yu stopped talking.

Asaba Rika understood that it was very difficult to hear 'yes' from Shen Yu. As long as he did not object or speak, it meant that he had agreed by default, so she happily cut the cantaloupe for him to eat.

Xiao Meng No. 1: "The puffs are here."

Not long after Xiaomeng No. 1's voice fell, Su Zhifu's thumping sound was heard running up the stairs.

In one hand, she held the lantern given to her by Shen Yu, which was so bright that it could illuminate all the darkness around her. In the other hand, she held a bag of mooncakes wrapped in oil paper.

"Brother Shenyu! My mommy asked me to get you mooncakes!"

She ran into the house and put the mooncakes on the table.

"Do you want pig's trotters?"



There were two pieces of pig's trotters left, and Shen Yu took one piece for her. After washing her hands, she grabbed the pig's trotters and gnawed them, then ran outside to play with a lantern.

Chen Yu put away the mooncakes sent by Puff. The mooncakes were all made by Aunt Wang's family. They were much more delicious than those sold outside. She would send some here every year.

I'll take it home tomorrow. I can't finish the mooncakes I bought outside, but the ones made by Aunt Wang's house will definitely be finished in a while.

Autumn is getting stronger.

You have to wear long-sleeved clothes when going out at night.

The shopping mall was two or three kilometers away. Shen Yu rode an electric bike there, and Rika Asaba sat in the back seat, holding his waist with her little hands. While he was driving, she was talking to herself.

"Shen Yujun, are you cold?"

"not cold."

"I know you're not cold, your belly is very warm!"


Shen Yu was still wearing single clothes, and the clothes were thin and clinging to his body. Asaba Rika was afraid of the cold, so she wore two pieces of clothes, and her little hands were a little cold, but hugging his waist was like holding a warm baby.

"Mr. Shen Yu, if winter comes, can I put my hand into your clothes to keep warm?"

"Then can I stick my hand in your clothes too?"

"Shen Yujun is indeed the most perverted!!"

Shen Yu didn't want to talk to her, so why could she reach into his clothes, but he couldn't reach into hers

"Don't talk to me."

"Humph, I said it myself."

Li Xiang was talking to herself, and when she got tired of talking, she started to hum softly again.

The night wind blew her hair, flying bit by bit.

"When will the bright moon come~ Ask the blue sky for wine~ I don't know~ Humph~"

I don’t know when she learned this song. When she sang it, her words were clear and her voice was soft, which made her sound very comfortable.

When they arrived at the shopping mall, she was almost dragging Shen Yu along, shopping from the first floor to the fifth floor. She had already planned what to buy, but she just liked shopping. Looking at the dazzling array of products, her slender body felt like It seems like there is endless energy.

Shen Yu was exhausted. When Li Xiang entered a Japanese brand cosmetics store, he couldn't walk anymore. He sat down on the lounge chair at the door and boredly played with his mobile phone and browsed the forum.

"Sister, your skin is so good. Do you want to try this moisturizing lotion in our store? Autumn and winter are here and it's very dry..."

"I want to buy this mask as a gift. Can you please package it more nicely?"


"And this facial cleanser..."

"This is for men."

"Yeah, I know, it's for him."

The shopping guide glanced at Shen Yu who was resting on a chair, and also praised: "Your boyfriend is very handsome, and my sister is so kind to him!"

"Eh? Well..."

Asaba Rika, who already knew what her boyfriend meant, wanted to explain, but seeing that Shen Yu didn't seem to hear her, she blushed and refused to explain.

On the way back, Shen Yu actively carried large and small bags of things and left the shopping mall with Asaba Rika as if he was running away.

There were a lot of things, some were put in the basket of the car, and some were hung on the front handle of the car. The moment he heard Rika Asaba say that he could go home after shopping, he had never felt that going home was such a joyful thing.

Li Xiang was also very happy after completing her shopping wish, and continued to hum the song she had not finished singing in the back seat.

"People have joys and sorrows, partings and reunions, the moon waxes and wanes, I hope people will live forever, we can share the beauty of the moon even though we are thousands of miles apart~~"

"Shen Yujun, this poem is so beautiful! I like it so much!"

"Do you know what it means?"

"Yeah! We are thousands of miles away from each other, and when we think of each other looking at the same moon, we feel that we are getting closer in an instant. It's so romantic!"

"How close?"

"As close as we are now!"

