Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 94: Heartbeat


Shen Yu didn't even know how long it had been since he'd seen a movie.

With the accelerated pace of life nowadays, a two-hour movie is not enough time to watch if you don't have spare time.

So now there are many several-minute movie commentary, which condenses a movie into a few minutes. Some video hosts who specialize in this kind of movie editing have also gained a lot of fans.

When fans see a movie they are interested in, they will add it to their favorites and plan to watch it again when they have time, and then it will accumulate dust in their favorites.

The Cultural Square was not far from home. Shen Yu walked there with Asaba Rika. It was very lively here.

I looked at the movie ticket information and found it was a romance movie called "Heartbeat".

Chen Yu had never seen it or understood it, but when he saw the category of romance movies, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He is not a fool. Ever since his father taught him the truth about love last time, Shen Yu has understood that his parents just want to use Li Xiang to drag him into trouble so that he can give up his research on AI and it is best to get married and have children as soon as possible. Family business.

And judging from the attitude of her parents towards Lixiang, they clearly like her very much, and they are mindlessly adding fuel to the fire.

The key to boiling frogs in warm water is warm water. Shen Yu is a smart frog. After noticing Ni Duan, he is always vigilant about the water temperature and jumps away as soon as there is anything wrong.

His parents arranged for Lixiang to live with him, take care of her in normal times, let him take Lixiang home during holidays, let him take Lixiang to watch movies, watch flower lanterns, etc...

He just wants to soak him in warm water, so he can just do it. As long as he keeps a clear mind at all times, it won't take long for his parents to discover the fact that he doesn't like Lixiang at all, and they will have no choice but to give up. This is Chen Yu's 'anti-warm water' plan.

'Just pay attention to my parents. I'm very clear-headed. '

'As for Li Xiang, I have a demon-slaying knife in my hand, am I still afraid that she will boil me in warm water?'

Shen Yu didn't take it seriously. He felt that his mind was very clear and he was secretly proud of it.

It's just that the little frog doesn't know that warm water that can be felt is not called warm water. Only warm water that cannot be felt is truly warm water.

Master Lixiang is using a large pot, throwing the Frog Prince in it, and simmering it over low heat.

"It's so exciting!"

Rika Asaba looked very happy after reading the information about the movie. The street was a bit cold at night, so she came close to Shen Yu and talked to him.

"Have Mr. Shen Yu seen this movie?"


"It's been very popular recently, and I haven't watched it either. I was just about to watch it, and the reviews are very good."

"Aren't you single? What's the point of this kind of romance movie?"

"I only like reading it when I'm single! It's very sweet! And I can find a lot of inspiration, which is very useful for drawing comics and making game scripts!"

Hearing what she said, Shen Yu felt that this seemed to be the case. After all, what the two of them were going to do next was the love game. So when he thought about it, watching a romance movie together wouldn't be a waste of time.

I was cooked unconsciously.

The movie started. Asaba Rika went to buy two buckets of popcorn and handed one to Shen Yu. Shen Yu didn't want it, so she held a bucket with one hand. Then she found to her distress that she couldn't free her hands to grab the popcorn and eat it.

"If you look at me, I won't feed you." Shen Yu said looking at her funny look holding two buckets of popcorn.

"I didn't say that!"

"But your eyes tell me that's what you think."

"My eyes can't speak either!"

Shen Yu's expression was strange, and he clearly saw her saying to him with her eyes: "Can you feed me?"

"I want to ask, Mr. Shen Yu, if you can help me get a bucket..."


Shen Yu helped her hold a bucket, and then she had her right hand free, happily twisting the popcorn into her mouth and eating it.

Following Shen Yu, she didn't have to know the way. She just walked, ate, and looked at the movie posters on the wall of the theater.

Today is a holiday, and this movie is a romance movie, so all the people coming to the theater are couples.

The couple is so sticky, the girl is holding the boy's arm, and the boy is holding the girl's waist. You feed me a handful of rice krispies, and I feed you a sip of milk tea. I wish we could become one at the right time.

On the other hand, the pair of Chen Yu and Asaba Rika seem a bit different—

The two people obviously seemed to be a perfect match. The tall and handsome boy walked in front with an expressionless face, and the cute and cute girl followed about a meter behind him, lowering her head like a little squirrel, and kept putting food in her mouth. Stuffed popcorn…

After checking in and entering the venue, no matter how reluctant Shen Yu was, the seats on the two tickets were connected and the two of them sat together.

Shen Yu could easily smell the light aroma of Pear Xiang, which was a milky and milky smell. It smelled a little sweet and nice.

"Shen Yujun... do you want popcorn... This one is the crispiest... for you to eat..."

Although the movie hadn't started yet, Lixiang consciously whispered. Under the dim light, you could see her beautiful fingers twisting a piece of popcorn and bringing it to him.

Shen Yu opened his mouth subconsciously, and Rika Asaba was about to feed it into his mouth. The screen flashed, and he came to his senses, took the popcorn with his fingers, and threw it into his mouth. It was indeed quite crispy.

The lights turned off and the movie started.

Chen Yu was not interested in romantic movies, and this time he just wanted to watch them casually. Meanwhile, Rika Asaba beside him calmed down and stared at the screen intently, slowly putting popcorn into his mouth one after another.

The movie tells the story of a pair of boys and girls' first love, with a touch of warmth.

The female protagonist fell in love with the male protagonist at first sight, so she boldly launched an offensive against the male protagonist, such as sticking to him all day long, cooking him delicious food, and sharing her secrets with him. She was super powerful and brave, time and time again. When she confesses her love to the male protagonist, even if she is rejected ruthlessly, she still tries her best to be nice to him and smiles like a little fairy.

As for the male protagonist, he didn't like her at first, and was annoyed by her clinginess, and even secretly threw away the things she gave her. In fact, he didn't hate her that much, he just said what he meant and didn't dare to face his heart.

As I watched, Shen Yu had a strange expression on his face. Why did this romance film have such a strong sense of déjà vu? I always felt that the clinging energy of the heroine seemed familiar.

Rika Asaba's eating of popcorn slowed down unknowingly, and she stared blankly at the screen. It took a long time before she remembered to put a piece of popcorn in her mouth...

Chen Yu couldn't quite get into the movie, so he turned back to look at Li Xiang. Under the light and shadow of the screen, he could see her eyes, which were sparkling and seemed to be a little moist at the corners...

Is it so easy to cry?

Could it be that you took on the role of the heroine and moved yourself to tears...

Depressed and speechless, he continued to watch the movie. To be honest, he was not too fond of the male protagonist, but he still admired the female protagonist. In addition to her clinginess, he was also impressed by the bravery and straightforwardness of the female protagonist.

As a frog, after watching the movie, Shen Yu couldn't help but admire his parents' ability to choose movies. If he hadn't reacted and watched the movie rationally, he would have been sucked in by the movie.

And Asaba Rika was cooked.

When she came out of the theater, Li Xiang was still immersed in the plot of the movie, chattering to Shen Yu about the plot.

"She's so brave!"

"She's a girl, so she's brave enough to say she likes her!"

Rika Asaba admired the heroine so much that she followed Shen Yu with popcorn in her arms and put them into her mouth one by one. Because she was eating and talking at the same time, the popcorn in her mouth accumulated more and more, and then her cheeks It bulges like a little hamster.

To be honest, the movie is quite good. With an unexpected heartbeat, love quietly sprouts in my heart. The director showed these things in first love in a particularly touching way.

It's just that the inspirations Shen Yu and Li Xiang gained from the movie are obviously not equal. This love movie has a greater impact on the delicate Li Xiang.

"What do you think, Mr. Shen Yu?"


"So, what about the heroine? What do you think?"

"… Good."

Shen Yu's answer was quite perfunctory, after all, he didn't see much into it.

But Rika Asaba was very satisfied after hearing this. She nodded and said: "I also think she is very good, but the male lead is too good. Shen Yujun is much better than him."

Hearing her compare herself with the male protagonist in the film, Shen Yu felt a little embarrassed. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable with her hands empty, so she looked at the popcorn in her arms:

"Do you have any more popcorn? Give me some."


Asaba Rika handed one of the buckets to him without hesitation:

"This bucket is crisper~"



(There is a two-in-one chapter in the evening)