Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 99: Let me tell you a secret


The day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Friday, October 2nd.

The weather was sunny and sunny early in the morning. He opened his eyes slowly, put aside the cat scarf hanging around his neck, sat up from his bed and yawned.

Opening the window, the cool breeze from outside blew into the house, and the curtains swayed gently.

From the height of the twenty-third floor, you can see far away.

Shen Yu is not nearsighted, which makes many classmates like him who are in front of the computer all day very envious. In fact, myopia is also closely related to heredity, as well as the eye habits of the developmental period, which are basically passed. After puberty, it becomes difficult to become myopic.

There is a comfortable and vast blue sky outside, and the soft sunshine makes me feel very comfortable.

Chen Yu likes autumn. Although he told Li Xiang last time that he liked the cold winter, he just annoyed her. Autumn always makes people feel more peaceful and refreshing.

It was a bit cool in the morning, and I wanted to put on my denim jacket, but then I remembered that Rika Asaba had taken over my clothes.

When he thought that she might do weird things with his clothes, Shen Yu's expression turned weird. From this point of view, the two of them were evenly matched. When he used Xiaomeng No. 1 for voice tests in the future, she should I can't object anymore.

The guest room did not have an independent bathroom, so he took his toothbrush and towel and went outside to wash up.

Zhang Xiaoru was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. When she saw Shen Yu coming out, she asked him what happened last night.

"Then you take her to the hospital for a checkup later. I saw her feet were swollen like this last night. It must be serious. It's not my fault that you didn't take good care of her!"

"There's no need to go to the hospital. The doctor said it's nothing. She can just take care of her for a few days. She's relatively tender, so it looks serious. If it were you, she probably wouldn't be swollen at all."

"What do you mean, you mean mom is old, right?"

"I'm saying you don't have to go to the hospital..."

"Then you think Mom is too verbose?"


Chen Yu stopped talking. Reasoning with a woman is an unreasonable thing in itself. Whether it is his mother or Asaba Rika, he often cannot grasp their brain circuits at all.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he was kicked out by Zhang Xiaoru again and asked to go find Rika Asaba to see if her foot injury was better and ask her to have breakfast.

Her door was closed, and Shen Yu knocked lightly on the door.

It's half past eight in the morning. Rika Asaba actually woke up very early. She didn't catch up on her dream last night. It was a pity that her feet hurt again. After waking up, she held her hand against the wall to wash up, go to the toilet, and apply makeup in front of the dressing table. Putting on makeup, then sitting on the edge of the bed looking out the window in a daze.

After all, this was Shen Yu's home. She could hear the voices of Zhang Xiaoru and Shen Deyou in the living room, and was too embarrassed to go out by herself. She always felt that it was awkward for her and her uncle and aunt to be alone when Shen Yu was not around.

I don't know if it's because of the pain in my feet. Even though I wanted to catch up on my sleep when I woke up, my head couldn't stop thinking, always thinking about things related to Shen Yu.

"Are you awake?"

"Wake up, wake up!"

Hearing Shen Yu's voice, she felt happy and was about to run over to open the door for him, but she grimaced in pain when her left foot stuck to the ground, so she still limped over and opened the door for him.

Although they had only seen each other for one night, it seemed as if they had not seen him for a month. Shen Yu looked down at her, and he could clearly see the happiness in her eyes.

So he subconsciously asked her: "Your feet don't hurt anymore?"

"It hurts so much...I didn't even sleep well last night..."

"Then you are still so happy?"

"No… "

Asaba Rika sat down by the bed, and at Shen Yu's request, stretched out her hoof to show him.

It was red and swollen, with no sign of swelling at all.

Shen Yu looked at it, his eyes narrowed, and he asked her slightly angrily: "What happened... did you run a marathon yesterday?"

Asaba Rika retracted her feet, pulled the quilt aside to cover it from him, and said coquettishly: "I accidentally kicked off the quilt a few times while sleeping... and then this happened... "

"Did you dream about being kidnapped?"


"Then why are you pushing?"

Shen Yu was going to be pissed off by her. He was so grown up and couldn't even sleep properly.

He remembered the sleeping position he had peeked at when he woke her up twice. This guy slept like a mess, and even a twenty-meter-long bed was not enough for her.

"Don't cover it, your pig's trotters can't be kept warm, they have to be iced."

With that said, Shen Yu pulled away the quilt covering her feet and threw it aside. Her eyes were obviously flustered, and she pulled the quilt over and hugged her in her arms. She didn't dare to cover her feet and exposed them to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu was not interested in watching, so he turned around and went out, brought an ice pack in, sat down beside her bed, and gently applied the ice pack to her ankle.

Probably due to the cold stimulation, her toes moved playfully. Looking at Shen Yu, she wanted to pinch her to stop her from moving.

"Ice it first. If your feet are cold, warm them up for a while."

"oh… "

Shen Yu brought a small chair for her to rest her feet on, otherwise her bed would be wet and she wouldn't have to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, Shen Yu came in with a bowl of porridge and a medicine bottle in his hand. He put the porridge on the table. He went over to help her take away the ice pack, wiped the water with a paper towel, and sprayed some medicine on it.

Asaba Rika quietly watched him do these things for her. Although his expression was one of reluctance, his movements were all cautious, for fear of hurting her.

The foot no longer looked like it belonged to her, but looked dull.

"Drink the porridge yourself, and don't run around if you have nothing to do."

"Uh-huh… "

Rika Asaba sat obediently in front of the table and drank porridge. Her right foot was on the ground normally, and her left foot was placed horizontally on a small chair. Her trousers were rolled up to her knees, revealing her slender white calves. Her movements were a bit unsightly, but she was depressed. If required, it can facilitate blood circulation.

Zhang Xiaoru cooks salty bone porridge, which has the effect of replenishing qi and calcium, and it tastes very delicious.

Asa Yulixiang drank the porridge happily, turned around and saw Shen Yu crawling to her waist, reaching out and taking out the coat she had hidden in the corner.

"Shen Yujun!"


Asaba Rika immediately jumped over to grab it with one leg. She was very energetic. Shen Yu didn't pay attention, and her clothes were snatched back by her again.

"What are you doing? These are my clothes..."

"I-I haven't washed it yet! I'll give it back to you after I wash it!"

"I can just throw it into the washing machine and wash it myself."

Asaba Rika was anxious and said quickly: "I used it to step on my feet last night!"

Shen Yu stopped talking and finally stopped grabbing the clothes in her arms. He glanced at her with complicated eyes and turned around to go out.

Li Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, put her clothes away like a treasure, put them happily next to the pillow, and continued to come back to drink porridge.

About an hour later, Shen Yu came back and helped her change an ice pack, and also helped her bring the computer and drawing board that she had moved to his room yesterday.

"You can draw it yourself here."

"Ah, I want to work with Shen Yujun..."

"I don't have a toilet there. Do you want me to help you go to the toilet?"

In fact, it's not impossible for Li Xiang to do it as long as he is willing, but it is obvious that Shen Yu is unwilling to do such hard work.

Shen Yu turned around and went out, taking out the bowls on the table to wash. He closed the door for her and let her concentrate on her work quietly.

As for how to get Shen Yujun to confess to her, Asaba Rika has no clue.

Distracted thoughts cannot affect work. Otherwise, the original painting and vertical painting will be delayed, and Shen Yujun will be even less likely to confess to her.

Li Xiang was full of inspiration at the moment. After turning on the computer, she concentrated on drawing on the drawing board.

During this period, Shen Yu came in twice more, usually within an hour or two, and would come over to change her ice pack and remind her to spray medicine.

Gradually, depression became accustomed to it.

Although this guy sprained his leg and had to trouble him during this period, he at least behaved a lot. He listened to his words and stayed quietly in the room without running around. Moreover, his parents could not find any reason to let him go. He took Rika out to play.

Overall, it saves me a lot of worry.

For Asaba Rika, Shen Yu's care was exactly what she wanted. Although her feet hurt a little, she felt happy in her heart.

Both of them got what they wanted in this foot-twisting incident.

After eating at noon, under the satisfied eyes of Shen Deyou and Zhang Xiaoru, Shen Yu helped Asaba Rika back to the room to rest.

Li Xiang didn't take a nap obediently. After Shen Yu closed the door and went out, she lay on the bed and searched for some information aimlessly with her mobile phone. She would check how long it would take to heal a sprained foot, how girls chase boys, or how long it would take for a sprained foot to heal. How will a boy behave when he likes a girl...

It wasn't until she clicked on WeChat that Jiang Ningle sent her a message.

As a good best friend, Jiang Ningle shared a hot secret with her.

Jiang Ningle: "Lixiang! I'm in love! He confessed to me last night! I promised him!"

Luo Yan: "Really! Is he the Singaporean boy who was your dance partner last time?"

Jiang Ningle: "Yes, what do you think of him?"

Luo Yan: "The impression is quite good, gentle and humble, Lele, congratulations!"

Asaba Rika started chatting with Jiang Ningle. Listening to her share the details of the Singaporean boy who confessed to her on the Mid-Autumn Festival night last night, she felt so sad when she thought about herself and Shen Yujun!

She knew that Jiang Ningle liked that boy first, and she even took the initiative to find that boy as her dance partner. But in the end, it was the boy who confessed to Jiang Ningle.

In my impression, that boy seems to be quite shy, but he can muster the courage to confess...

No matter how hard Asaba Rika thinks, she can't figure out how Jiang Ningle does it. He can turn passivity into initiative. He is a master of love.

So Asaba Rika quickly asked: "Lele, how did you do it?"

Jiang Ningle: "You don't have to do anything. The most important thing is to make sure he likes me. Then when I find out that he actually likes me, I give him a little hint that I like him too. Last night we spent the Mid-Autumn Festival together, and he A brave confession."

Luo Yan: "It looks so profound!"

Luo Yan: "Lele... let me tell you a secret... you are not allowed to tell others..."

Jiang Ningle: "Why is the secret so serious... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

Rika Asaba sent her a voice message in a coy voice: "It's just that I seem to like a boy recently, but I don't know what to do..."

It is indeed a hot secret! !

Jiang Ningle was stunned, and quickly looked around to see if anyone heard the voice just now, then walked to a secluded place and called her.

As the call was connected, neither Asaba Rika nor Jiang Ningle spoke immediately.

Until Jiang Ningle asked her in a trembling voice:

"You, you cheated?"




(Two more chapters at 8 p.m.)