Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 103: ??surfaced, the White House called


"The mad scientist who transformed himself into a mutant?"

Howard asked with interest as he crossed his legs.

He is not only the manager of Laboratory 1, but also the nominal scientific research consultant of SHIELD.

If there are any major issues that are difficult to decide, Howard has the power to vote-provided that Luke and Carter are not present.

"I remember you told the story about him. Like the little dwarf in Laboratory 3, Sebastian Shaw is also obsessed with mutant genes."

The entire SHIELD knew that Howard and Bolivar were not easy to deal with.

The former felt that Bolivar was not only a dwarf in stature, but also not much better in terms of knowledge.

The latter believed that Howard had nothing but strong hormones and dirty thoughts in his head.

Every time they meet, they have to be tit-for-tat, full of gunpowder.

Originally, Luke wanted to reconcile, but considering that this would help stimulate the two people's sense of competition, he gave up his original idea.

"What if the man who claims to be the King of Atlantis and the Lord of the Seven Seas really would give himself such a long list of nicknames? It's almost as good as a restaurant menu."

Feeling Carter's cold eyes, Howard shrank his neck and realized that now was not the time to be clever and humorous.

He coughed twice, glared at Luke who was gloating over his misfortune, and continued: "Namor Mackenzie is a mutant. Just give him a dose of leech serum."

"It's not that simple. Howard, don't you understand? This is a diplomatic incident."

Carter frowned, thinking about what to do.

"Atlantis is an undersea civilization that humans have never come into contact with and do not know about. Before Namor appeared, people had only heard of this name from Plato's "Dialogues" and the legend of Poseidon, the god of the sea. ”

"But now? It appears as a country and a civilization. This means that no matter what decision SHIELD makes, it must be careful and think twice."

"Congress, the White House, the Pentagon... no one wants a war now. So negotiation, contact, establishing connections, that's what we have to do."

Carter is worthy of being a commander, and his perspective on analyzing problems is very thorough.

Luke thought for a moment, if the tape of Namor's threatening speech reached the White House, the president should call him at this time.

After all, the other party specifically mentioned SHIELD and his own name.

A few minutes later, as he expected.

"General, a call from the White House."

The phone on the table rang. Stryker picked up the phone, covered it with his hand and said, "The president wants to see you."

Luke, who guessed it, said with a relaxed expression: "I will go to the White House in half an hour."

Respond to inquiries from the President and Congress at any time.

The most important issue is to find Namor's whereabouts and stop the other party's crazy behavior that may flood New York.

The Supreme Mage may not take action. Millions of people died in New York, but it may not cause any psychological fluctuations to Gu Yi.

Karma Taj is always a neutral spectator.

The Black Death that ravaged Europe, World War I that killed tens of millions of people, World War II that saw the Third Reich make a comeback...

If we want to prevent these disasters and wars that have occurred in human history, the Supreme Mage can make them disappear.

"Before, I asked Task Force X to search for the whereabouts of the Hellfire Club. Do you have any clues?"

Luke asked.

"Not yet, but... I think Silver Fox might know something."

Silver Fox Keira is a mutant member recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. She and Emma, the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, are sisters. Luke has known this for a long time and informed Carter.

"Then use her as a breakthrough."

Luke thought for a while, and if it didn't work out, he would exchange it for a piece of Constantine's "Master of Fools" and forcefully make a lie.

He was sure that the reason why Namor stood up was to speak out for mutants inexplicably and to prepare to flood New York.

All of this is definitely promoted secretly by someone!

Sebastian Xiao is the first suspect!

Kang the Conqueror is also possible - but according to this guy's style of doing things and his usual routine, he is impersonating some historical celebrity or national leader.

It's a clandestine affair, and it involves mutants. No matter how you look at it, Sebastian Xiao is the bigger suspect.

"Let's leave now. I will deal with the president. As for Namor Mackenzie, I will also find a way to find him."

Luke waved his hand and smiled confidently.

As the director, he behaves calmly and calmly, so that the people under his command will not be under pressure.

"Namor... Atlantis' home base is in the Atlantic Ocean."

Luke recalled the information in his mind, and he remembered that the guy had a "sacred Pniton Trident", a symbol of Atlantean kingship.

Can control the sea, stir up wind and waves, create tsunamis, and release electricity!

It can be said to be an artifact-level weapon.

Coupled with the "Proteus Horn" that summons marine life, Namor's combat power should be ranked among the top ten on earth - who said that those superheroes were either not born or have not grown up.

"Take it one step at a time. With Namor's character, it's impossible to hide."

After Luke finalized the rough plan, he got up and flew to the White House.

Different from the image of Aquaman on the set next door, Marvel is more like a villain, with a moody personality and great mood swings.

To sum up, he is a chuunibyou who is easily led by others.

White House, lawn.

The tall figure fell quickly like a cannonball.


When landing, Luke turned on the biological force field, which caused no other damage except for making some noise.

"General Carville, the President is waiting for you in his office."

The head of security at the White House has become accustomed to Luke's appearance.

For this young major general, the no-fly zone is in vain, and no one can stop him anyway.

Many old-school generals who have opinions on this only dare to talk a few words behind their backs and remain silent in person.

A few minutes later, Luke walked into the Oval Office and saw the president with a solemn expression.

"Major General Cavill, do you have anything to say about Atlantis and the... mutant who caused the tsunami?"

The president took off his glasses, pinched his nose, and said a little tiredly: "The Pentagon is going crazy. Admiral Bullock and Admiral Richardson of the naval system have called. Two aircraft carriers in the Atlantic Ocean were attacked separately. Fortunately, There were no casualties."

"Mr. Edgar Hoover of the FBI played me a tape a few hours ago. In it, a mutant named Namor Mackenzie admitted that he was responsible for all this and also threatened We said we would flood New York—if we don’t do what he says!”

The president looked at Luke, who was expressionless, and asked in a deep voice: "Major General, I could have spent a pleasant weekend having dinner with my wife and daughter, but now I have to face all this trouble. I hope You can give a satisfactory answer.”

"Is Mr. President blaming me?"

Luke raised his head slightly and asked calmly.

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the Oval Office suddenly became solemn.

The staff member sitting on the side had his throat rolled and swallowed.

He was not sure whether he could protect Mr. President if Major General Cavell got violent and took action. (End of chapter)