Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 106: ?Namor, come out, I know you are at home


"Rear Admiral Cavell, I have received orders from General Nimitz. Now, the fleet is yours."

The helicopter landed on the open deck, and Captain Bullock of the Second Fleet came over facing the strong wind from the propeller.

The Chief of Naval Operations did not deny Superman face.

Even if the opponent belongs to the Army faction, it is a good opportunity to make trouble.

"Give me some face... This can become my mantra in the future."

Luke takes off his sunglasses, satisfied with his relationship.

This is also a manifestation of personality charm.

"The two aircraft carriers that were attacked by the Atlanteans yesterday were the Lincoln and the Stennis."

After Captain Bullock received the order, he cooperated with Luke's inquiry.

"According to the soldier's report, it was 4:20 in the afternoon. The weather on the sea suddenly became very bad, with lightning and thunder, dark clouds sweeping across, and huge waves of tens of meters."

Luke narrowed his eyes. This way of creating an atmosphere and brewing an effect can be said to be very Namor.

This guy is similar to Magneto in the scene. He can lose in a fight, but his momentum cannot be bad.

They all fall into the category of very expensive special effects.

"Then a man came up on the deck. He claimed to be the king of Atlantis and said a bunch of... nonsense that I didn't understand."

Captain Bullock scratched his head. There was a strong wind and rain at that time, and the sailors were busy taking the aircraft on the deck back to the hangar, and did not pay attention at all.

"Then the man got angry, and a group of tall blue-skinned warriors emerged from the water. The weapons in their hands were more advanced than ours. They could shoot out light and freeze people into ice cubes."

"And our carbine bullets cannot penetrate their armor."

Luke nodded. Atlantis' technology was ahead of the current Earth's, at least by an era.

However, for a high-tech civilization, the national system is almost as backward as that of Wakanda, with distinct and strict hierarchies.

The criteria for selecting a king are bloodline first and strength second.

If there weren't many members of the royal family in Atlantis and even fewer direct bloodlines, it might not be the turn of Namor, a hybrid.

"The Atlanteans quickly took control of the two aircraft carriers. Many sailors tried to resist, but to no avail. The first man to board the deck, his name was Namor Mackenzie, was like a super soldier. Infinite power!"

Captain Bullock recalled the horrified expressions of the sailors and couldn't help but glance at Luke. This young major general was a super soldier, and he was the best one.

He paused and continued: "The man lifted a bomber with his bare hands and threw it into the sea. He also used a trident to destroy the remaining aircraft and the engines of the two aircraft carriers."

"As a result, the Lincoln and Stennis are still stranded on the sea and unable to return to the dock for maintenance."

Luke waved his hand, indicating that it was a trivial matter, and said relaxedly: "Captain Bullock, I will bring the two aircraft carriers back later."

An aircraft carrier is probably around tens of thousands of tons, so it may be a bit difficult to carry it, but it is not a big problem to push it back as a humanoid engine.

Luke's current peak strength remains at around five hundred tons.

At full strength, it can reach 1,000 tons.

And, this is not the limit.

In theory, he's growing every day.

The incredibly powerful physical data once made Howard, who was testing him, feel overwhelmed. He could not imagine that humans could evolve to this extent.

Luke always remembers the shocked look in Iron Man's father's eyes, and then said to him: "You must live a very hard life, and you must be careful in everything you do, for fear of damaging those concrete walls and buildings supported by reinforced concrete."

But he quickly broke Howard's thinking and replied: "No. Everything has a biological force field."

Then the conversation was over.

"Thank you very much, Major General Cavell."

Captain Bullock's brows knitted together, and he was a little confused.

Could the young major general standing in front of him know how to repair aircraft carrier engines

In other words, the other party is planning to fly directly to the dock and bring him a maintenance team

Even if he tried his best, the captain could not guess that Luke took a simpler and more crude method.

"Captain, how many aircraft carriers are available to the Second Fleet?"

Luke stood on the deck and suddenly became the center of attention.

The sailors and pilots who came after hearing the news stared at him with admiration and awe.

"There are still three ships that can be put into use immediately."

Captain Bullock said hesitantly.

He didn't know what Luke wanted to do, but it always felt like the risk was very high to easily hand over the aircraft carrier battle to an Army major general.

If Chester Nimitz, the leader of the Navy Department, had not called, the captain, who is known for his stability, would not necessarily have handed over the command.

"Okay. Then you give the order for them to drop torpedoes into the target waters of the Strait of Gibraltar."

Luke's eyes flickered, determined to return the favor to Namor.

Torpedo bombing would probably be to set off a detonator on the doorstep of Atlantis.

It might not be able to harm the huge city located on the bottom of the sea, but it would certainly disturb the grumpy Namor.


Captain Bullock was a little confused.

"Will this be effective? Those Atlanteans don't live under the sea, and torpedoes should not be a threat to them."

Luke didn't say much and said with a confident smile: "Whether the plan is effective or not will only be known after it is implemented."

Atlantis, Poseidonia.

This is the center of the four oceans, the highest holy place for marine life.

The majestic city stands on the sea floor, retaining the mysterious atmosphere of ancient civilization.

The huge stone pillars standing tall support the magnificent square dome.

Many blue-skinned Atlanteans rode seahorses or shuttle-shaped spaceships, forming brilliant strips of light surrounding the capital.

Under the deep sea, it is not as dark and cold as people imagine.

Those colorful algae plants or huge jellyfish emit charming light and reflect dreamy colors.

All of this is destined to be difficult for humans to see.

Through the huge water film covering Poseidonia, you enter the center of the city.

You can see an extremely gorgeous palace and castle, with many armed guards patrolling back and forth.

Powerful high-pressure water cannons were set up at sentry posts everywhere.

Once an outsider breaks in, they will receive the most violent firepower.

In the meeting hall of the palace, Namor, holding a trident, leaned on the throne.

His brows were knitted tightly, and his face revealed undisguised negative emotions such as irritability and impatience.

The many nobles in robes standing below are the Elders of Atlantis.

They repeated the same boring rules, and Namor could almost smell a rotten smell on the throne.

It's ridiculous that an ancient civilization that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years still adheres to the rules and regulations set by our ancestors!

Thinking of the evolution mentioned by Mr. Xiao, Namor looked at the Presbyterian Council with even more disgust.

"Your Majesty, we should not communicate with the land world! Let alone in a bad way that may provoke a war!"

An old nobleman in Atlantis robes looked distressed, as if Namor had done something treacherous.

"Atlantis has long adhered to the tradition of seclusion and isolation! Only in this way can it better preserve itself and avoid unnecessary incidents."

"But! Your Majesty, you actually took the initiative to expose the existence of Atlantis for the sake of mutants!"

"You even threatened war! Do you really want to involve your people in a war for a group of aliens who have nothing to do with the Atlanteans?"

Namor snorted loudly and said loudly: "Will Atlantis lose to the land world? We have technological strength that far exceeds theirs and occupy 70% of the vast territory of this planet!"

"Why are the Atlanteans hiding? We are more powerful than the people on land. They should be afraid and bow to us!"

The nobles in robes were in an uproar, ignoring the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, and began to accuse Namor, treating him as a madman.

Since Atlantis sank into the Atlantic Ocean, they have rarely set foot on land.

On the one hand, being out of the water for too long would make Atlanteans very uncomfortable and even cause symptoms of coma;

On the other hand, the huge disaster of the continental plate shift left a deep psychological shadow on them.

"We don't need to plunder the land and resources of the mainland at all! War is meaningless, Your Majesty!"

The robed noble admonished.

"Of course it makes sense. Let the land people know our existence, understand our power, and worship Atlantis as a god! Isn't this enough?"

A cruel smile appeared on Namor's lips. He thought Mr. Xiao was right. The process of evolution was always accompanied by fighting and extinction.

Survival of the fittest, this is the law of nature!

"Your Majesty..."

The robed noble wanted to say something more, but he vaguely heard continuous explosions.

Namor, who had better hearing, frowned, exerted his legs slightly, and rushed out of the palace like a sharp arrow.

He no longer wanted to listen to the nagging of a bunch of old guys, so he took the opportunity to leave.

Breaking through the huge membrane of water that protects and hides the city, Namor makes his way upward.

The violent explosion sound became increasingly clear, and the turbulent water flow formed tiny vortices of different sizes.

"Damn Landers!"

Namor surged up in anger and saw fish carcasses floating on the surface of the sea.


The legs swing and suddenly accelerate!

Namor holding the trident directly broke through the water, standing in mid-air like a god! (End of chapter)