Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 109: ?The villain who beat up the king and robbed the equipment was found


In a U-shaped submarine hidden underwater, everyone in the Hellfire Club watched the battlefield from a distance through the periscope.

"Xiao, what should we do next? Namor is no match for Superman."

The young White Queen crossed her arms and turned her head to ask.

"At this point, we must admit a fact. Luke Cavill, that Army Major General is stronger than mutants and Atlanteans."

"I really doubt whether he is human or not!"

Sebastian was so angry that he couldn't care less about maintaining his usual demeanor, and cursed: "Namor himself is not weak, and he chose the battlefield in the Atlantic Ocean, plus summoned the Kraken, and he is not even Superman." opponent!”

The more he talked, the angrier he became. He wished he could smash the periscope with his fist and completely erase the dark red cloak from his sight.

"Could it be said that this guy is really invincible!?"

Sebastian was livid and unwilling to accept the reality.

If Superman had no weaknesses, he would be the most powerful humanoid on Earth.

So, what are mutants

Isn’t the “perfect race theory” that I firmly believe in empty talk

"Xiao, do we give up on him?"

Riptide asked hesitantly.

The Hellfire Club and Atlantis are not yet completely tied to the same chariot.

If you want to escape at this time, it's still too late!

"No! Namor is a very useful chess piece. Emma took great pains to implant the psychological hint of 'trusting mutants' into him. We can't just throw it away so easily."

Sebastian waved his hand and said seriously: "Riptide, you go cover Namor! Emma, you tell him to retreat quickly."

"Since you can't defeat Superman, then start a war! Let Atlantis and the land world consume each other!"

The White Queen nodded and placed her fingers near her temples, like activating a switch, communicating with Namor on the distant sea.

"Escape? The King of Atlantis will never be a coward who runs away!"

Namor's answer was simple and decisive.

"A brainless fool."

The White Queen was speechless for a while and conveyed the original words to Sebastian Xiao.

"No matter! Take him away by force!"

Sebastian gritted his teeth and said.

He once saw with his own eyes in Paris how Superman killed three "battleship classes" in Berlin.

The young major general had no hesitation in getting rid of his enemies.

The submarine hidden underwater slowly surfaced. In addition to Black King Sebastian Xiao, White Queen and Riptide, there was a new face in the command module.

"Riptide, you stay here to create a storm! Kenny, take me up later and take Namor away during the chaos!"

Sebastian's eyes were filled with hatred. It would be great if there was no Superman in this world.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao."

The new-faced Kenny nodded.

Like the Red Devil, he is a mutant with obvious characteristics.

There is a pair of white wings on its back, which can soar into the sky, just like the angels in the Bible.

Compared to Namor's flying ability, Kenny, nicknamed "Angel", is stronger.

His body changed. Not only did wings grow, his bones became hollow, and his eyes had the dynamic vision of a raptor, like a bird.

On the sea.

The battle continues.

After exhausting all means, Namor still failed to regain his disadvantage and refused the White Queen's suggestion to escape.

He waved the trident with his right hand, and his body suddenly accelerated and rushed into the sky.

The blazing electric light blasted out like a cannonball!

Luke didn't dodge and directly smashed into the sizzling ball of high-temperature lightning.

"Are you ready to play close combat?"

He said with a teasing smile.

With the mutant brothers Sabretooth Tiger and Wolverine as human punching bags, Luke has integrated Deathstroke's "physical master" into his consciousness.

To be honest, for him with a super brain, all kinds of fighting skills and firearms knowledge can be memorized only once and learned twice.

But regarding Deathstroke’s fighting experience, the accumulated rich experience is a valuable asset that needs to be digested slowly.

Completely mastering and absorbing all of this allowed Luke to exchange a total of six skill cards.

Now, it's time to test the effect.

The heavy fist that tore through the air wave hit the blocking trident.

Buzz! Buzz!

The Neptune Trident, which was made by the best craftsmen in Atlantis and made of the strongest materials, shook violently and almost flew out of the hand.

"I am the holder of a hundred consecutive victories in the Atlantis Arena!"

Namor held the trident tightly, and two majestic streams of water rotated at high speed, like intertwined Naga snakes, hitting the defenseless Luke.

The huge impact knocked the superman back a certain distance.

"Well, then I am the MVP winner with the highest output, the most damage, and the most kills in the World War II dungeon."

Luke curled his lips and said in imitation of Namor's tone.

He stepped hard, causing ripples visible to the naked eye to appear in the air.

Paying full attention to the movement of the dark red shadow, Namor waved his trident and danced like an airtight dance.

The high-speed rotating transparent water turns into a solid wall.

He tried to block Luke's attack in this way.

Unfortunately, this does nothing!

Luke gave a knight flying kick and kicked hard against the iron wall of the water flow.


The terrifying power directly scattered the high-speed rotating sea water.

Namor raised his trident, which was surrounded by lightning, and smashed it down with all his strength.

"The level of the arena in Atlantis is worrying."

Luke reached out to catch it and bumped Namor's cheek with his elbow.

The head that was originally bruised and swollen suddenly grew bigger again.

"mine… "

Before Namor could react, Luke grabbed the white blade with his bare hands and snatched the trident that symbolized the royal power of Atlantis.

"It's mine."

Luke, the villain who beat up Namor and stole his opponent's exclusive weapon, said with a kind smile.

"Eat a forkful of me!"

One of the Atlantis king's suits made of cold deep-sea iron, Neptune's Trident directly penetrated Namor to the core.

"For a manic man like you, reasoning is of no use."

Luke sighed. In fact, he didn't want to kill Aquaman on his own set.

If they can communicate normally, it would be a good idea to recruit this guy into SHIELD and form a copycat version of the Justice League.

It's a pity that Namor is not really a good teammate who can score points in the rankings.

He is more like an annoying guy who has never developed and loves to wander around, stealing troops and economy. He is always typing on the public screen and opening his mouth to greet Zu'an.

"Hmm, is there anyone else?"

Seeing a sudden storm on the sea, Luke pulled out the trident that penetrated Namor's chest, and held the other man's neck with his other hand.

The powerful vitality of Atlantis allowed him to continue breathing and retain a trace of life.

"Sebastian Xiao, I've caught you."

Luke scanned the sea with his super vision and caught a glimpse of a white figure rising into the sky.

Flying mutants

A middle-aged man was also caught below.

After seeing the photo, Luke immediately recognized that it was Sebastian Xiao.

"Be careful of his attacks."

Sebastian reminded.

Kenny spread his wings and flew at high speed, like a speeding glider, approaching Superman in mid-air.

"Want to take Namor away?"

Luke chuckled.

Red beams of light burst out directly from his eyes.


The high-temperature energy that evaporated everything hit the birdman in mid-air.

At the critical moment, Kenny followed the instructions and raised Mr. Xiao, who was holding his hands, like a shield to block the terrifying heat sight.

"Back to you!"

Sebastian, who was unharmed, raised his hand to release the absorbed energy.

Luke dived down at an alarming speed and was directly hit by the rebounding heat sight.

He released his right hand and dropped the dying Namor.

"Let's go!"

After catching Namor and achieving his goal, Sebastian ran away decisively. (End of chapter)