Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 114: ?The name of the apocalypse, the Nautilus


A few days later, Atlantis's name appeared in newspaper headlines, causing an uproar.

An ancient but never-heard marine civilization has officially entered the public eye - countries have long known about the amazing battles taking place in the Atlantic Ocean and the existence of Atlantis.

It can be seen that no matter what news, the public is always the last group to know.

Countries have different responses to marine civilization.

The red brown bear in Siberia is still the same as before. On the one hand, it is vigorously developing the nuclear industry, and on the other hand, it is secretly wary of Superman.

As for the threat from Atlantis

That's something Yanks should think about.

Anyway, we won’t be able to get here for a while.

England, which is increasingly weakened, actively communicates with the White House in an attempt to get some news.

Even though they have MI6, they have James Bond who travels all over the world and is very capable of picking up girls.

But facing Atlantis living on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, they were still at a loss and couldn't find a place to start.

The Prime Minister once wanted to seek help from the hidden forces of the dark world, such as the wizards, werewolves and vampires active in London.

Unfortunately, the results were minimal and no useful information was obtained.

The birth time of these dark creatures cannot exceed a thousand years at most.

Nothing is known about that period of history tens of thousands of years ago - except for vampires.

Those nocturnal creatures that are afraid of sunlight have a wonderful connection with Atlantis.

Their ancestors came from the maritime countries deep in the Atlantic Ocean.

At that time, Atlantis had not yet sunk and was at the peak of its national power.

The great wizard Varna obtained the "Book of Darkness" left by the ancient god Sissos, gained powerful power from it, and transformed himself into a vampire.

This is the birth story of the first vampire on earth.

Later, the continental plates collided, and Atlantis, which was once flourishing, sank.

The great wizard Varna felt that he had lived enough and had seen through all aspects of life, so he decided to stop thinking, so he passed his power to Dracula.

Since then, the vampire family has thrived in the land world and gradually become a hidden force in the dark world.

England was helpless, but the ancient eastern countries on the other side of the Pacific didn't care.

Even the Neon Superman can be torn apart by the Spear Bureau, so what are the mere blue-skinned Atlanteans

If you dare to go ashore, you will eat it directly as a crayfish!

Atlantic Ocean, Poseidonia.

The capital of Atlantis is no longer as peaceful as before.

Troops from all sides are massing, and pre-war tensions are spreading.

The undercurrents in the land world are turbulent, and marine civilization is not much better.

Namor, who slaughtered all the robed nobles in one go, successfully gained power - although many people denounced his tyranny and chose to stand up and resist.

But there was no disturbance and it was quickly suppressed.

“That’s one of the benefits of class solidification.”

Namor leaned on the throne, his right hand hanging down unaccustomedly. He usually held his beloved trident.

“When there is a lack of sufficiently capable leaders, it is difficult for the weak to pose a threat to the rule of the strong.”

Those rebels formed many forces and attacked the palace in the center of Poseidonia.

It's just that it's not a good idea to have scattered soldiers.

The guards got rid of these people without Namor taking action himself.

"I think there are also people from Atlantis, and most of them agree with the reasons for starting the war."

Sebastian was wearing breathing equipment and spoke in a deep voice through a transparent protective shield.

"For many years, the bottom class and the nobility in this country have been clearly differentiated. Bloodline and origin determine everyone's future."

"Your Majesty, you once grew up in the slums of Poseidonia. You have seen the lowest Atlanteans. They repeat similar lives every day. When you see the nobles in robes, they have to take the initiative to salute. Every day, every month, We have to pay a lot of taxes every year and bear the pressure of life which is not easy.”

"The upward passage was blocked, and the conflict between the nobles and the common people became more and more intense. It was only the concept of obedience rooted in the bones of the Atlanteans that allowed them to continue to remain docile."

Sebastian Xiao talked eloquently, as if he was a confidant around the king.

Namor, who was sitting on the throne, nodded frequently, feeling deeply.

When he was very young, he escaped to the slums with his mother and experienced the warmth and warmth of human nature.

He has a certain understanding of the lower class of Atlantis.

"A foreign war is the best way to divert conflicts. It can not only give military honors and let civilians see the hope of further promotion across classes; it can also consolidate His Majesty's authority with the help of victory after victory."

Sebastian looked loyal and sincere on the surface, with a dark light flashing in his eyes.

"As long as Superman can be eliminated, the army of Atlantis will be invincible and conquer the entire land world."

At the mention of Superman, Namor felt a slight pain in his chest.

Then, he thought about the Neptune Trident that was taken away.

Suddenly, the pleasant mood turned sour.

"Mr. Xiao, you have a powerful talent for absorbing energy. If you join forces with me, do you have a chance to defeat Superman?"

After thinking for a long time, Namor asked in a low voice.

As Superman's defeated opponent, he knew very well that the opponent was at the top of the list in terms of strength, speed, and combat awareness.

Fighting alone, you are no match.

But do you need to follow any rules when dealing with a land person

Swarming up and killing them is the wisest thing to do!

Among the Hellfire Club, the only one who can restrain Superman is the secretive Sebastian Shaw.

Namor thought that if the two of them worked together, they might have a chance of winning.

"Ahem! Your Majesty, I'm just a scientist and I'm not good at fighting with people."

Feeling the expectant look from above, Sebastian looked calm and steady as an old dog, but in fact he was panicking.

After witnessing Luke's amazing combat power of unilaterally crushing Berlin's "Battleship Class" and then defeating Namor, almost dying on the spot, how could he still have the fighting spirit.

He threatened before that he would teach Superman a lesson, but that was just a big talk that came out of an inflated heart.

While staying awake, Sebastian is more inclined to work hard to improve, wait until his abilities are further advanced, and then personally take action to eliminate the enemy.

"The Soviet Union is actively developing its nuclear industry, and soon they will be able to create the first-generation nuclear reactor. When the time comes, I will absorb the energy and make myself stronger."

Sebastian was full of confidence and loudly said: "I believe that even Superman cannot withstand the terrifying power of atomic fission!"

Namor's frown still didn't relax.

He asked unwillingly: "Is there nothing we can do against Superman? The golden trident, which symbolizes the royal power of Atlantis, is still in his hand. If he cannot take it back, sooner or later more resisters will come forward. ”

"There are other ways to do this."

Sebastian pondered for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Legend has it that the first mutant in history is named Apocalypse."

"He was extremely powerful and was once worshiped as a god."

"Because the long years are too boring, Apocalypse fell into a deep sleep. If I can find his whereabouts, get the method to the end of the evolutionary road from the hands of this great god, and break the restrictions of mutant levels, maybe I can defeat Superman. ”

Sebastian spoke vaguely, he did not want to really awaken the legendary god of mutants.

No one wants to have a boss sitting above them giving orders and giving out news of the apocalypse just to temporarily appease Namor's anxious mood.


Namor's eyes brightened slightly, as if he had a plan.

Washington, D.C., SHIELD headquarters building.

In Laboratory No. 1, Howard was busy working. His hair was as messy as a chicken coop, and his thick dark circles under his eyes showed that he had not gotten enough sleep for a long time.

"Is this what you achieved?"

Luke crossed his arms, looked at the model in front of him, and frowned, "A miniature nuclear reactor?"

"That's right. Although the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has no response to my various stimulation methods, just like a superior goddess who never pays attention to the various panderings of ordinary suitors, I haven't gained anything!"

Howard looked quite tired, but he was very excited. He said in a fierce tone: "I previously wanted to use magnetic confinement to achieve nuclear fusion, and use the protium and deuterium rich in seawater to complete nuclear fusion in a specific environment and ultra-high temperature conditions. Fusion reaction releases huge energy. This is my inspiration from the Universe Rubik’s Cube!”

"But I soon discovered that the magnetic field that constrains the plasma, although not afraid of high temperatures, is very unstable. And during the heating process of the plasma, energy will continue to be lost... "

Howard paused, seemingly thirsty, and poured himself a glass of water.

"Am I the only one who doesn't understand what he's saying?"

Taking advantage of this gap, Captain America standing next to him spoke out.

He looked confused and couldn't participate in Howard's endless talk.

What about nuclear fusion, magnetic confinement, plasma... It's really confusing!

Luke curled his lips and said with a smile: "I have specially reviewed it, so I can probably understand what Howard meant."

There are two main types of research on controlled thermonuclear fusion.

Inertial confinement fusion, and magnetic confinement fusion.

The former uses high-intensity lasers to irradiate deuterium and tritium targets in a very short time to achieve fusion.

The latter uses the characteristics of a strong magnetic field to well confine charged particles, confine deuterium and tritium gas in a special magnetic container, and heat it to a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius to achieve fusion reactions.

Howard's main direction of attack is the second type.

His idea is somewhat similar to the tokamak device that will only appear in a few years.

That was an experimental plan proposed by a Soviet scientist in the 1950s.

After decades of hard work, the feasibility has been proven.

It has to be said that Iron Man’s father’s vision and mind were ahead of his time.

"Hey, Rogers, when did you show up? Sorry, I didn't notice you at all just now."

Howard waved his hand, completely ignoring Captain America, who was tall and muscular.

When doing serious research, let alone Rogers with two big breasts, he would not divert his attention even if a young girl with a hot body took off her clothes and stood in front of him.

The most I can say is, don’t disturb me in my search for the truth!

"Where are you talking about? Oh, by the way, the project of controllable nuclear fusion is too huge, and I won't be able to get the answer for a while. So, I settled for the next best thing and decided to change the challenge to a simpler difficulty."

Howard picked up the previous tirade and continued: "Then you see it, the first-generation nuclear reactor! Putting it on a submarine can fully satisfy what Ross Gunn said, 'Atomic energy first drives machinery for propulsion. ship's vision."

"You spent a few days to get the most critical core of a nuclear submarine..."

Luke patted Howard on the shoulder and said with emotion: "Although you must have heard this sentence many times, I still want to say, Howard, you are truly a well-deserved genius!"

"Hearing this compliment from Superman, to be honest, my vanity has been satisfied like never before."

Howard laughed loudly, then handed Rogers a pile of design drawings and a large pile of calculation draft paper, and said: "Let those mediocre scientists from the Atomic Energy Commission do the research. They can only look up to the knowledge radiated by Howard Stark. Light—and I'm going to bed!"

"Wait a minute, as the first nuclear submarine, don't you want to give it a name - you are fully qualified."

Luke reminded.

"Uh, good idea! Let's call it the Nautilus. I like Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and I like Captain Nemo even more."

Howard paused and gave an answer.

Then, he walked into the lounge and closed the door with a bang.

Not long after, the two people standing outside heard the sound of sleeping snores.

"This guy is exhausted."

Luke smiled and looked at the model of the nuclear reactor, and couldn't help but think of Iron Man's Ark reactor.

It seems not far away. (End of chapter)