Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 118: ?Sorry, I want to join Hydra


"'Project Paperclip'?"

Rogers in the director's office closed the thick folder in his hand.

"In other words, the president secretly extradited a group of German scientists, and S.H.I.E.L.D. also absorbed some of Hydra's forces. But won't this allow enemies to infiltrate and pose a threat to national security?"

Captain America looked a bit puzzled.

As an intelligence agency, SHIELD's first priority should be to ensure its own confidentiality.

Taking the initiative to recruit Hydra is tantamount to creating opportunities for spies to lurk.

Invisibly, a certain amount of risk is increased.

What will happen when SHIELD becomes the new Hydra

"This plan was initially carried out by the military. They were interested in the Third Reich's V-1 and V2 rockets and new ballistic missile technologies, and they wanted to get them."

Luke shrugged and said easily.

The most scarce thing in the twentieth century is talent. The newly elected president also understood this truth, so he approved the "Paperclip Project."

During World War II, the Third Reich's military industry was extremely developed, with various black technologies emerging in endlessly, and it was the well-deserved number one in terms of strength.

The White House and Pentagon are watching with envy, which is normal.

It is their nature to plunder and put profit first.

"Initially, many people opposed this plan because according to regulations, the US military belonging to the Allied Powers is prohibited from dealing directly with war criminals."

Luke paused and said with a smile: "The irony is that almost all German scientists, engineers and other technical personnel who are eligible for recruitment and extradition have basically close ties with the Nazi Party, and some even have enough meet the standards of war criminals.”

Rogers looked shocked as if "weird knowledge has increased."

Although we know that due to the entanglement of interests from various aspects, the country's image may not be as glorious as it appears on the surface.

But the thought of recruiting war criminals into government departments was still a bit hard for him to accept.

"Those people should be put on trial."

Rogers whispered.

Seeing Captain America's frustrated look, Luke continued to talk about the dark history of the federal government: "That's just your personal opinion. The president and generals don't think so. In order to ensure strategic interests, they bypassed these rules and sent out More than 700 intelligence personnel are working hard to collect personnel related to fighter jets, missiles, rockets and other projects.”

"Among them, Arthur L. Rudolph once managed an arsenal and was a talented person in rocket manufacturing. However, he was also a notorious war criminal, committing brutal crimes such as hanging slave laborers and massacring and abusing prisoners of war."

"There is also Wernher von Braun, who is now a senior engineer at the Army Equipment Design and Research Bureau, the designer of the V-2 missile. He has killed thousands of people in the UK and is a fanatical Third Reich element."

Luke spoke in detail, every word hitting Rogers' heart like a sledgehammer.

"Steve, there is no absolute justice in this world. The country you protect, or the spirit you defend, is actually not great."

Luke, who is obviously the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a major general in the Army, unceremoniously mocked this capitalist country that is packaged as a beacon of freedom.

But having said that, the "Paperclip Project" did have a great impact on the United States during its development period.

For example, the war criminal Werner von Braun.

This person had a brilliant resume and entered the Technical University of Berlin in 1930.

Four years later he received his PhD in physics from Humboldt University, with the thesis being awarded the highest grade.

In just two years, the V-2 missile was designed, which was the first ballistic missile put into actual combat in the world.

Later, he went to the United States and developed the Saturn 5, which successfully achieved the amazing feat of landing on the moon.

It can be said that he is another Howard Stark in rocket manufacturing and aerospace industry.

"What about S.H.I.E.L.D., the same goes for us?"

Rogers couldn't accept it and looked at Luke who was leaning in his seat.

"Pretty much. Like Dr. Arnim Zola, who used to create energy weapons for the Red Skull and now works for SHIELD. So, we don't blame him for his previous crimes."

Luke nodded, not hiding anything.

"Project Paperclip" also benefited SHIELD a lot.

From an unknown intelligence agency, it has rapidly developed into a huge organization that towers over the Pentagon.

In addition to Superman's special status, plus various astonishing operations to request funds and expand his powers and responsibilities.

A small part is also thanks to the generous help of Hydra.

This old rival allowed the reorganized Strategic Science Corps to quickly complete primitive accumulation.

"Don't be too obsessed with justice, kindness and moral conscience, Steve. You can pursue those good things, but you can't use them as the standard to measure everything in the world."

Luke continued to cook poisonous chicken soup and played the role of life mentor.

Speaking of which, transforming the unwavering Captain America seems to be quite interesting.

"I never think about how many people have been killed by the weapons he manufactured and sold since Howard was in the arms business."

"Let's not even think about it. Arnim Zola was once a loyal supporter of the Third Reich. He once worked hard for Hydra and the Red Skull, and his hands were stained with the blood of Allied soldiers."

"Because it is meaningless. There is no use except to get yourself into the contradiction between moral conscience and cruel reality."

Rogers' lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

The education and understanding he has received since childhood is to be a good person, stick to the bottom line, and not easily hurt others.

But Luke's words were like a bullet, shattering Captain America's strong defense and making him waver.

"But… "

Rogers raised his head, as if he was doubting life.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Separate the truth from reality. I am a superman, a war hero, and an object of admiration by the public."

Luke smiled and said softly: "But I am also the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., an Army General, an out-and-out person in power and a leader. I need to safeguard my own interests and stick to my position. For this reason, I don't even have to Don’t do something “bad” that goes against moral standards.”

"These two identities are not inconsistent when put together."

Rogers' mind was in a mess, as if he had endured 10,000 mental attacks.

He looked down at the vibranium shield in his hand and the stars and stripes printed on his chest.

For a moment, I was at a loss.

"Maybe I'm not fit to be a captain."

After a while, Rogers laughed self-deprecatingly.

"It's a good thing you're here, Luke. Now I just have to be a soldier and keep my head down and move forward."

Luke, who had fed Captain America several bowls of poisonous chicken soup with philosophy of life, Shi Shiran stood up, patted Captain America on the shoulder and said, "Come to my house for dinner tonight. Marlena's cooking is pretty good."

After a few minutes, the conversation ended.

Watching Rogers leave, he walked to the wine cabinet and poured a glass of 1882 Lafite—well, the 1882 vintage.

"Dr. Zola, you heard it all."

Luke shook the red wine glass and said towards the office cubicle: "I am very aware of Hydra's plan. You relied on the 'Paperclip Project' to infiltrate SHIELD, intending to resurrect and start over."

"The most dangerous place is often the safest. After the collapse of the Red Skull, Hydra's forces were divided into three. Some were recruited by SHIELD, some were taken away by Baron Teslak, and some were hidden. The secret Penetrate into the federal government.”

Dr. Zola, who was short and fat, pushed the door open with small steps.

He stayed in the cubicle of the office very early and heard about the counter-plots against the Hellfire Club and various intelligence about the "Paperclip Project".

"Mr. Major General, I have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side! Hydra is doomed to have no future, SHIELD is the future!"

Dr. Zola said sincerely.

Luke handed over a glass of red wine, shook his head and said: "You are wrong, Dr. Zola. I am very optimistic about Hydra. They are well-organized, have excellent penetration capabilities, and have intelligence networks all over the place. They are stronger than S.H.I.E.L.D. many."

Dr. Zola took the wine glass tremblingly.

He didn't know what the major general in front of him wanted to say.

Do you want to settle the old score of being a Hydra

"Dr. Zola, I would like to join you."

Luke's smile grew thicker and he said sincerely: "Do you think I can become a qualified Hydra?" (End of Chapter)