Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 120: ?The birth of Snake Shield Bureau, the first speaker


eternal life

Want to get rid of the fragile physical body and gain spiritual immortality!

Luke was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickering.

No wonder Dr. Zola later chose to upload his consciousness to computer storage and become a ghost-like existence in the form of digital life.

It turns out there was a foreshadowing!

Thinking of the two hundred thousand feet long database placed in the basement nearly a century later, that is Dr. Zola's "body".

"To be honest, as a scientist, you should not believe in such false promises. Immortality is just a foolish fantasy."

Mr. Major General let out a scornful laugh, not believing this.

Any religion will give a layer of false hope that seems good.

For example, the soul enters the kingdom of heaven and enjoys the shining of the holy light.

Or a river full of milk and honey, seventy-two beautiful pure maidens.

Hydra is naturally no exception.

"Immortality, has anyone ever done it since ancient times?"

Luke asked with a smile.

If I had to name an immortal person who might exist on earth, it would probably be me.

Luke clearly remembered that in Superman's independent story, the other person lived until the universe died, and then restarted a new reincarnation.

There are many similar examples.

For example, in "DC Millions", Superman stayed in the sun for 84,300 years and became the golden Superman.

Also in "Tomorrow", Superman visits the earth five billion years later to witness the end of the world.

For a Kryptonian who continues to grow and make breakthroughs, time and life may be just a series of numbers, no big deal.

If he could visualize it, Luke believed that his head would be beating +1 every minute.

"At that time, I was relatively blind. I was fanatical about the Third Reich's great plan to conquer the European continent, and I firmly believed in Hydra."

Dr. Zola took a sip of red wine to hide her embarrassment.

Every mortal has had the beautiful fantasy of immortality. Compared with power and money, endless long life is more worthy of people's madness.

"Believe me, that legendary alien god will definitely not be able to give you the reward you want."

Luke shrugged, puncturing Dr. Zola's dream.

The Inhumans are just the experimental products of the Kree, and they are far from true "gods".

As for eternal life, this is a lie!

This is something even their creator cannot achieve!

As one of the three great empires, the Kree imitated the former Celestials and used genetic fragments of primitive humans to carry out bioengineering in an attempt to create a group of powerful warriors.

This is the origin of the Inhumans!

The so-called alien god was the first successful test subject.

"There are so many smart people in Hydra, why would they believe such a clumsy lie?"

Luke couldn't help but wonder.

Logically speaking, the conspirators should be skeptical of everything.

"We have a... plan."

Dr. Zola was hesitant. If he continued speaking, he would leak the organization's information.

"Project Far Star, right?"

Luke continued casually.

It's like dropping a bombshell.

Dr. Zola, who was troubled in his heart, swallowed and tried his best to hide the shock on his face.

Do you even know this

Has Hydra been infiltrated by SHIELD

There is a mole among those high-level officials!

Who is the one

Baron Teslak

Lady Viper

Whitehall, who is responsible for bringing back the alien god

A series of names flashed through my mind, but I couldn't identify them.

No matter who it is, it is a huge blow to Hydra!

They have always been known for their ability to work as undercover spies and infiltrate the enemy's intelligence, but now they have been quietly planted by others.

Thinking of this, Dr. Zola broke into a cold sweat.

Luke glanced down and saw the other person's crazy thinking, which really made people want to laugh.

"Did I said wrong thing?"

he continued to ask.

"No, no."

Dr. Zola shook his head hard and continued: "That alien god, he was exiled to a distant planet."

"Although we can't determine the specific location to welcome it back to Earth, we can pass a portal and put things in at regular intervals. Sometimes it's a living person, sometimes it's some animals."

"What is certain is that God is still alive."

"Thousands of years have passed since the Mayan period, and he is still alive! Therefore, many people firmly believe that the alien god can live forever and can bestow this ability on his most loyal followers."

Luke curled his lips after hearing this and said that I can live until the sun dies or the universe explodes.

It is suggested that all members of Hydra should convert and form a superhuman worshiping sect.

"Okay, let's get back to the original topic."

Mr. Major General tapped his fingers on the table, and the rhythmic tapping sound invisibly created psychological pressure on Dr. Zola.

"Believe me, Doctor. I can become a perfect Hydra and lead you to a better future."

"I can help you achieve all the great things that the Red Skull cannot achieve. A huge Hydra empire, a closely united community of human destiny, and a center of power that rules the world."

Luke is like a devil who tricks mortals into trading their souls.

Dr. Zola's face turned red and he was quite excited.

He has been completely raped by "The Logician", and his thinking and logic have changed into the shape of Luke.

"So, what's the price?"

Dr. Zola suppressed his inner urge to move.

"There is a saying in the East that if you want to eliminate external controversies, you must eliminate internal hidden dangers."

Luke narrowed his eyes and smiled gently: "Before you rule the world, you should concentrate the power of Hydra in one place."

"I am going to have friendly exchanges with the leaders of Hydra, like Baron Strucker and Lady Viper, to discuss cooperation matters."

"Hydra doesn't need to have so many heads, are you right?"

Dr. Zola's passion was instantly doused by a basin of cold water.

He looked up at Luke and said tremblingly: "Mr. Major General, are you ready to become the sole leader of Hydra?"

"Is there any problem? This is like doing business. I took SHIELD to invest in Hydra and was elected as the largest shareholder and the talker on the board of directors. It makes sense."

Luke looked confused and asked, "Do you have anyone more suitable than me? SHIELD is an intelligence agency that surpasses the Pentagon. Is this gift not significant enough?"

Dr. Zola was speechless, and his thinking logic was messed up again.

Hydra has more than just one leader: Red Skull.

Like Baron Teslak hiding in the dark.

Mrs. Viper is active in the Neon Island Kingdom.

Whitehall who mingled in Southeast Asia.


There are nine people in total.

Even the Red Skull, who backed the Third Reich, failed to become the sole leader of Hydra—he was at best a spokesperson on the table.

As a newbie who just joined, Luke's demands were a bit excessive and completely beyond the scope of acceptable negotiations.

If the other party can really use SHIELD as a breeding ground for Hydra to hatch, there will be no problem in becoming one of its heads.

As for the sole leader, it is obviously impossible!

"If it's like Mr. Major General said, can Hydra still remain the same?"

Dr. Zola said with a wry smile.

"I'm afraid it will be swallowed up directly by SHIELD!"

Luke thought carefully for a few seconds, and then continued to use his verbal rhetoric to rape the thinking and logic: "No organization can remain unchanged. Only by boldly embracing change can it be reborn."

"As for who is in charge between Hydra and SHIELD, I don't think it's necessary to make such a clear distinction."

"We are all one family, let's just call it 'Snake and Shield Bureau'! I don't mind becoming the first director." (End of Chapter)