Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 126: ?My stupid brother, never trust women


"Frankly, Steve Rogers shouldn't be this good."

Gu Yi stared at the real picture projected by the "Window of the World" and couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"To be more precise, he shouldn't even be in Boston, shouldn't be active at this point in time - you changed the future of Captain America, Mr. Major General."

In countless timelines, Captain America Steve Rogers will be frozen and then sleep for seventy years.

This is something that is destined to happen and cannot be changed.

Luke pretended to be confused and asked, "Then how would Rogers have lived his original life?"

Want to sleep properly

He didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Being Captain America is nothing compared to the rest of the impact you have had, Mr. Major General."

Ancient Yi didn't bother to expose the opponent's poor performance, so he said casually and continued to focus on the battlefield in Boston.

There is no suspense in the ending!

Captain America, who had been strengthened twenty-four times, was like a humanoid battleship, charging forward with the vibranium shield and forcibly carving out a passage.

High-pressure water cannons and an army of killer whales, no one can stop him!

Captain America, who has been silently following Superman and whose light has been obscured, finally got a chance to express himself.

The U.S. military, which was at a disadvantage, shrank its front and launched a counterattack.

Tanks, armored vehicles, and bombers all went into battle, taking turns to pour out firepower.

For a while, the Orca Legion of Atlantis was defeated steadily.

If nothing unexpected happens, this landing battle is likely to end in the failure of marine civilization.

"Atlantis' strength doesn't stop there. Namor and the Hellfire Club haven't taken action yet."

Gu Yi looked away and seemed to remind: "The troops attacking Boston are not many, there is only one killer whale army. New York is their main battlefield."

"A wonderful performance is always divided into several acts, and the first act has just ended."

Luke shrugged and said the Sorcerer Supreme had nothing to worry about.

"It's better for us to focus on Philadelphia and see how the battle is going there."

Gu nodded, and she was increasingly looking forward to what kind of answer sheet the other party could hand over.

I have to say that this major general always gives people unexpected extra surprises.

The "Window of the World" emits light, and the projected images gradually change.

Not long after, the situation on another battlefield came into view.


It's like the opening of a popcorn movie, always creating a little gimmick.

Luke's eyes followed a bomb dropped by a bomber.

The piece of iron suddenly fell from the sky, dragging a long scream.

There was a "bang" sound, and a dazzling fire burst out.

The air waves rolled and shrapnel flew!

What is attacking Philadelphia is the Seahorse Legion of Atlantis.

They are not as tall and strong as the killer whale tribe, and their size is similar to that of normal humans.

What's even more strange is that these people have no feet and cannot walk upright on land, so they can only stay in a fusiform flying boat.

"The Seahorse Tribe is a highly degenerated bloodline of the Atlanteans. Since they live on the seabed all year round, they have experienced atavism. Their legs have degenerated into dorsal fins and tail fins, in exchange for a more flexible body and the ability to communicate with sea beasts. of talent.”

As the strongest among the mages, Gu Yi is not only powerful, but also knowledgeable.

Her knowledge of Atlantis' past is not inferior to that of Luke.

In terms of various details, it may even win.

"If I guess correctly, you should be planning to put mutants into this battlefield."

After Gu Yi pondered for a moment, he said softly.

"It's just that they may not be able to deal with the Seahorse Legion hiding in the airship. Unlike the Orca Legion, they rely on relatively primitive cold weapons to fight."

"In the face of heavy firepower and fleet salvos, what role can mutants play?"

Luke glanced at the Supreme Mage who had planted the flag in advance, and smiled without saying a word.

"Jimmy! Let's play a killing game, shall we? Compete with who gets the most heads!"

Sabertooth Tiger stepped off the helicopter with great interest and said loudly: "I heard that the blood of Atlanteans is blue. I can't wait to verify it."

He retains the bloodthirsty nature of a ferocious beast in his bones, and is quite eager to fight and kill.

Although he was subdued by Luke and reached a consensus, his temperament became much docile.

But as long as you step onto the battlefield and participate in the battle, the cruel and violent emotions will still surge up and swallow up your reason.

"Not interested in."

Wolverine coldly rejected his brother.

He held a thick cigar in his mouth, and his eyes glanced back from time to time in the direction of the silver fox Keira.

The saber-toothed tiger discovered this and became a little frustrated and muttered: "Women are just playthings to vent your desires. Jimmy, you must not invest in emotions, it will make you weak!"

"The only ones who can trust each other are brothers! Only I will accompany you to the end of your life!"

Sabre-toothed tiger, this irritable old brother, actually has a brother-control plot in his heart, and he always wants to be with his brother.

But Wolverine ignored these words. He only had the idea of getting rid of being single. The silver fox Keira who was in the same team was very good.

The other party has a gentle personality and can always calm herself down, which is different from the women I have met before.

That’s right!

Wolverine, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, is actually a human-shaped bulldozer.

It can be said that he has slept with more girls than he can count.

Fortunately, the hit rate is relatively low, otherwise the great dream of the cloth world can be fully realized.

"Everyone, we have worked together so many times, so we will omit the unnecessary nonsense."

Wearing sunglasses, Stryker had been waiting in Philadelphia for a long time. During this time, he was at the dam base of Lake Akalia.

After Atlantis chose to go to war, she was transferred to the front line by SHIELD.

"This mission is not easy. What you have to deal with is not the dictatorial warlords in Africa, nor the agents and spies of Hydra. They are a group of blue-skinned weirdos living under the sea!"

Stryker reminded, hoping that the mutant team would realize the seriousness and not relax their vigilance.

The saber-tooth tiger chuckled twice and said unabashedly: "To be honest, I am looking forward to a seafood dinner."

After saying that, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Victor, be careful those Atlanteans have germs on them."

The big meatball continued.

"I personally recommend deep frying at high temperatures and not eating sashimi. It will be safer that way."

John, the dark-skinned ghost, laughed.

After carrying out several missions, this team of mutants has greatly deepened their tacit understanding, and there is no longer the strange feeling before.

Of course, it was mainly Luke who tamed the beast that was the saber-toothed tiger.

Before the change, Victor never paid attention to team spirit and obeyed orders.

"Everyone, let's put the small talk later."

Stryker tried his best to imitate Luke's tone, trying to gain more respect.

He said calmly: "This is a civilized battle between humans and Atlantis. You are on SHIELD's side, so don't be lenient after you see the real enemy."

"The Seahorse Corps is a huge fleet on land. The shuttle-shaped airship they ride in is like a tank and can shoot high-pressure water cannons. It is also extremely maneuverable. Under the same conditions, the Armored Division of the Ministry of War is no match at all."

"That's going to be difficult. My claws can't tear open the tank!"

Sabre-toothed Tiger interrupted.

"Major General Cavill has no intention of letting you confront the Seahorse Legion head-on. That is the Pentagon's mission."

Stryker glared at the other party fiercely and said angrily.

"Those guys also have weaknesses. They can communicate with sea beasts. This is an innate ability, just like mutants."

"Judging from the fleet's flexibility and cooperation after the war, we can confirm that the Seahorse Corps has also applied this capability to the battlefield."

"They can carry out a large number of spiritual links. In other words, this legion has a brain that can overview the overall situation and issue orders."

"Keira, your mission is to control the legion commander hiding in the fortress, and the rest of the people are responsible for assisting Keira in completing this matter!"

Stryker glanced at everyone and said with emphasis: "This is Major General Cavell's order." (End of Chapter)