Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 127: ?Everyone who switches tactics, your crystal is gone


"Two beasts with self-healing factors and no fear of death, one that can teleport and contain firepower, one that is a thick human shield that can fight and withstand, and one that has psychic abilities."

Luke stopped in front of the "Window of the World", looked at the projection screen, and said with a smile: "When we encounter the seahorse army that is as organized as its arms and fingers, they are naturally no match."

"But this Atlantis tribal bloodline has the innate ability of spiritual connection. Therefore, I set my target on the legion commander hiding inside the fortress,"

"As long as the silver fox Keira successfully controls the leader, they will collapse without a fight."

Gu Yi pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time, no longer as relaxed as before.

The situation on the battlefield was just as Luke expected.

Tanks, armored vehicles, and bombers worked together to contain the Seahorse Legion's land fleet—the airships they rode were similar to long and narrow silver shuttles and had amphibious combat functions.

The army's defense line in the land world was easily torn open by the Atlanteans.

The fleet formed by the latter is flexible and versatile, like a predator in the deep sea, eating up the enemy with the smell of blood.

"Avoid its edge and kill with one blow. Is this the Major General's tactic?"

Ancient One stared at the saber-toothed tiger and wolverine - these two humanoid beasts were teleported by Ghost John and brought to the inside of the fortress to kill them, as if they were in an uninhabited land.

Compared to them, the Atlantean seahorse warriors were like lambs raised in captivity, torn apart by tigers and hungry wolves!

"It is indeed a wonderful performance."

Gu Yi nodded.

Judging from the current performance, Superman did not take action. He only relied on his familiarity with Atlantis to prevent the decline of the two battlefields in Boston and Philadelphia.

Luke, who is in the New York Sanctuary, is like an excellent chess player.

Know how to allocate the appropriate chess pieces to the places where they can work best.

"It's just that you're not worried that Namor and Sebastian Shaw of the Hellfire Club will launch an attack on New York?"

Gu Yi changed the subject and asked softly.

"Resolve this crisis in Boston and Philadelphia, as well as Atlanta and New York. Mr. Major General, you must have used up all the cards in your hand at this time, right?"

As expected of the Supreme Mage, he knew all the important figures active at this point in time.

Namor, Sebastian Shaw, the Hellfire Club... all within your grasp.

Luke seemed to have expected it, and said calmly: "New York is not in a hurry for the time being. After experiencing the last disastrous defeat, Namor did not dare to show up easily. The king failed once, and maybe there will be a chance to start over again, but the same person can do it again. After two failures, his ruling authority was in jeopardy and almost collapsed. "

"As for Sebastian Xiao, this guy is too cautious, and he will not take the initiative to get killed."

"With my current strength, I don't have to do it myself every time I fight. Because the existence of Superman is a sufficient deterrent in itself."

"I can imagine that Namor and Sebastian Shaw must be frantically inquiring about my whereabouts and confirming where I will appear."

"They are like naughty guys who want to cause trouble when their master is not at home. They are happy and doing bad things, but at the same time they prick up their ears fearfully, fearing that their master will come back suddenly."

Luke spoke calmly, and his words revealed a strong confidence that was quite similar to the Supreme Mage.

In the final analysis, personal strength determines the confidence to speak.

"It's so interesting."

Gu Yi put his hands behind his back and said with emotion: "I haven't seen a newcomer as interesting as you in a long time."

"Those heroes, villains, madmen, and gods in different timelines... Some of them are willing to sacrifice their lives for the peace of the world; some are destroying the world for power, ambition, and various private desires. Worse."

"There are also some who just want to play the game of police catching robbers and endlessly entangle themselves with their old enemies."

"I've met a lot of different, interesting guys. But Luke Cavill, you're an interesting guy to put in that group of guys."

Luke readily accepted the Sorcerer Supreme's compliment—or so it seemed.

"Should I be more flattered?"

he asked with a smile.

Gu Yi shook his head, his eyes falling on the other person.

His brows were slightly furrowed, his expression complex.

After a moment, she sighed: "You are like a mixture of those people - like a half glass of water, with a spoonful of ambition, a spoonful of selfishness, a spoonful of ordinaryness and a third of moral conscience... I don't even know. , is your arrival good or bad for this world?"

Luke shrugged and said relaxedly: "Looking on the bright side, at least I can make the same boring story that keeps repeating itself a little more exciting."

After a while, Gu Yi nodded in agreement.

Normally, she would not need the "Window to the World" at all.

As the Supreme Mage, using the Eye of Agamodha with a time gem sealed inside, he can quickly find the most suitable one from countless branches of time.

But facing the bet proposed by Luke, Gu Yi was unable to directly predict the future and know the outcome.

Because there are too many variables.

Every minute, something new appears and something old disappears.

"In that case, Mr. Major General, can your third act begin?"

Gu Yi asked with a little anticipation.

The Philadelphia battlefield is coming to an end.

The two humanoid beasts, Sabre-toothed Tiger and Wolverine, went crazy.

They were bathed in blood and scarred as if they had walked out of hell.

Those legionnaires who tried to expel and kill the intruders ended up having their throats torn out with claws or their necks broken.

It is estimated that it won't be long before the silver fox Keira, who is under heavy cover, will be able to successfully complete the mission.


Luke snapped his fingers and smiled: "The next battlefield is the Atlantic Ocean, not New York or Atlanta."

Gu Yi showed some doubts, and the projection screen of "Window of the World" changed accordingly.

Four hundred meters below the Atlantic Ocean, darkness and gloom are everywhere, surrounding the nuclear submarine named "Nautilus".

"It should be right here."

Howard stayed in the command module. He was not used to the small and confined space.

It feels a little difficult to breathe and I can't breathe.

Without Luke's request and the strong urge to pilot the "Nautilus" himself, Howard would certainly not have participated in such a dangerous action.

He turned his head, clutched his chest and said, "Hey, kid, the rest is up to you."

A lean black young man nodded vigorously and assured: "I have been able to fully adapt to high-intensity water pressure, and I also have the ability to breathe like a fish."

He is a mutant, nicknamed "Darwin", and has the rare talent of automatically mutating to adapt to the external environment.

As early as a few months ago, SHIELD recruited the other party.

It was originally intended to be temporarily housed and cultivated as special talents.

I didn't expect that it would come in handy so quickly.

"Luke said that Atlantis is a huge island, hidden deep in the trench. You can find it by following the glowing deep-sea creatures."

Howard put on the diving suit for "Darwin" and warned: "Find the exact location, surface back to the submarine, and then your mission is completed."


The black boy showed no fear and grinned: "I don't want to be ruled by a bunch of blue-skinned undersea people!"

"Thank you Hydra, thank you Red Skull."

After Howard launched the "Darwin", he temporarily left the command module and came to the bow of the boat.

Here is the torpedo bay, which contains four Valkyrie missiles.

Luke successfully stopped the Red Skull's plan to destroy the world and brought back the new plane flying to New York.

The dozens of Valkyrie missiles it carried were naturally swallowed up by the Strategic Science Corps.

Later reorganized into SHIELD, these powerful weapons were not handed over to the military.

"Surprise for Atlantis—Luke is such a crazy guy."

Howard clutched his chest and took a deep breath. (End of chapter)