Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 131: ?I have something to say, please listen carefully


"Every time I see Major General Cavell, I have a different feeling. He can always create some unexpected...surprises for everyone from time to time."

Secretary of the Navy Nimitz shook his head and smiled and said, if he were a devout religious person and saw this scene with his own eyes, he might start reciting the Bible and crossing his chest.

I believe that the reappearance of the miracle of Moses parting the sea will be published in newspapers soon, and it will trigger a huge response.

It is foreseeable that among Luke's long list of dazzling titles, there will probably be more legendary stories like "God on earth" and "The birth of the Son".

"Superman - this title is worthy of the name. Super soldier is far from describing the strength of Major General Cavill."

The general next to him sighed.

"I heard that another super soldier, Colonel Steve Rogers, also performed brilliantly on the Boston battlefield? Everyone, I think it's time to put the research plan on human enhancement on the agenda."

"It's our turn to worry about it. SHIELD is responsible for this."

The older general said sourly.

The military actually has some complaints about SHIELD being independent from the Pentagon.

Power without jurisdiction can easily lead to the birth of a dictator.

"In any case, we are witnessing a rising young star shining brightly. No one knows where Major General Cavell will go in the future."

In the staff group, someone said with a tone of admiration and envy.

"How can you continue to be called Major General? I think he will soon change his name. General Cavill has set a record for the fastest promotion rate in the United States."

Secretary of the Navy Nimitz chuckled.

The White House is definitely preparing for the investiture ceremony.

This is a good opportunity to build relationships.

I remember that at the end of the war, most people in the military believed that Luke, who was still a brigadier general at the time, should be excluded from the center of power.

At least sit quietly on the bench to avoid being promoted too quickly and becoming factionally powerful, threatening the original interest groups.

But no one expected that this young major general did not seek refuge on any mountain.

He neither expressed his attitude to the Admiralty nor became friendly to the War Department.

He took the initiative to take charge of the unpopular S.H.I.E.L.D., making it impossible for the powerful Edgar Hoover to step down.

Then, it broke away from the constraints of the Pentagon and became a mountain of its own!

"It's really amazing speed."

Nimitz sighed with emotion, turned around and invited his colleagues, and said solemnly: "Let's go over to greet Major General Cavell."

Although the relationship between the Navy Department and the War Department was not good, there were many rifts.

But everyone on Liberty Island had to admit that seeing Luke appear, they did feel a sense of security.

Especially when they discovered that the Atlanteans, who had been aggressive and victorious just now, now looked depressed and resentful.

The senior officials of the Navy Department suddenly felt relaxed and had smiles on their faces.

On the Atlantis side, ever since Luke held the golden trident and parted the Hudson River.

His high-spirited momentum was suffocated, and he no longer maintained his original proud appearance.

"Damn it! That's my golden trident!"

Namor's chest heaved and he was filled with anger, as if someone had taken away his wife.

Poseidon Neptune's trident was supposed to be his exclusive weapon!

Now, it is held by a land man!

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have come to the negotiations!"

Namor gritted his teeth, feeling regretful.

He held his chest, and the injuries that had long since healed still ached a little.

"Your Majesty, this is a great humiliation to us by the land people! In tens of thousands of years, there has never been an example of a non-royal blood holding a trident!"

The legion leader of the Hammerhead Shark Tribe’s eyes widened, and veins popped out on his forehead.

The vast army of Atlantis all looked at the tall figure who was riding the waves, like a god descending from the earth.

They had not heard of the Book of Exodus, and they did not know that in 1250 BC there was a prophet named Moses who parted the Red Sea, which was regarded as a miracle.

The reason why they all looked at each other involuntarily was because Luke held the golden Neptune Trident in his right hand.

That is the symbol of Atlantis' royal power!

Namor glanced at the leader of the Hammerhead Shark Tribe. Perhaps he said this out of inner anger.

But it sounded like he was accusing himself of throwing away the artifact inherited from the King of Atlantis.

He suppressed his irritable mood and said without emotion: "Brave Legion Commander, do you want to challenge Superman to a duel later and get the trident back for me in a fair and just traditional way?"

The leader of the Hammerhead Shark Tribe fell silent. Superman's strength was obvious to all.

Not even Namor is a match, and challenging him rashly will only bring humiliation to himself.

Although the Atlanteans still looked down upon the land world, they identified with the strong.

"Your Majesty, this is what a king should do."

The legion commander said gruffly.

"Hmph! I can."

The young king began to consider Sebastian Shaw's suggestion and prepared to use the continental shelf seismometer as a bargaining chip to strive for more favorable negotiating conditions.

Twenty minutes later, the conference room of Liberty Island.

Negotiations on the armistice are in full swing.

The Atlanteans are represented by Namor and his scribe, as well as the leader of the Hammerhead clan.

The team sent by the United States consisted of generals and staff from the Department of the Navy.

As for Luke, he didn't speak the entire time.

But before the negotiation meeting started, I communicated with Nimitz in private.

It probably means that you can make requests casually and state the conditions boldly.

Don't worry about Atlantis's bottom line and affordability, just ask for it, it's best to drain the other party until there's not a drop left.

Luke himself doesn't care how much benefit he can get, because no matter how much he gets, he doesn't belong to SHIELD.

He hopes to prolong the negotiations until SHIELD has enough confidence to take over all this.

"I remember there were a lot of good things in Atlantis."

Luke drummed his fingers on the table, his thoughts fluctuating.

Although he said nothing, he was always the focus of the meeting room.

Every time Atlantis argued against a request made by the Admiralty, their representative would always subconsciously glance at where he was sitting.

Seemingly worried that the Superman in the land world would be dissatisfied, he overturned the negotiation table, rolled up his sleeves and showed his fists.

Of all the people present, except for Namor, probably no one could withstand a serious punch from the opponent.

"Everyone, don't worry about my opinion."

Luke shrugged his shoulders and maintained a kind smile: "Friends who are familiar with me know that I am actually a pacifist and I always like to convince people with reason."

"Atlantis and the United States have restarted the war. This is an outcome that no one wants to see. I sincerely hope that all problems will be resolved on the negotiation table instead of barbaric fighting."

Mr. Major General said beautiful words and waved his hands sincerely, indicating that you can continue talking and don't worry about me.

The representative of Atlantis nodded in a friendly manner and also talked about peace and the future in a difficult tone.

In fact, deep down deep down, I didn't believe a single punctuation mark of Luke's speech.

To convince people with reason

If Superman lowers his clenched fist, he does look like a reasonable and kind-hearted person.

After both sides talked some useless nonsense, the negotiations continued.

Atlantis said nothing about compensation and only discussed future development and peaceful coexistence.

It is a replica of the Lighthouse State. It talks about freedom and democracy, but in fact all it does is plunder.

Luke had to admit that seeing the American emperor being so disgusted made him feel a little happy.

The bottom line for military representatives is to work hard to gain some benefits.

Facing the powerful Atlantis, even if Luke said he could make requests casually, the Admiralty did not dare to speak loudly.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the blame for starting the war will have to be placed on his own head.

The two teams of men and horses were pulling back and forth, just like novices fighting each other under a defense tower. It was not entertaining and made people sleepy.

"I have something to say, please listen carefully."

During the stalemate, Namor, one of the brainless and unhappy group, stood up.

A confident expression appeared on his face, sweeping across everyone present—except for Luke, who closed his eyes and was concentrating. (End of chapter)