Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 132: Negotiation is not the only means


Luke, who felt a little like dozing off, slowly opened his eyes.

He was no longer sleepy when he heard that Namor was about to speak.

This is not because Mr. Major General wants to hear some insights from the other party.

As a traveler, Mr. Luke thought he had learned a lot about Mr. Namo's temperament and his life experience of growing up without love and beatings.

Not only does this guy have no brains, he also has an inexplicable sense of superiority.

They neither look down upon the people of Atlantis, but also have some hatred for humans in the land world.

It’s also the king’s start. Wakanda’s Black Panther can become bigger and stronger, and Aquaman on the next set can sneak into the Justice League.

Black Adam often frustrates Shazam, the locked-down wisdom, and is not afraid to challenge Superman.

Even Grodd, who is an orangutan, can conquer Africa and establish a country.

Namor, on the other hand, was playing a bad hand with a good hand.

He has always been unpopular due to his bad personality that is extremely easy to inflate.

I once joined the Illuminati - a "terrorist organization" that claims to solve the crisis on earth, but actually works hard to create crises.

But he has no sense of existence. Apart from fighting with his old enemy Black Panther, he has basically achieved nothing.

He briefly obtained the Phoenix Power—and then immediately ran to Wakanda to trouble the Black Panther. In the end, he was beaten up by the Avengers and escaped in embarrassment.

Luke knew very well that when Namor said he was okay again, everyone could rest assured.

Because he will only make things worse until there is no end.

To be honest, Namor always reminds Luke of a certain president who has not yet been born - known as "American Potion Brother-Twitter Luo Yonghao-Youtube Laoba-New York Wang Jingze-The first human to land on the sun-Human beings return to the sun The first man on earth - the son of the sun - the master of cosmology - the king of virology - the debate genius - the savior of America - the king of spies - the punk businessman - the star of the law of cause and effect - economics Spongebob - the super chef of mille-feuille - the generation who understands the king" Teacher Chuan.

"As the King of Atlantis, the Ruler of the Four Oceans, and the Master of the Vast Seven Seas, I did not start this war without reason."

Sure enough, Namor filled the conference room with a cheerful atmosphere as soon as he opened his mouth.

The representative from Atlantis looked confused.

They were stunned and couldn't figure out why their king was talking about this

Both sides involved in the war.

Who cares about the reasons

Whatever the winner says, it makes sense!

And any words from losers are ridiculous!

The senior officials of the Navy Department also looked surprised, thinking, the king of Atlantis is so naive

Everyone sits at the negotiation table and wastes time chatting, all for their own benefit.

Who really cares whether the reasons for starting a war are legitimate

If it weren't for the strong military strength of Atlantis, the general of the Navy would not mind throwing a bag of washing powder into the Atlantic Ocean, and then saying that these undersea people hide weapons of mass destruction and that justice must be dispatched. Teacher, defend world peace!

"Atlantis suffered greatly from the fact that the land world continued to cause serious damage to the marine ecology for many years."

Namor was completely unaware of the change in the atmosphere in the conference room.

With the planet-level weapon continental shelf seismic device as a bargaining chip, he believed that he should have the confidence to make demands.

And as a king, he should also show off his negotiation skills.

"The marine life in the four oceans all belong to the people of Atlantis in a sense. The overfishing of whales in the land world has even affected the recyclable ecosystem."

Namor spoke earnestly and said in a deep voice: "The same thing happened to my fellow mutants. They were captured by the military, persecuted, and suffered inhumane illegal detention and abuse."

"I hope that this public negotiation can not only solve the war problem between the land world and Atlantis, but also make you realize the mistakes you have made..."

There was silence in the conference room. Navy Secretary Nimitz scratched his head, not knowing whether to speak or not.

He was not moved by Namor's sincere speech and decided to change his mind and become an environmentalist calling for the maintenance of marine ecology.

Rather, they believe that Atlantis will end sooner or later. In many cases, the naive king may be more terrifying and short-lived than the cruel and cruel king.

I wonder if the people under the sea have the traditional customs of the Great Revolution

Otherwise, maybe we can expect Namor to be guillotined.

"His Majesty the King makes sense."

Nimitz took the lead in applauding. After the sparse applause, he continued: "Where did I just talk about? Oh, it's about the specific matters of signing an armistice treaty, convening a peace summit, announcing the establishment of diplomacy... Let's continue."

The delegation from Atlantis looked embarrassed and glanced at the high-spirited young king.

Then keep up the pace and get the negotiation back on track.

Namor was left standing alone, his face flushed.

If Superman hadn't been there to force him to stay calm, the negotiation scene would have definitely turned into a fight.

"I also have something to say."

At this time, Luke cleared his throat, and the noise suddenly stopped.

Everyone closed their mouths and turned their eyes to the chief's seat.

Even the Atlanteans held their breath and showed solemn expressions.

Although, Luke is just a general of a country in the land world.

But his right to speak and the decisions he makes will inevitably affect the subsequent process of negotiations.

Seeing this scene, Namor seemed to be greatly humiliated.

He is the king!

The treatment he received was worse than that of a general!

"His Majesty the King of Atlantis just mentioned the unfair treatment of mutants, and I should have some say in this."

Luke smiled gently and said unhurriedly: "First of all, the military has never persecuted or abused mutants, at least SHIELD has not. On the contrary, we have always protected their basic rights and personal safety. "

"I have said before that I am a pacifist. I believe no one will doubt this."

Secretary of the Navy Nimitz, who was sitting on the left, reacted the fastest and was the first to say: "It was Major General Cavell who ended World War II, liberated free countries, and resisted the axis of evil! He sincerely longed for peace and firmly opposed war!"

The others all agreed.

An unabashed rainbow fart made Luke seem to be the embodiment of justice and the spokesperson of love and peace.

The delegation from Atlantis remained silent, pretending to hear nothing.

"But since His Majesty the King said so, there may be very few examples. Therefore, with the mentality of solving the problem, and in order to prevent such a situation from happening in the future, I would like to conduct a discussion on mutants at the upcoming peace summit. discuss."

Luke's tone was sincere, as he said it, very much like a pacifist speaking.

Namor frowned, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

What does this guy want to do


Luke utters words that are annoying whenever and wherever they appear.

"Before that, I need to solve another problem."

The gentle and calm tone suddenly became heavy and powerful.

Luke's calm eyes without any emotion glanced at the Atlantis delegation and said seriously: "As far as I know, there is a mutant named Sebastian Shaw beside His Majesty the King."

"Perhaps you don't know that he was loyal to the Third Reich during World War II and managed the Auschwitz concentration camp."

"This man has the blood of thousands of innocent people on his hands and is an out-and-out war criminal."

"Therefore, I believe that before concluding this negotiation, Atlantis should hand over Sebastian Shaw—or, in other words, no longer provide him with protection."

Luke finished speaking calmly, and his cold eyes, as sharp as the edge of a sword, pierced the silent Namor.

The latter's face was a bit ugly, and his clear consciousness was struggling hard against the psychological suggestion exerted by the White Queen.

"What if I say no?"

Namor forced the words out through his teeth.

The White Queen's psychological suggestion still prevailed.

"I'm sorry. Peace needs to be promoted by both parties, not just talking about it."

Luke's voice became colder, but he still kept a smile on his face: "Negotiation is just a means, not the only one."

"Your Majesty the King, don't make a decision rashly. I am willing to give Atlantis some time to seriously consider it. This is not a threat, but a kind reminder." (End of Chapter)