Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 153: ?Ark Reactor, Unit-1 Concept


"Before that, can you put your clothes on first?"

Seeing Howard's impatient look, Luke glanced at the open nightgown, which was empty and almost visible.

I have to ask Marlena to wash my eyes again tonight.

He thought so.

"It's not important! Einstein was still able to give lectures at MIT even in his pajamas. The light of wisdom is far more important than the coat that covers the body."

Howard was in a very excited state, whether it was because he had just finished morning practice or because he couldn't wait to show off his latest achievements to Luke.

"I finally understand why those French literati like to visit brothels. You just slept with a woman, and even your speech became so sore. If you slept a few more times, wouldn't you be like Shakespeare?"

Luke teased, but did not refuse Howard's invitation.

This holiday estate located in the west of Long Island has prepared a basic underground laboratory because we often come here.

Anyway, Howard is not short of money. When this guy is bursting with inspiration or eager to conduct a certain research, he can always come in handy.

Moreover, according to him, sometimes when his mind goes blank, he will bring the woman he is having sex with here.

While looking at those complex calculation formulas, while doing some kind of intense exercise, it is easier to stimulate thinking and spark sparks.

Regarding this obscene statement, Luke said that he did not believe even a punctuation mark.

"Have you never thought about tidying it up?"

He asked as he walked into the underground laboratory.

Compared to his son's futuristic, high-tech private laboratory, Iron Man's father's workplace is much simpler.

There is a long metal oval table with various calculation papers on it, as well as various tools placed in a mess.

Four leftover pizza boxes, five or six cups of Feizhai Happy Water, and a lot of coffee.

Judging from the smelly household garbage, Howard might not be lying. He really doesn't leave home these days and stays in the laboratory.

"Only in this messy state can I find the tools I want to use. If they were cleaned and arranged neatly, I might not be able to work properly."

Howard waved his hand. This was a personal habit. Jarvis, the butler who occasionally came to look after him, had long been accustomed to it.

Behind him are two stretchable simple whiteboards, densely written with a large number of formulas, and the knowledge involved is enough to make people dizzy.

Luke glanced at it and asked curiously: "Are you planning to use palladium as the energy core?"

"You actually understand? Well, this is not surprising. Any incredible thing that happens to Superman seems so normal."

Howard said with an artificial expression, and then continued: "I have participated in the Manhattan Project before. Oppenheimer studied nuclear fission and used chain reactions to release terrible energy."

"Although I am an arms dealer, I am not interested in uncontrollable weapons of destruction. Moreover, there are already enough geniuses in that field, so there is no need to squeeze in one."

"So you set your sights on nuclear fusion?"

Luke took over the conversation and picked up a scrawled design drawing.

In terms of ideas, it already has the prototype of a Tokamak thermonuclear fusion reactor.

From the appearance, it looks a bit like the big guy that was later placed in the Stark Industries weapons research and development department.

Iron Man Tony Stark was inspired by it to develop a scaled-down version of the Ark reactor.

"That's right! The fuels used in nuclear fusion energy are deuterium and tritium, and deuterium exists in large quantities in seawater. There is about one deuterium atom in every 6,500 hydrogen atoms, and the total amount of deuterium in seawater is about 45 trillion tons."

Howard snapped his fingers. Having someone to talk to who understood what he was saying was the best thing in the world.

"The deuterium contained in each liter of seawater is completely fused, and the fusion energy released is equivalent to the energy of 300 liters of gasoline fuel. Calculated based on the energy consumed by the world, the fusion energy of deuterium in seawater can be used for tens of billions of years. Therefore, as long as we Solving the problem of nuclear fusion is equivalent to solving the world’s energy problem!”

Luke, who kept up with the rhythm, nodded and said with a smile: "Even the Atlanteans, who are marine civilizations, have not overcome the technical difficulties. Where do you get the confidence?"

The reaction requirements and technical requirements of nuclear fusion technology are very high, and controllable nuclear fusion is even more troublesome.

Of course, this is only for the real world Luke once lived in.

There is no such thing as scientific barriers in the Marvel universe. As long as a genius has an idea, he can quickly come up with a finished product that is close to black technology.

The representative figure among them is none other than Mr. Fantastic Reed-Richards.

"Because I am the genius of the Stark family."

Howard touched his mustache and said proudly.

"Say something serious."

Luke rolled his eyes at the other person. Narcissism and genius were indeed Stark's family inheritance.

"Well, after I returned to New York from the Atlantic Ocean after piloting the Nautilus, I started trying various energy-releasing cores."

Howard coughed twice and said seriously: "Maybe it was a revelation from God that I discovered palladium. It is the 46th chemical element. It is a metal and has excellent catalytic properties."

"I used palladium to electrolyze heavy water and observed an unusually high energy production and measured neutron and tritium production."

"What does this mean? If I use palladium as the energy core, create a large annular vacuum chamber, wrap coils around the outside, push it with current, generate a huge spiral magnetic field inside, and then heat the plasma inside to high temperatures - It can achieve the effect of nuclear fusion.”

Howard was dancing with excitement. It was an amazing discovery for him and an exciting breakthrough for the world.

"Details still need to be considered. For example, stability, energy loss, and how to apply... These are issues that cannot be ignored."

Luke thought for a moment and gave his answer.

Howard is indeed a true genius, easily overcoming a major cross-era difficulty.

"You're right, I just laid out a rough framework, and there's still a lot of content to be filled in."

After the excitement, Howard finally returned to calm thinking.

"Don't the U.S. military have a 'Project Paperclip'? S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited so many German scientists and found a few people related to nuclear energy physics to form a team. What do you think?"

"There is no problem with this. But the Soviet Union is vigorously developing the nuclear industry and has taken away a group of people early. You may not like the remaining... elites."

Luke shrugged. He knew that Howard had very high requirements for researchers.

"Wait a minute, I have a good candidate! Last time at the Atomic Energy Commission's cocktail party, I met a... Soviet scientist."

Howard frowned and tried to remember: "His name is... Anton Vanke! I heard that he defected from the Soviet Union and once presided over important projects."

"We talked about research on nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. He is barely a junior member of the genius club and may be a good helper."

Luke blinked. Is this the beginning of the feud between the two generations of Stark and Anton families

"Okay, I'll go find someone from the Atomic Energy Commission."

He nodded in agreement, paused, and asked meaningfully: "Howard, have you ever thought about shrinking the reactor and using it as the core energy source for some kind of weapon?"

"for example?"

"For example... powered armor." (End of chapter)