Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 154: ?Iron Man dad, performing real skills


"Power armor?"

Howard frowned slightly, somewhat confused.

At this time, "Starship Troopers" by science fiction master Robert Heinlein had not yet been released, and power armor was a relatively unfamiliar concept.

The best-selling, Hugo Award-winning science fiction war novel was later adapted into the classic film "Starship Troopers," in which soldiers wear military equipment similar to powered exoskeletons.

Many games and film and television works of later generations followed this concept and carried it forward.

"Similar to my Superman suit."

Luke explained.

He has always been interested in turning Howard Stark into Iron Man.

Why do we have to wait until decades later for Tony to face reporters and say the classic line "I am Iron Man".

When it comes to brains, Howard is no worse than his son.

Anyway, the timeline has been messed up, and even Gu Yi has a headache just looking at it.

Then there is no need to care about the original plot anymore. The advantage of foresight is no longer important to Luke.

He has long since completed primitive accumulation and entered a stage of explosive growth.

"Superman suit? I've always been curious about how those people from Hydra developed that thing! It requires the use of nanomolecule technology that is simply impossible to achieve at this stage."

There was an incomprehensible look in Howard's eyes.

"Before there were major innovations in microscope manufacturing technology, we knew very little about the world of atoms and molecules. And your... very cool suit is a mature application of nanotechnology - to be honest, I don't believe it. , Hydra scientists have mastered cutting-edge technology to control individual atoms and molecules and explore the microscopic world.”

Luke raised his eyebrows. It was indeed not an easy task to deceive a genius with a bright mind.

Their heads are always full of all kinds of strange questions, and they can easily find those that are unreasonable.

"It does not matter."

Luke cleared his throat and said in one stroke: "There are many unknown things in the world, just like the Rubik's Cube. To you, is it a product that should appear in this era?"

Howard was speechless. After thinking for a moment, he seemed to think it made sense and put away his suspicious eyes.

"So what do you mean, let me build a similar suit that uses the reactor as the core energy source?"

As Iron Man's father, Howard quickly understood Luke's idea and began to consider the feasibility.

"Let me think about it, your suit is very technical. It is soft and tough in ductility, and has strong adaptability. Nano-molecule technology allows the surface to be freely combined and change its appearance."

"You once withstood the main gun of a tank, but in the end you were unscathed, and the suit did not suffer any damage. This proves that it can absorb high heat and energy. If you think about it further, it may also be able to protect against radiation."

"If I were to design it, I would definitely arrange the atoms and molecules in a certain way to create something similar to artificial muscle fibers, and then program it into a program that can be used for a variety of purposes."

"For example, surface hardening, like an upgraded version of body armor, can withstand machine guns and artillery."

"It also absorbs the light refracted from all sides, completing the double 'invisibility' to the naked eye and the instrument."

When it comes to technological research and specific applications, Howard, as an arms dealer, is naturally very imaginative.

"By the way, I remember those generals in the Pentagon. They used to really want you to hand over your uniforms and research similar technologies. Why did you lose your voice later?"

He paused and looked at Luke, who was listening carefully.

To be honest, Howard is also very interested in the Superman suit.

Just considering that Luke might not agree, and it felt weird to study other people's underwear, I immediately gave up the idea.

"Yeah, that's right."

Luke nodded.

"Colonel Phillips tested my reaction and said that the Pentagon and the White House were preparing to hold a question meeting."

"Later, Namor from Atlantis appeared and damaged two aircraft carriers of the Atlantic Fleet. After I pushed them back, no one mentioned it again."

"Actually, I'm a very talkative person. I don't mind cooperating with the Pentagon and the White House to hold a question meeting."

Howard rolled his eyes, automatically ignored this untrustworthy answer, and returned to the restaurant on the first floor in his nightgown.

The butler Jarvis is not here today. He is usually only responsible for the management of the New York mansion and only occasionally comes here.

It is said that the capable housekeeper is in his thirties and has the air of an English gentleman.

He once served in the British Air Force and became a champion boxer for three consecutive years after retiring.

While his skills are extraordinary, he is also very capable of doing things.

He is Howard's best friend and reliable helper.

Thinking of Alfred, the butler on the set next door, who once had an amazing record of beating Superman violently.

Every time Luke greets Jarvis, he is always more polite.

After all, in the world of superheroes.

To be able to do a good job as a housekeeper, you must have some hidden skills.

"Your proposal is very interesting, but it is a bit troublesome to implement in practice."

While eating his sandwich, his cheeks bulging, Howard said, "Let's put aside the issue of the energy system for now."

"The first thing we have to face is materials. Ordinary alloy steel is obviously not enough. The protection of one's own body, defense against heavy weapons, and shock absorption... these all need to be considered."

"Secondly, I don't have inhuman strength like you. If you want to increase the power of the power armor, you need to equip it with various weapons, such as machine guns, micro-missiles, propellers, etc."

"I just thought about it. If I want to make a real thing, it should be a small giant three to four meters high. It may be very cumbersome to operate and can only be used as a mobile fortress to attract firepower."

"It feels like it's not very useful - I prefer him to be close to a normal human form, preferably something eye-catching. Whether he's strong or not is a trivial matter, what's important is whether he's handsome or not!"

Howard swallowed the last bite of his sandwich and took a sip of hot milk.

He was indeed moved by Luke's suggestion.

But as a scientist with a pragmatic spirit, Howard thought about it carefully and found that the feasibility was not high.

On the one hand, there are limitations of the times, and on the other hand, it involves many technical difficulties.

Unless you invest a lot of energy and time, you won't get much results.

"There will be bread and milk. Technical issues will be solved by Atlantis. As for... materials, I can give you a surprise gift package then."

Luke has a mysterious face, inexplicably a bit like the old man with a white beard who stuffs gifts into his socks at Christmas.

"But that's all for later. Now go take a shower, take care of your mustache and messy hair, and then rush to Washington, D.C. Today is my investiture ceremony."

Hearing Luke's orders, Howard subconsciously smelled his pajamas and found an unpleasant smell like sour food, so he obeyed the instructions obediently.

"Tsk tsk, the youngest lieutenant general in the history of the United States, what an enviable guy!"

Before leaving, he took a sip of lemon slices from the fruit plate and said sourly.

White House, South Lawn.

Not long ago, the president added a balcony to the south colonnade and conducted a thorough inspection of the country's highest-level official residence.

It was found that the problem was too serious and there were many safety hazards, so it was decided to carry out large-scale rectification.

Now, the president's family has moved to Blair across Pennsylvania Avenue.

Today is the investiture ceremony for Major General Cavell, and the press conference is scheduled here.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to see the president and cabinet members gathering at the White House.

"Master Cavell...oh no, I should call you Lieutenant General."

The president, who had not yet taken the stage to deliver a speech and faced reporters, cordially held Luke's right hand.

Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he had not given up the idea of introducing his daughter to the other party.

"I just fulfilled my responsibilities and implemented the idea of maintaining world peace. This is nothing."

Luke was as usual, saying beautiful things that he didn't even believe.

He had met Mr. President's daughter, although she was very enthusiastic and proactive.

However, Luke lacked interest and was unable to act impulsively.

The last time we met, he just showed his attitude by smiling politely and maintaining his basic demeanor.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, it's time to consider starting a family."

The president was still unwilling to give up and said positively: "I have talked with your uncle, Frank. He hopes to see you get married, have children, and live a happy and peaceful life."

Luke curled his lips, were you playing the emotional card

He doesn't want to enter the grave of love so early, it will only hinder his footsteps.

How can the lofty goal of the stars and the sea be delayed by the love of children!

"With all due respect, Mr. President, I am actually not as good as what is said in newspapers and news."

Luke showed a serious expression and continued: "If you know something, you should know about my private life..."

"That's not a problem!"

The president acted very magnanimously, saying that he had been through it all and understood.

"It's normal to like beautiful girls with hot bodies. Look at little Kennedy, he plays so wildly, but it doesn't prevent him from becoming a promising young man."

"I have heard something about Mr. Lieutenant General's private life. Apart from the woman from Sicily, there is also Ms. Carter from SHIELD?"

"Look, there are only two of them. This has nothing to do with being romantic. It can be said that they keep themselves clean and abide by the rules. They are indeed role models among young people."

Luke's mouth was slightly open, somewhat unresponsive.

Is the atmosphere of upper class society already open to this extent

Having two lovers doesn't make you worthy of being called a "waif"

He was about to be promoted to lieutenant general, but he felt inexplicably despised.

"It's not easy for a young man in a high position like you to keep your heart and restrain your desires."

Mr. President let go of his hands, adjusted his suit, and prepared to speak on stage.

"After the investiture ceremony, I have a family dinner, and Mr. Lieutenant General must come over. After our last meeting, my daughter Mary admired you very much and chanted your name every day."

Luke was shocked again. How could a father forcefully sell his daughter like this

It feels like if he could do it, the president would be eager to force him to submit.

With a sense of crisis, Luke's brain was working rapidly, thinking of solutions.


He looked at Howard sitting in the back, and an idea came to his mind.

It's time for this self-proclaimed playboy to show off his real skills. (End of chapter)