Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 155: ?Is that okay, Mr. Lieutenant General?


The breeze is comfortable and the sky is clear and clear.

The broad lawn, collectively known as the "Presidential Garden", is lined with shrubs and trees, providing a superb view.

There is also a pool in the center, with fountains pouring out like bamboos, several feet high and crystal clear.

The press conference was held at the South Gate, and reporters from major newspapers in New York gathered here with long guns and short cannons.

Of course, these are officially sanctioned media outlets.

The president, who was promoting his daughter just now, walked to the stage with great grace and talked eloquently.

In a calm and passionate tone, he looked back on the past of the United States and imagined a bright future.

Forty minutes later, when the long and boring official speech was over, the reporters braced themselves and stopped the urge to doze off.

The camera focuses on the young major general—wait a minute, that’s the lieutenant general.

If you go to any newspaper in New York, no one will know that Superman is a walking news hot spot.

As long as you post a random photo and write some gossip, you can be an industry beacon that can increase newspaper sales.

The only pity is that because Luke usually travels, he either takes a Pentagon car or flies directly there.

This makes it difficult for paparazzi to track him, and almost no one in the industry has taken photos of Superman, let alone unearthed gimmick material.

Except for some anonymous photographers - flying in mid-air, overlooking Berlin, and pushing the aircraft carrier, the two photos that everyone cheered were taken by different people.

I really don’t know how they did it!

The reporters in the audience sneered.

"That guy's name is Hadrow Jameson, a young reporter from the Daily Bugle?"

Luke read according to the speech he had written, and casually glanced at the newspaper staff below, and found a guy who was barely a familiar face.

According to the era, that rather clever young man may be the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle and the father of Jonah Jameson, Spider-Man's number one fan.

Frankly speaking, the entire investiture ceremony was actually boring.

It’s nothing more than some positive chicken soup for the soul, looking back at America’s difficult years and emphasizing the beacon spirit of freedom and democracy.

Then, intersperse a few humorous jokes to liven up the atmosphere.

Finally, make a concluding ending with a high and intense tone.

In essence, it is the same routine as those at award shows where the winning stars thank "CCTV", "Mom and Dad", and "everyone who supports me".

Luke's speech was relatively brief, finished in twenty minutes.

Next came the awarding of honors by the president, and the two shook hands and took photos.

On the surface, it seems unremarkable, but in fact, if it appears in the newspaper in a few hours, it will cause a wave of heated discussion.

The creation of Superman, which has been gradually fading away, may become popular again.

I heard that New York’s red light district launched a special service for sorceress cosplay some time ago, specifically for those loyal fans who adore Superman.

Luke was not surprised by this.

The pornographic industry in the lighthouse country has always been the most popular.

When superhero blockbusters explode, Iron Man vs. Mystique, Hulk vs. Black Widow, Thor vs. Loki... wait, is there something weird mixed in

Even during a certain presidential election, the publisher released a Blu-ray disc featuring Mr. Sichuan vs. Hillary Clinton.

Find the psychological shadow area of Clinton!

"Mr. President, I have a meeting with the mutants from the Hellfire Club later. As for the family dinner, I will attend on time."

After stepping off the stage, Luke exchanged a few casual greetings before saying goodbye and leaving.

Before joining the meeting, he walked up to Howard and whispered something into his ear.

The other party's expression went from unwillingness to wavering, then wanting to refuse and then welcoming, until happily accepting. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

"I believe with your charm, there will be absolutely no problem."

Luke patted Howard on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Not long after, he appeared in the small reception room of the Red Room of the White House.

"What about the rest?"

Luke, who quietly left the press conference, looked at the White Queen standing at the window.

"Still under inspection by the Pentagon. This is the White House, the most important center of power in the country. No mutant has ever set foot here openly."

The White Queen's tone was complicated, and her mood was even more subtle.

She looked at the lively scene not far away, thinking that she would lead the mutants and officially appear in front of the world.

This is an unprecedented and bold attempt and an important moment to change the future.

"Emma, if you take this step, you will face tremendous pressure and shoulder heavy responsibilities."

Luke walked over. The Hellfire Club, which had lost Sebastian Xiao, could be said to be leaderless.

There are still a few people who are dissatisfied with the White Queen's ascension.

They are all loyal supporters of Xiao and the backbone of the radical faction.

Therefore, Luke planned to hold a consultation meeting and have a friendly exchange with those people.

This will also help SHIELD to launch related cooperation later.

"This is the first time I have such a feeling of lack of confidence."

The White Queen crossed her arms, and a trace of confusion appeared on her cold and arrogant delicate face.

It is unrealistic to expect a young girl in her twenties to shoulder the expectations of her compatriots and the goal of revitalizing mutantkind.

Even if a bald professor of the same age is put here, he may not be able to perform better than the White Queen.

Responsibility can be said to be the heaviest word in the world.

It takes enough courage and enough perseverance to be able to shoulder it.

"Mr. Cavell... Mr. Lieutenant General, do you know? I used to be a person with very low self-esteem because I didn't get any care from my family."

The White Queen felt something, shrank her shoulders, and lowered her voice: "My father perfectly interprets the image of a cold businessman, my mother abuses drugs and is addicted to alcohol every day, my brother is gay, and my sister... Keira likes to give the best to everyone. She shows it to outsiders, but she is actually not that good, and she sometimes has bad moments.”

"After I awakened my talent, I listened to their voices and felt their truest emotions... It was a nightmare. When you find out that your parents actually want each other to die, and each has their own shady secrets, it's really heartbreaking. collapse!"

"Sounds like a very difficult time. Fortunately it's over and it's worth celebrating."

Luke leaned against the table and handed the other party a glass of bourbon.

"and after?"

He does his best and plays the role of an attentive listener.

"I chose a boarding school. I cheated by using my natural ability to change the fact that I had poor grades and became the most popular girl in the school."

The White Queen took the wine glass, took a sip, and laughed to herself.

"After graduation, I may become a teacher. Because everyone thinks that I have special communication skills and can always know everyone's personality and habits and become friends with them."

"But it didn't take long for me to get tired of listening to my heart. Mr. Lieutenant General, can you understand how I feel? Everyone seems to be transparent. They are the worst, the most disgusting, the filthiest, and the most disgusting. The real side appears unabashedly in my eyes.”

"I never dated any boys in school because I could always read their innermost... dirty thoughts."

"I don't have a true good friend either. Their superficial enthusiasm cannot hide the cruel fact that they would call me a 'bitch' and a 'little slut' behind my back."

Luke laughed, becoming a spiritual mentor at the right time.

This is ironic. The hearts of those with psychic abilities are riddled with holes.

"You have to learn to relax, Emma. There is no pure and beautiful heart in the world. Even innocent children will use hot water to destroy ant nests and release their malice."

Luke softened his tone and spoke softly.

“Resist the urge to listen, and that’s how life becomes exciting.”

"Mr. Lieutenant General, I always feel relaxed every time I chat with you."

After drinking the glass of bourbon, the White Queen restrained her unnecessary expression and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"This is probably because I can't guess what you are going to say. For me, lies are even rarer than truth."

A slender finger gently touched Luke's chest.

Like scratching an itch, moving it back and forth.

The other long, straight leg rubbed against the hem of his trousers.

If you are an ordinary person, you may want to be careful.

Because the White Queen can turn into a diamond.

It can easily cut through skin and tear apart flesh and blood.

What looks like a beautiful thing may be an act that takes away a life.

But Luke's expression remained unchanged, and he asked in a calm tone: "Is this... seduction?"

"No, Mr. Lieutenant General, this is cooperation."

The White Queen's frown relaxed, her face was as delicate as an iceberg, and she smiled sweetly: "As you said before, verbal promises cannot be taken lightly, and paper contracts can also be torn up."

"In this case, I think instead of slowly building trust and reducing the efficiency of cooperation, it is better to use a deeper way to increase mutual understanding."

"what do you think?"

Glancing down at the stunning whiteness of the snow, Luke shook his head and said, "This is not a suitable battlefield."

"Mr. Lieutenant General, look at the group of people outside. Among them are the president, cabinet officials, and Pentagon generals. They are all standing at the top of the power pyramid."

The White Queen's smile became more intense, as if she was letting go of some constraints and letting herself go.

"Don't you think it's more... exciting in such a formal occasion?"

Luke took a deep breath and suppressed his inner impulse.

Most of the time, he stays rational and avoids being influenced by impulsive emotions.

"I like to take the initiative, Emma."

Luke held the finger that was playing with his chest and said with emphasis: "I don't like to be led around. Even if we really want to have in-depth communication, when and where should be decided by me."

The White Queen seemed a little disappointed and withdrew her teasing fingers.

Before Luke could breathe a sigh of relief, she leaned back and half-lyed on the large desk.

"Now, the White House, is that okay, Mr. Lieutenant General?" (End of Chapter)