Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 157: ?Stop talking, arch dam brother likes it


Iceman Regan walked into the red hall first, and the brown-red oak table, which had been a fierce battlefield, had been cleared away.

Replace items like pens, ink bottles, and desk phones.

The documents that fell on the carpet were neatly sorted and placed on the desktop.

The windows with good views were left open mainly for air circulation and to dissipate the strong smell of hormones.

All in all, unless you are an experienced driver with rich experience and keen observation.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to realize that a tragic fight involving hundreds of millions of elite soldiers had taken place here.

"Please sit down. Don't be restrained and try to relax."

Luke sat behind the square oak table, resting his hands on the table.

When he spoke, his breath was steady and his tone was brisk, and he didn't look like he had exercised at all.

Although the White Queen's physique is slightly better than Marlena's.

Coupled with the mutant's gene activation, it has bonuses in endurance and flexibility.

But for Superman, it's just a warm-up level at best.

"The legendary war hero turned out to be so young."

Iceman Rui originally had the intention to compare, but after seeing the Superman Lieutenant General, it was like a bucket of cold water poured down on him, and his unwillingness to admit defeat was instantly extinguished.

The other person looked taller and taller than in the newspaper photo, and his cold temperament was clearly revealed.

It makes people feel spontaneously, this is the strange feeling of being a big man.

In comparison, Iceman Regan, who is obviously several years older, looks young and immature.

Just the first time they met, he felt like he was completely defeated.

In my heart, the BGM of "One Cut Plum" sounded again, as if snowflakes were falling on my shoulders.

"They are all the younger generation of the club, as well as mutants with abilities around the Beta level."

The White Queen stood in front of the table and introduced briefly.

Although Sebastian Shaw's racial theory is of no use to the future development of mutants.

But there is one thing he does well.

That is to recruit club members according to the mutants' ability levels.

Beta-level players like Iceman Regan and Rising Star Derek are backbones with limited room for growth and slightly less potential.

If you want to become a "chess piece" of the Hellfire Club, you need at least an Alpha level ability.

For example, The White Queen.

Speaking of which, almost all of the Alpha-level mutants in the Hellfire Club fell into Luke's hands.

Red Devil Asazo, Steel Shell, Riptide…

Either thrown into jail, beaten to death, or skewered into crayfish.

There were very few who survived intact.

This also leads to the fact that the Hellfire Club currently has no decent and reliable combat power except for the White Queen.

"Emma has said about the club's situation. You have followed Sebastian Xiao for a while, and you may have had some violations of the law..."

Luke tapped his fingers lightly on the table and glanced over with sharp eyes.

The originally spacious reception room undoubtedly seemed a bit crowded when more than twenty people came in at once.

People like Iceman Regan and rising star Drake stood in front, surrounded by young people who couldn't be more than 27 or 28 years old.

Many of them are dressed like hippies, with exaggerated hairstyles, colorful hair colors, earrings, nose rings, leather jackets, tattoos, metal chains, etc.

Dressed like this, not to mention mutants, even normal people will be discriminated against and shunned when they go outside.

"It's a bit like the non-mainstream people who bring their own cement and gather at the entrance of the village. Kill Matt."

Luke remained calm on the surface, but there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

You don't even do basic image public relations and you still want to be accepted by the outside world

"But, you don't have to worry. During the talks on Liberty Island, Emma specifically raised this issue. After some serious discussions, SHIELD decided to give up the power to pursue the case as a sign of sincerity in cooperation."

Glancing at the seemingly calm White Queen, Luke gave the other party the credit.

The first thing he has to do is to appease people's hearts. It is not advisable to blindly use authority and take tough measures.

Sure enough, some of them showed a sense of relaxation and gratitude.

Even Iceman Regan exhaled subconsciously, and his tense shoulders couldn't help but relax.

There is a threshold for recruiting members to the Hellfire Club. As a small person who is not even a 'chess piece', if he wants to be favored by Sebastian Xiao, he naturally has to show off.

Iceman Regan once froze a small area of the sea, creating an opportunity for other compatriots to rob a British cargo ship.

And rising star Drake is an arsonist who uses fire alarms to break into homes.

Most members of the Hellfire Club have similar criminal experiences.

They have lost the support of their families and have no source of income. They can only rely on sideways and illegal ways to obtain money.

Even the now arrogant and cold White Queen had a dark history of working as a sexy croupier in a casino, dealing cards online, and defrauding gamblers of their money.

"In addition, I hope that everyone can put down their vigilance and form an initial foundation of trust to facilitate more in-depth cooperation plans in the future."

Luke used Constantine's signature skill, but there was nothing he could do about it. Zha Kang's deception ability was too good to use.

"To be honest, I have a certain understanding of mutants. You have been ostracized, discriminated against, even bullied and oppressed in the past. This is indeed an irrefutable fact."

He paused, glanced at the young faces, and continued: "But it is precisely because of this that we must fight more actively for the right to speak for equality and freedom."

"A better future, a more comfortable life, a brighter future... these should not rely on human charity. Because the power gained in this way is nothing more than political correctness and implicit discrimination."

The White Queen was convinced that she and Luke had reached a cooperation not only because they coveted each other's body and skills.

They have quite the same views and opinions on the future of mutants and their plans.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if there is no emotional basis.

Their respective interests do not conflict and can form good complementarities. This is the key.

Of course, Mr. Lieutenant General's physical strength and skills are also included in the category of bonus points.

"Then... Lieutenant General Carville. How do you think we should fight for our rights? Protest? March? Or establish a union, choose representatives, and then negotiate with the government?"

Rising star Drake was the first to ask.

He is a thorn in his side, habitually causing embarrassment and trouble for others.

"Changing the image is the first step."

Luke answered calmly as if he was dealing with a reporter's interview.

"I can understand that young people like to use exaggerated dressing up and shocking words to show that they are different."

"But blindly opposing the mainstream and being unconventional will only arouse public resentment and will not be conducive to mutants taking to the world stage."

Rising star Drake was shocked. He didn't expect that the first thing he had to do was to comb his hair like an adult and put on serious clothes

"This is... the trend! Mr. Lieutenant General! If the people will have a bad opinion of me because of what I wear, it can only be said that it is a pity that they are not free enough, not democratic enough, and have not understood the greatness of this country at all. place.”

Drake's words are plausible, just like some intellectuals on the Internet in later generations. They speak freely but speak democratically.

Even when I breathe the air, I feel the fragrance of freedom and democracy.

"Freedom, democracy... tell me - by the way, I don't know your name yet?"

Luke raised his eyebrows and crossed his fingers, intending to teach this guy a lesson in society's beatings.

"Drake, everyone calls me 'Nova.'"

Drake himself didn't realize at all that there was a big word 'danger' above his head, and he was still immersed in pride.

"Oh, Drake, let me tell you what freedom and democracy are."

Luke releases the biological force field, turning on 30% of its power.

The air seemed to freeze suddenly, and an invisible pressure spread across the room, making people feel like they couldn't breathe smoothly.

Drake, in particular, bore the brunt and was hit hardest.

The face covered with freckles turned red from holding back, and a "ho ho" sound came out of his throat, but he couldn't speak.

"See, Derek, this is the freedom and democracy you want. You can speak as you like, but I also have the right to grab your throat, or even go further, to break your neck."

Luke stood up slowly, his tall figure like a majestic mountain peak, full of indescribable power.

"Now, do you still need them?" (End of Chapter)