Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 159: ?Debut as an idol and become an international superstar


"How was the conversation?"

Howard was about to leave the lunch meeting when he saw Luke sneaking in at some point.

"Not bad. The mutants of the Hellfire Club are very good at listening to opinions. We had a friendly exchange. It can be said that the guest and the host enjoyed themselves, and both parties were quite satisfied."

Mr. Lieutenant General talked nonsense seriously.

"By the way, are you ready? We're going to Mr. President's family dinner later. We can't lose in terms of momentum."

Howard held his head high, stroked his mustache, puffed out his chest and said, "Go out and ask around. Is there anyone who doesn't know Howard, the romantic tycoon, the romantic tycoon, the dating expert, the arsonist of the heart, and the dream man of New York women?" -Stark's reputation?"

"When dealing with women, as long as I take action, I will be sure of success and will never fail."

Seeing Iron Man's father full of confidence and thinking of his son's impressive record, Luke couldn't help but feel relieved.

After all, Howard is a master who has been surrounded by thousands of flowers and never touched a leaf.

Flirting with girls is his specialized skill, which is not inferior to scientific research and business acumen.

"Wait, Luke, you promised to take me to... that place. To experience a new feeling and find the excitement of life. Isn't that a lie?"

Howard, who thought he had paid a certain price, hooked the opponent's shoulder and lowered his voice furtively, like a novice driver waiting to get on the road in a red light district.

"We are all friends, how could we lie to you."

Luke waved his hand. He did agree to some... conditions that were not easy to say in exchange for Howard's help.

"You can also go out and ask around. Who doesn't know the title of Superman... Sorceress Piledriver? To tell you the truth, my ancestor was actually a demon hunter. My great-grandfather's name was Geralt, nicknamed 'White Wolf', 'Bula' The Butcher of Vikan has always had a good relationship with those enchanting, passionate, and unrestrained sorceresses.”

"And I did have some stories with a few..."

At this time, Luke decisively used the rumors as his background.

"Suck! As expected of you! By the way, where is Blavikan?"

After receiving the answer, Howard's eyes couldn't help but shine, showing a look of eagerness.

As a scientist with a curious spirit, he simply wanted to meet those ragged, enthusiastic sorceress ladies.

It would be even better if we could also exchange insights on life and discuss insights in biology.

"Bulavikan... you don't know even if I tell you, I will make sure you are satisfied when the time comes. I will never deceive my friends!"

Luke looked upright and vowed, patting his chest and promising.

As he said before, many times men will be controlled by the lower body and the upper body.

Even if a genius like Howard is reduced to a pervert, it is difficult to think normally.

Just think about it for a moment, those rumors in the market are actually not credible.

The sorceress pile driver and the sexy succubus online porn are just advertisements for unscrupulous booksellers to promote fan books.

"Luke, you are really enviable, you have such a legendary ancestor."

Howard was very interested in the deeds of the white wolf Geralt, especially his erotic love affairs with Yennefer, Triss, and various female fairies, succubi, and centaur women. He was passionate about it.

"Lust is so terrible. It turns a world-class genius into a retarded person."

Luke glanced at Howard, who was convinced, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Even Iron Man's father can't resist the warm and full white breasts.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rings.

"Lieutenant General Cavell, you're here, why don't you bring any gifts?"

At the Blair State Guesthouse across Pennsylvania Avenue, Mr. President opened the door with a smile on his face.

He smoothly took the bottle of high-end red wine tied with a bow and invited the other party to come in.

"Uh, Stark, why are you here too?"

However, when he saw Howard following Luke, the president's smile froze and he subconsciously showed an expression of disgust.

This is a family banquet, a rather special occasion.

The relationship is not close enough, and he is not even qualified to enter.

The president invited Luke just to win over his feelings and promote his daughter.

And Howard, what is this guy doing out of nowhere

"Haha, Your Excellency President, Luke and I are busy with work matters, so we have delayed it until this time."

Howard smiled coquettishly, stepped through the door with one leg, and explained: "I heard that the Texas boneless steak cooked by the president's wife is a delicacy in the world. I would like to take the opportunity to taste it."

Taste your uncle!

So if you have money, you won’t go to high-end restaurants!

Even though Mr. President was so angry that he wanted to curse, he couldn't show it on the surface.

"Welcome... Boneless steak is indeed Beth's specialty."

His tone was a little stiff, and there was no hint of sincerity.

Howard didn't care about these details and walked down the steps.

Following Luke through the hallway, he took off his shoes and sat on the sofa in the living room.

"This is Lieutenant General Cavill, he is really young and promising... Why is there another one? Harry, didn't you say that you only invited one guest?"

The president's wife was busy in the kitchen. After hearing the commotion, she came out wearing an apron.

Her reaction was similar to that of her husband, and her heart was filled with joy when she saw Luke for the first time.

But when he caught a glimpse of Howard, who was in a neat suit and his hair was meticulously combed, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

"This is Howard Stark, a famous scientist, successful entrepreneur, and one of the world's top geniuses."

The president forced out an expression and introduced the annoying guy who came over to eat.

"Oh. It turned out to be Mr. Stark. You were so rude just now."

The president's wife looked at Howard and felt a little pity.

Except for being a little older, this man with a mustache is pretty good in other aspects.

However, it depends on who the reference is.

When the young lieutenant general, who sat upright and stared straight ahead, stayed next to Howard, his charm index dropped off a cliff.

"I asked Mary to come out."

The president's wife exchanged a few pleasantries and called her daughter, who was in the room, to the living room.

To be fair, the president's daughter is also a young girl with dignified appearance and outstanding temperament.

It is said that she loved detective novels, and she also tried to write her own, and her submissions were favored by publishers many times.

"It's your turn to take action."

Luke bumped Howard with his shoulder. After greeting the young girl named Mary, he asked: "Your Excellency, I discussed with the mutants of the Hellfire Club today and there are some things that need to be reported."

The president, who was not in a happy mood, was slightly stunned. He originally wanted to leave time for Luke and his daughter to create some private space for the two of them.

"Lieutenant General Cavill, I never bring my work home."

He smiled and declined.

"It's very important news, related to... the Soviet Union."

Luke emphasized.

The president was shocked when he heard this.

The signs of the Cold War have already appeared.

The rise of that red furry bear cannot be ignored!

"Okay, let's go to the study and talk in detail."

The president looked solemn and nodded.

Having achieved his goal, Luke winked at Howard.

The latter understood it by heart, it was time to show real skills! (End of chapter)