Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 160: ?We are all brothers, how could we lie to you?


"Thank you for your kindness. I'm not very accepting of this."

In the study, Luke sat on a chair and waved his hand to reject the cigar handed over by Mr. President.

Many people know that this lieutenant general does not have any bad habits.

I don’t smoke, and I only taste the wine.

The only thing worthy of criticism is perhaps his private life.

But this small problem is really insignificant when it comes to young people and the upper class.

Even the nominal leader of the country, the president who occupies the White House, may not be much better off in his private life.

Not to mention, the Army Lieutenant General in the Pentagon.

"Well, it's a good thing to have good habits. There are few young people like you who actively refuse gadgets that damage the body."

Mr. President did not feel annoyed, but praised him.

"Yes, I attach great importance to routine."

Luke smiled slightly. He would do some warm-up exercises to promote blood circulation before going to bed every day.

Then sleep until dawn, never leaving fatigue and stress until the next day.

Like Marlena, Peggy, White Queen Emma...

All the women who spent the night with him said that Mr. Lieutenant General's routine was normal.

"This is one of my few personal hobbies. I can't change it for a while, and I don't want to change it. The smell of tobacco helps me calm down and think calmly."

The president took out a high-end cigar from the box, played with it for a while, and patiently smoked it with a long match. It was obvious that he enjoyed the process.

"This box was given to me by Churchill. We have quite the same taste in cigars. Although my personal doctor has advised me to reduce the intake of tobacco and alcohol, there are no cigars and whiskey in the short life of a human being. , wouldn’t it lose most of its meaning?”

Luke nodded in agreement, although he was not interested in tobacco and alcohol, but that was because he had other hobbies.

"The Prime Minister also gave me a box. I will bring it over another day and give it to the President."

He had some doubts about whether Churchill gave cigars to everyone. It was said that the late Roosevelt also received them.

"That's so embarrassing."

The president laughed twice, then lowered his voice and said: "Don't let Beth know, she doesn't like me smoking cigars."

"Of course. It's a secret between men."

Luke blinked and answered politely.

After a few minutes, the small talk was over and the two of them got back on track.

"SHIELD has received intelligence and discovered that the Soviet Union has been making frequent moves in recent times. Not only is it vigorously developing the nuclear industry, but it also plans to restart the super soldier program during World War II—as far as I know, they have a project called 'Leviathan' The secret organization is actively recruiting biological experts and cultivating excellent fighters."

In order to delay as much time as possible and create opportunities for Howard.

Luke opened his mouth and talked about the latest developments in the Soviet Union.

The President sitting across from him is not a mediocre politician.

On the contrary, he is extremely ambitious and enterprising.

After the end of World War II, the president who entered the White House took the lead in proposing the strategic goal of seeking world hegemony.

The Axis powers suffered a disastrous defeat, coupled with the decline and weakening of Britain and France.

Relying on its developed military strength and economic accumulation, the Bald Eagle began to covet the throne of world hegemony.

If Atlantis hadn't emerged from nowhere, it would have temporarily blocked the White House and the Pentagon from intervening in other countries' internal affairs to implement global expansion.

At this time, maybe a bipolar pattern has been formed.

"Lieutenant General Cavill, the Red Empire is indeed worthy of vigilance. They may be the biggest enemy!"

The president exhaled a puff of blue smoke and said solemnly.

“Sometimes, I am amazed by the firm belief of this group of people and their ability to act out of their collectivism.”

The winner of World War II was not only the silently developing United States, but also a Siberian red bear.

Among the four countries at the Yalta Conference, another great celestial country appeared on the world stage and showed mysterious power.

That is an unopened copy and is not included in the world map for the time being.

"As for the peace summit to be held in a few days and the distribution of benefits in Atlantis, I have to ask Lieutenant General Cavell to worry about it."

The president put down his quarter-smoked cigar and solemnly said: "The future of the United States belongs to young people like you."

Luke chuckled. He didn't want to make any forward or backward waves, which would easily lead to him being slapped to death on the beach.

The bright future of the Lighthouse Country clearly belongs to a certain real estate tycoon who has not yet been born.

That is the most suitable person who can lead the United States to greatness again in his lifetime—Squinting Smile.

For the next forty minutes, the two people in the study were in a lively conversation and talked a lot.

During this period, the president also asked Luke if he was interested in going to Moscow.

And when the worst part comes, the two sides start three wars, and the Soviet Union launches nuclear bombs, does he have the confidence to intercept them

Luke naturally avoided talking about such questions and was vague.

He is not Dr. Manhattan on the set next door, and he has no interest in building a humanoid nuclear deterrent.

"That's it for today. Beth's boneless steak should be ready too."

The president put out the cigar in his hand, waved his hand to disperse the smell of tobacco, and opened the door with a smile.

Then, he saw a very inconsistent scene.

In the living room, Howard was sitting on the sofa, flanked by the president's wife and the president's daughter.

He seemed to have said something interesting, making the other two cover their mouths and chuckle, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

"How is this going?"

The president looked confused and felt complicated.

Inexplicably, I felt like my wife and daughter were being taken advantage of by the old man next door.

Originally, he admired Howard's talent very much, and Stark Industries was also an important defense contractor for the Pentagon.

But now, as the president looked at the moustachioed man who winked and tried his best to show his humorous side, the more he looked at him, the more disgusted he became.

"What are you talking about? I heard laughter in the study."

The president suppressed his anger and asked dryly.

"Your Excellency, I just shared some of my experiences in the UK."

Howard cleared his throat and said in a serious tone: "I used to live in London, before the war started. There was a time when I wanted to grow a beard to show my masculinity, but the hotel owner laughed at me. 'Ha, your mouth looks like my wife's hair is not shaved down below', he really said that at that time, it was so rude."

"Then how do you answer?"

Luke answered in a flattering tone.

"I looked in the mirror and nodded, 'Well, you're right, it does look similar', and then the boss walked away proudly."

Howard said it seriously, as if it was true.

The president's wife sitting next to her laughed like a goose.

Women are always more receptive to colored jokes than girls.

"Mr. Stark's experience is truly enriching."

The president smiled softly and was very dissatisfied with his wife sitting so close to Howard.

"Is there anything else interesting? I'd also like to hear it and gain some knowledge."

"Still in London, I was still the hotel owner. His wife usually worked as an assistant to the magician in the theater. Once, he came home early and found his wife stripping naked and standing in the bedroom."

Howard touched his beard, imitated his movements and tone, and said seriously: "The hotel owner was very confused and asked questions immediately. His wife hesitated and didn't know how to explain."

"Later, under the boss's questioning, his wife said that she had recently learned a magic trick, and then shouted, 'Now is the time to witness a miracle.' A naked magician, also without any clothes, appeared from the cupboard. Come out."

"This surprised the hotel owner. He didn't expect that his wife could not only turn into a living person, but also turn her clothes away. It's really incredible."

This time it was the president's daughter's turn to hold back her smile, shrugging her shoulders hard, with two blushes appearing on her round face.

After the little warm-up joke was finished, the president’s wife finally remembered the Texas boneless steak and rushed into the kitchen.

Everyone else also sat at the dining table, and soon an alluring aroma wafted out.

"What a good craftsmanship."

Luke had no interest in the president's daughter, but he was full of praise for the boneless steak cooked by the president's wife.

When you take a bite, the meat is juicy and rich in texture.

It neither appears greasy nor loses its tender taste, which is reminiscent of Little Sheldon's secret beef.

"Just have fun eating."

The president's wife said reservedly.

She is used to having her cooking skills recognized.

"Is there any secret recipe? It's so delicious! After tasting beef like this, I'm afraid I won't order steak again when I go to a restaurant."

Howard jumped out, and even the chunks of beef couldn't stop his mouth.

"With all due respect, ma'am, I would give all of Stark Industries' shares in exchange for this recipe."

Compared with Luke's plain praise, Howard's exaggerated statement is more likely to please the president's wife.

This is the power of a love prodigal, a date master, and an arsonist of hearts.

To launch an offensive directly against the president's daughter is too obvious and a bit hasty.

Using roundabout tactics to please the president's wife is a wiser choice.

Of course, this is just to give Luke a break.

Howard also has little interest in becoming the president's son-in-law.

He is an uninhibited wanderer, and it is impossible for him to enter the grave of love so early - even if the president's daughter is named Mary.

"One teaspoon of cumin, one cup of brown sugar, two teaspoons of smoked paprika, three teaspoons of dry mustard..."

The president's wife, who was somewhat in a mood, happily told the secret recipe.

Howard looked like he was listening carefully and took some paper and notes.

Like, he really cares about this secret beef recipe.

The president next to him remained silent, wanting to smash the steak on his plate into his face.

What is this guy doing to please my wife

The President thought of the two jokes before and felt inexplicably like the unlucky hotel owner.

During the twenty-minute meal, the dining table echoed with Howard's rainbow farts, compliments, and the laughter of the president's wife and her daughter.

As for the president

He was like an outsider and couldn't get in the conversation at all. He could only have a few awkward conversations with Luke.

The plan to promote his daughter's marriage was suddenly thrown into chaos by the aggressive and aggressive Howard.

After dinner, the living room was full of people.

While the president's wife was cleaning up in the kitchen, the president finally found an opportunity.

He deliberately ignored Howard, who was getting close to his daughter, and pulled Luke affectionately, pretending to be an enthusiastic elder.

"Lieutenant General Cavell, what are your views on family and marriage?"

The president made subtle remarks and glanced at his daughter.

However, the latter was chatting with Howard about Agatha Christie's latest novel and did not notice his father at all.

"I am still young, not experienced enough, not knowledgeable enough, and have nothing to say."

Luke smiled lightly and avoided the topic.

"When your Excellency the President mentioned this, did he want to introduce me to a partner? I have no idea about this for the time being, but Howard has always wanted to find his ideal partner."

"If there is a suitable young lady, you might as well introduce him to her."

"Right, Howard?"

Howard, who had already talked about Arthur Conan Doyle from Agatha Christie, nodded decisively.

There was sincerity in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Yes, I have long wanted to settle down and live a peaceful life. It's just that I haven't found the soul mate I've been dreaming of."

"Your Excellency, although there are various rumors about Howard from the outside world, they say that he dates three or four women at the same time a week, is busy with work during the day, spends nights in hotels, is proficient in time management, and has affairs with many female stars in Hollywood. "

Luke took the topic more and more sideways and said vigorously: "But I can guarantee that Howard is definitely not like what is written in the newspaper. He is an upright man, obsessed with science, and a friend worth keeping company with. I believe that he can also become a friend in the future. A great husband and a great father.”

Before the stunned president came to his senses, Howard said humbly: "Luke is the role model I need to learn from. Despite his young age, he is clean and self-sufficient and does not approach women..."

The two shameless guys, like cross talk, exchanged crazy business bragging, leaving the president no room to even interrupt.

After experiencing various accidents this night, Mr. President was a little tired and finally gave up the idea of promoting his daughter.

He waved his hand, showing his intention to see off the guests: "It's getting late, Lieutenant General Cavill, and... Mr. Stark, I won't keep you overnight."

When Luke heard this, he stood up immediately.

After exchanging pleasantries, he took Howard away.

"How was it? Did you do well?"

Howard said proudly as he walked out of the Blair State Guesthouse.

"It's not bad. I'm worried that if you continue to stay, Mr. President will smash the red wine I brought on your head."

Luke smiled.

Howard is worthy of being a friend of women. He can even master the level of the president's wife.

"So, I paid a huge price. Luke, don't forget what you promised."

Thinking of the way the president looked at him before leaving, Howard couldn't help but feel chills in his back.

However, in order to step into the legendary magical world and experience sorceresses, goblins, succubi, centaurs...

Even if the president writes his name down in a notebook, it's still worth it!

"As I said, we are all friends and will not lie to you."

Luke assured.

Anyway, he had attended the peace summit in Paris and was about to go to Khama Taj, so there was no problem in bringing Howard with him.

Blair State Guesthouse, Presidential Suite.

After sending away the two troublesome guys, the president returned to the study.

He needed to smoke a cigar and calm down.

"Who are you?"

Just as he sat on the chair, a strange figure suddenly appeared in the room.

The other person had his hands behind his back, wearing a weird purple helmet and purple and green retro robes.

"You don't need to know who I am."

The stranger's voice was hoarse, his skin was gray, and he unconsciously showed a hint of arrogance.

"I have been the pharaoh of Egypt, the monarch of the Persian Empire...but I have never tried what it feels like to be the president."

The horrified president wanted to speak out, but found that his mouth was tightly shut.

"That young lieutenant general is very strange. I have never heard of his name, and there should be no such person in history."

The stranger said to himself, pulled out his chair, and took the cigar from the president's hand.

"Phew! I like the smell of tobacco too. Howard Stark, he's a celebrity, worth noting. And Superman... I have to be careful."

"I've been looking at this timeline for a while, and it's different from the worlds I've conquered. That's a good thing and piques my interest even more."

"It's not easy to avoid the Supreme Mage. After hiding for so long, I found the opportunity while the Ancient One and Dormammu were playing games."


The stranger muttered to himself, saying things the president could not understand.

When the cigar was a third of the way in, a shout came from outside the study.

"Harry, dear, the bath water is put out."

The president's wife knocked on the door.

"Okay, I'll be right out."

The stranger fiddled with his throat, and his voice was indistinguishable from that of the president.

"The fun life is about to begin."

He stood up, took out a potion from his belt, and injected it into his neck.

Nanobugs invisible to the naked eye are injected into the body, and in just a few seconds, the appearance is transformed into that of the president.

The latter was sitting in a chair, unable to move, but his eyes were full of fear.

It was as if the president was looking into a mirror, seeing the stranger gradually transforming into himself. (End of chapter)