Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 161: ?Howard is an upright man and not a womanizer, Director Lu


A few days later, the Hôtel Royal in Paris.

Diplomats and representative teams from all over the world arrived at the hotel.

Reporters from major newspapers and melon-eaters were gathered outside.

The former carried long guns and cannons, and the camera flashes kept clicking, making a continuous "click" sound.

To use a cliché, today is a historic moment.

For the first time, humans came into contact with other civilizations and established stable diplomatic relations.

Those blue-skinned Atlanteans who lived underwater.

Like a magnet, attracting everyone's attention.

As for the previous war

Because it ended too quickly, and except for coastal cities in the United States, other places were basically unaffected.

To the British, to the French, to the masses of the world.

Naturally, we can pretend that nothing has happened and continue to have harmonious and friendly exchanges on an equal footing.

Just treat those unpleasant little things as chalk and erase them.

Anyway, it’s not you who suffers.

"Superman! Hurry up and take pictures!"

"Attend on behalf of the president! Big news!"

"I've already thought of the title! 'War Heroes Arrive in Paris Today'!"

A black car parked in front of the hotel. The reporters saw the tall figure walking down and pressed the shutter hard.

At the same time, there was a warm cheer around, as if a big Hollywood star was making his debut.

In an instant, the atmosphere reached its peak!

"I almost thought I was in Hollywood, sitting next to James Dean."

Howard glanced at the surging crowd blocking the outside and said with emotion.

"Even if you are very popular in New York, you are still like this in Paris. Lieutenant General Cavell is a heartthrob - no wonder the president said this. If he is as popular as you, the next election will be useless. Suspense."

"This is all the work of Colonel Phillips. I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to give him the propaganda work of Superman."

Luke waved briefly, turned and said.

Who knew, the cheers and applause from the crowd would become even more intense.

It's like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, coming towards you.

Among the extremely excited onlookers in the front row was an overly unrestrained young woman.

While calling Superman's name, she boldly lifted up her top, revealing the beautiful scenery.

There was another sound of pressing the shutter.

The reporters' faces turned red, not only because of the sight of the young girl's firm breasts, but also the excitement of getting news material.

"Shock! The Superman of the Free Lighthouse Country actually had such a story with a naked girl!"

"Haha, I remembered, you were still the 'Liberator of Paris'. If I had known today, I would never have chosen to be a scientist. Einstein couldn't have let a woman expose her breasts to him."

Howard said half teasingly, half teasingly.

"But he can earn a thousand dollars for every minute he speaks on stage. This can be done by finding twenty or thirty beautiful girls in the red light district of Paris and letting them expose their breasts."

Luke shrugged and walked into the hotel door surrounded by his driver and bodyguards.

There is an interesting episode behind his title of "Liberator of Paris".

Although the French and Italians are neighbors, they have always disliked each other.

Before Luke became a general, he led the Howling Commandos to assist the Allied forces in landing Sicily and capturing the city of Rome.

Later, when the name Superman spread, the Italians were thick-skinned and directly called the "fall of Rome" a "rescue plan that the Italians actively cooperated with."

The French ridiculed this, ridiculing the Italians for only playing such boring word games. On the battlefield, they would do nothing but cook spaghetti and raise their hands in surrender.

However, Superman later eliminated the "battleship-class" soldiers of the Third Reich in Paris, bringing World War II to an end. De Gaulle followed suit and called him the "liberator of Paris."

He also claimed that it was French Marshal Leclerc who liberated the city with Superman, almost making the Italians next door laugh to death.

This is roughly equivalent to a guy with a zero bank account balance saying that his and Bill Gates' combined assets can exceed more than 90% of the wealthy people in the United States.

You know, Superman fought the "battleship-class" soldiers of the Third Reich in Paris.

Leclerc was still hiding in Normandy with his armored division, waiting anxiously for news.

The level of funny is basically the same as throwing a shuriken at the first Hokage from 800 miles away from Kakuzu, and then bragging to everyone that he also fought against Senju Hashirama back then.

In response to this matter, the Italians later made up a lot of insulting jokes. When meeting acquaintances on the street, they would definitely make some of them lively.

Many classic jokes that insult the law came from them.

"I think Colonel Phillips' propaganda work was very good. He made you a popular...culture around the world."

Howard, who was part of the entourage, said seriously.

"But the stories that were spread were so exaggerated that I felt ashamed after hearing them."

Luke shook his head. In order to gain popularity, he had handed over the propaganda work to Colonel Phillips who had taken a back seat.

Unexpectedly, the other party recruited a group of third-rate writers from nowhere and worked tirelessly to create fan fiction.

Later, Superman was in Paris, fighting three hundred Aryan demons alone.

He broke into Berlin alone and fought with the mustachioed leader who transformed into the lord of hell for three days and three nights...

Stories like this are popular across North America.

This then formed a cultural export and spread to Europe.

This is how she got her nickname, Sorceress Piledriver.

The fight between Luke and Sieglinde and others has become more and more outrageous after being reprocessed by the people.

Although many newspapers have repeatedly refuted the rumor and issued announcements to correct this statement.

But the public who have the ability to think independently do not believe it at all.

There are also fans of Superman who have called and sent complaints, believing that this is slander and contempt for the war hero.

How can just three "battleship classes" reflect the power of Superman

So, it must be three hundred!

Moreover, those "Aryan demons" are not tall and burly super soldiers.

It must be four or five meters tall, like a moving hill.

It has horns on its head, dark skin, and is vicious and ferocious.

When it opens its mouth, it can spit out the flames of hell and swallow flesh and soul alive, creating a terrifying appearance.

"That's the price of being famous."

Howard gloated.

"By the way, make sure you wait until the meeting is over and show me those... exciting things."

He followed Luke to Paris, naturally not to participate in the peace summit.

"Of course. I never lie."

Luke nodded and walked into the elevator.

"See you in the afternoon. During this time, you can have some fun. Girls in Paris are very enthusiastic."

The peace summit will be held tomorrow at the Palace of Versailles in the Yvelines department, on the southwest outskirts of Paris.

The length of the meeting, which lasted three days, and the participating and leading speakers were similar to the previous Yalta meeting.

It just adds some extra flag-waving, symbolic appearances, and a small country that doesn't even have the right to vote.

"I would like to visit the Moulin Rouge and watch the dancers dance the cancan with their thighs exposed."

Howard reached out and pressed the button on the 22nd floor, but he made no secret of his thoughts on collecting information.

"Then I wish you a pleasant experience. Remember, if you meet a beautiful dancer named Satine, please let me know."

Luke smiled and said a movie gag that Howard wouldn't understand.

The elevator door was about to close when a hand grabbed the gap in the middle.

"Sorry, someone else is coming."

An Asian face appeared in Luke's sight. The man was about thirty years old, wearing a suit and ties, and had a good temperament.

"Lieutenant General Cavill? I should be right."

The Asian man who caught the elevator spoke fluent English.

"Your Excellency must be... Director Zheng Xian."

Luke paused and said with a smile.

Participating in the peace summit, in addition to the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and France, there was also the Divine Spear Bureau representing the East.

The man standing in front of him is the leader of the contemporary Divine Spear Bureau.

"Haha, I didn't expect Lieutenant General Cavell to know my name."

Zheng Xian was slightly surprised. The Divine Spear Bureau always kept a low profile, and outsiders only knew his surname.

Being able to call him by his full name proves that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. also knows something about him.

"On the Pacific battlefield, the Spear Bureau sent people to tear up the Neon Superman by hand, which impressed me deeply."

The corner of Luke's mouth twitched. Compared to SHIELD, which was still in the development stage, Spear of God was much better.

"Those are all trivial matters that cannot be brought to light. Not long ago, Atlantis made waves along the coast, and we almost skewered them into lobsters... We were wrong. We captured them as prisoners!"

Zheng Xian blurted out, exposing Tianchao's foodie nature.

"Director Zheng is the only one in this peace summit?"

Luke asked softly with a good attitude.

"Well, there was originally a casual Agent Yan. He was good at using two guns. He was the ace of the Divine Spear Bureau. He liked to tell people whether there were bullets in the guns."

Zheng Xian didn't hide his thoughts and said with a smile: "It's just that some changes happened in the middle. Agent Yan had another mission, so I was left alone."

Luke's heart moved, and he could actually get the Spear Bureau to dispatch him

That must be a big deal! (End of chapter)