Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 163: ?Red light district dancer, there are five traitors


Is there a traitor in the Divine Spear Bureau

Luke's first reaction when he heard the news was that it felt unreal.

As we all know, S.H.I.E.L.D. is nicknamed "Snake Shield" due to its large number of agents.

Except for the director and a few reliable confidants, basically everyone under his command is Hydra.

When Nick Fury learned the truth, the bitter wine went into his throat and his heart ached, so he disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. and went underground.

Therefore, when it comes to hating Erwuzi, he must have something in common with the gin guy from a well-known winery.

The others are all undercover, and after three years and three years, they are about to become the boss.

And they both belong to the same group, and they are obviously working hard to develop the organization.

But he found that he was surrounded by a group of young men, and the base camp had been infiltrated from top to bottom.

"Traitor? So Director Zheng Xian, the main purpose of coming to Paris this time is to hunt down those five people?"

Luke's expression remained unchanged and he took a sip of champagne to calm down his inner surprise.

Can the Divine Spear Bureau produce a traitor

This is very unpolitically correct.

As far as he knew, all the members there had firm beliefs, as if they were stamped with ideological stamps.

Not to mention being a gangster, betraying the organization, and not even getting a single ounce of support from the masses.

Compared to superheroes active in a decadent capitalist society, their ideological consciousness is nowhere high.

Everyone knows that the superhero community in Lighthouse Country has always been chaotic.

Domestic violence, indiscretions in private life, being a cuckold by the old man next door... all kinds of problems are endless.

If this was placed in the Divine Spear Bureau, it would be a serious matter that would require inspection, confinement, or even suspension.

Facts have proved that no matter which parallel universe it is, in terms of discipline and organization, no one can match the Celestial Empire.

That's why Luke reacted with surprise.

Will there be a traitor in the Divine Spear Bureau

And there are five all at once

This doesn't sound credible at all.

"Lieutenant General Cavell, you seem surprised?"

Zheng Xian looked at Luke with strange eyes while picking at the lobster meat.

He always felt that this Superman Lieutenant General seemed to have a deep understanding of the Divine Spear Bureau.

From the moment we met, the other person showed a similar aura of "I expected everything" and "I have already guessed what you are going to say next".

As if in control of the overall situation, familiar with everything, and full of confidence in every move.

Zheng Xian has met so many big shots, even the reclusive Kunlun monks, he has dealt with them for a period of time.

But this was the first time I encountered someone like Luke.

"Indeed. Regardless of Aegis or Divine Spear, we are all intelligence agencies, and the appearance of a traitor is not a trivial matter."

Luke calmed down his emotions and wrote lightly: "But looking at Director Zheng Xian's appearance, he doesn't seem to be in a hurry."

"Seriously speaking, they are not considered members of the Divine Spear Bureau."

Zheng Xian chuckled, wiped his mouth with lingering thoughts, and said with a smile: "This incident actually happened a long time ago. The five traitors stole a valuable treasure and then fled from the territory under the jurisdiction of the Divine Spear Bureau."

"There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty that family scandals should not be made public. Therefore, the Divine Spear Bureau did not want to make a big fuss at that time. They just conducted a large-scale search for a while and gave up without finding anyone. Who knows, I received news not long ago. Those five traitors secretly worshiped the evil gods and caused a lot of trouble in Southeast Asia. "

A glimmer of light flashed across Luke's eyes. Although Zheng Xian's words were a little vague, he still completed the entire incident through the content.

Those five traitors were probably the founders of the Hand.

They were originally ascetics from Kunlun, but they stole the dragon bones secretly and came to this world.

Those five people escaped the fierce pursuit of the Divine Spear Bureau, traveled around the world, and finally took root in the Neon Island Country after World War II.

The "sacrifice to evil gods" that Zheng Xian talks about is actually a ferocious beast from a dimension outside the main universe.

The Hand somehow learned of its existence and worshiped it as a god.

He often looks for a suitable container to allow the other party to come to him.

The parasitized host is named "Black Sky".

The body's potential will be developed, and all aspects of strength will be greatly strengthened.

Daredevil once transformed into the black sky, opened the shadow realm, and pressed a group of street heroes from Hell's Kitchen to the ground.

"I see. So what can SHIELD do to help?"

Luke asked politely.

Although the Divine Spear Bureau is powerful and has a deep foundation.

However, since there is no contact with the outside world, the intelligence network is still somewhat poor.

Probably Zheng Xian didn't expect it either.

The five traitors he wanted to find were actually hiding in Neon Island Country.

This may be the darkness under the light.

"It would be great if SHIELD was willing to help. Agent Yan has superb marksmanship and outstanding professional abilities, but after all, he is unfamiliar with the place. Finding those five traitors is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Zheng Xian didn't seem to notice. Luke was just polite, climbed up the pole, and said eagerly: "I'll leave this matter to Lieutenant General Cavell. On behalf of the Spear Bureau, I would like to express my sincere gratitude."

Luke was stunned for a moment, looking at Zheng Xian's serious face and enthusiastic attitude.

"I seem to have been tricked?"

He couldn't help but have such an idea.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.

Director Lu has always been the one who tricked others, raking in the wool of Congress and trapping the most evil capitalists.

Who would have thought that tonight he would meet his opponent, and unknowingly fell into Director Zheng's words.

"Director Zheng Xian, after talking so much, it turns out you are waiting for me here."

Luke shook his head, but he didn't feel angry at all.

This guy is a good communicator. He is open-minded and generous when talking. He seems to be hiding nothing from you, which makes people feel good. In fact, he does not reveal any key information.

As expected, those who can become the director these days are not ordinary people.

"Hahaha, I'm a thin-skinned person and I'm afraid of being rejected. Don't take it to heart, Mr. Lieutenant General. If you have a chance, I'll treat you to try the eight famous Chinese cuisines. I promise not to bring the same dish every day. I'll take it as an apology."

Zheng Xian laughed heartily and still looked gentle.

"Please don't take that little request to heart, Mr. Lieutenant General."

Luke pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "This is not possible! When asking for help, you also need to see sincerity."

"According to the rules of the Celestial Empire, you have to drink for at least a few rounds before talking about business."

Without waiting for Zheng Xian to answer, Luke waved and called the waiter carrying the tray.

It's okay to agree to help, just treat it as a good relationship.

But the place that was lost just now has to be regained at some point.

"Here comes the vodka. As much as you want!"

Luke waved his hand with great pride.

The waiter quickly brought over several boxes of vodka supplied to the Soviet delegation.

"I did it, Director Zheng Xian, you can do whatever you want."

Luke didn't waste any time, just poured himself a drink.

Anyway, no matter how strong the liquor is, it is still like soda to him.

"This...then I'll do it too."

Zheng Xian finally smiled bitterly. He did not expect that the domestic tradition of drinking and drinking would be exported abroad.

"As the old saying goes, risk your life to accompany a gentleman. Mr. Lieutenant General, I will risk my life today."

Zheng Xian thought that he was experienced in the battlefield and was considered the number one person at the wine table. He raised his head and drank three glasses of wine.

Regardless of whether you can drink it or not, you can’t lose in terms of momentum!

Ever since, the welcome dinner turned into a drinking party.

The Soviet guy sitting over there also came over to join in the fun.

After all, wherever there is vodka, there they are.

I saw that the boxes of vodka were quickly bottoming out, and the waiters were busy replenishing the drinks.

Not long after, the entire venue was filled with a roar of Luke's dots.

"I'm... not drunk! I can keep drinking! Come on! Lieutenant General Cavell, do it!"

Two hours later, Zheng Xian, who had always been steady, opened his mouth and spoke with a big, unclear tongue.

Except for Luke, who could still stay awake and sit upright, even the Soviet guy lay down under the table.

The entire hall was filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

As for the French and British people, they had already secretly cursed the "rude barbarians" and hugged the dancer back to the room.

"Send Chief Zheng Xian back to the room."

Looking at Zheng Xian who slid half of his body under the table, Luke nodded with satisfaction.

Find a passionate Parisian girl later and let Director Zheng know what exotic style is.

Of course, whether the other party should write an inspection afterwards and make a review to the organization is not Luke's concern.

"I hope Director Zheng won't take this little prank to heart."

Looking at Zheng Xian who was helping him leave, Luke shrugged and came to Paris, the "romantic city". How could he live without a romantic encounter

The next day, early morning.

"I told you, if you work hard all night, you may not still have the energy to attend the meeting."

Luke, who was sitting in the restaurant enjoying breakfast, glanced at Howard, whose legs were weak and had heavy dark circles under his eyes, and couldn't help but mocked: "I'm really not feeling well anymore. You can buy some mummy powder."

In Europe from the 17th to the 19th century, many doctors believed that mummy powder could cure all diseases.

Arthritis, stroke, tuberculosis... everything is covered and can be cured.

Among them, regarding mummy powder.

The most famous saying is that it is an aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac.

Who is Sildenafil - the drug commonly known as "Viagra" has not been developed yet.

If you want to solve male problems, you can only turn to folk remedies.

"It's all an accident. Last night when you were drinking with those Soviets, I spotted my target and launched an attack on a beautiful dancer. After discussing the end of the party, I invited her to my room to talk about biological reproduction. Mystery.”

Howard rubbed his waist and sat down, his face beaming with excitement.

"Who would have thought that she has an equally beautiful sister. I couldn't hold it back - no one would be able to refuse these two enthusiastic and generous twin sisters if they saw them standing in front of them!"

Luke brushed a layer of jam on the croissant and sneered: "It's best to act according to your ability. You are not young anymore, Howard. It is a difficult task for you to fight one against two."

Howard snorted while pulling the bacon slices, puffed out his chest and said, "Sometimes skills are more important than physical strength. I have been involved in love for so many years, and I have long summarized a set of secret skills."

"Next time I have a chance, I can teach it to you, Luke."

"Stay away from me, I have no interest in a multiplayer sport between two men."

Luke showed an expression of disgust and said seriously: "I'm still young, my physical strength and endurance are my biggest assets, and I don't need those fancy gadgets."

Howard, who was hurt by tons of critical strikes in his heart, took a sip of lemon and said sourly: "This is what I envy most about Superman."

The two exchanged words, and Luke, wiping his mouth, saw Zheng Xian walking unsteadily into the restaurant.

He quickly greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Director Zheng Xian, how was your stay last night? I believe you have fully felt the enthusiasm of the people of Paris."

Zheng Xian, who was still drunk, saw Luke coming and wanted to spit in his face.

This morning, when I woke up, I found a foreign girl in my arms.

Shirts were flying on the carpet, and the sheets were in a mess.

The groggy head suddenly woke up.

This is a mistake, and you will be given a demerit and a warning when you return to your country!

When he walked out of the room, Zheng Xian had already begun to think about how to confess to the organization and write a sincere apology.

"Lieutenant General Cavell, you have harmed me."

Zheng Xian regrets it very much now.

If someone drinks alcohol and gets into trouble, the ancients would not deceive him.

"Director Zheng Xian, you are still single and not married. It is a good story to have a foreign love once in a while."

Luke said with a smile, then patted the other party's shoulder, "See you in Versailles later."

Looking at the young lieutenant general walking away, Zheng Xian silently came to the edge of the dining table, holding a glass of hot milk in both hands, sipping it while paying tribute to his lost virginity.

"That... this kind of thing, do it, do it, and gradually you will get used to it."

Howard, whose legs were weak, stood up and comforted him.

When he was sixteen years old, after a sexual encounter with a female teacher, his mood was similar to Zheng Xian's.

"By the way, do you want to go to the Moulin Rouge together tonight? I can show you the style of Paris."

Hearing Howard's friendly question, Zheng Xian shivered all over.

Thinking of the mountains of self-reflection letters and the organizational torture, he shook his head quickly.

No wonder that before I left the country, my leader told me sincerely that there were too many corruptions in the outside world and that the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism could corrupt people's hearts.

At that time, Zheng Xian didn't take it to heart and thought he was determined and fearless.

Unexpectedly, even though he was careful and cautious, he still fell into the hands of Luke.

"I'm sorry, leader."

The Divine Spear Chief thought silently with tears in his eyes. (End of chapter)