Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 36: Return to New York and plan the casino


Two days later, Luke, wearing the military uniform of a commodore, walked off the ship amid cheers and crowds.

Stepping onto the land of the Port of Palermo, the open space on the dock was crowded with mafia people who came to greet them.

A group of vicious thugs in suits and ties lined up neatly, headed by Alessandro.

Eisenhower's Anglo-American coalition has taken over Italy and launched a campaign to encircle and suppress those Fascist elements who are trying to resurrect, just like Mussolini wiped out the Mafia.

The tide has turned, and now it's the mafia taking revenge.


Glancing at Luke's epaulettes and the pomp behind him, Alessandro carefully changed his title.

The mafia leader still looked humble, even more respectful than before.

Following Luke may be the best decision he has ever made in his life.

Two weeks ago, the opponent was only an Allied captain, but now he has been promoted to brigadier general.

The speed of promotion is like riding on a rocket!

Moreover, Luke is now recognized as a war hero by the Allied forces, a legend who led his team to conquer Italy!

Such a world-shaking deed will be talked about even a hundred years later.

Alessandro believes that his presence in it is no different from being recorded in history.

What an honor it is for a gangster to receive such an honor!

"Mrs. Marlena is still staying at the original hotel. After learning about your return to Sicily, she is preparing to take care of you."

Alessandro bent down slightly. He knew that today was different from the past, and his attitude towards Marlena became respectful.

"Why doesn't she come to the port?"

Luke raised his head and looked out at the crowd of onlookers outside the dock.

Many people are looking forward to seeing what the legendary figure whom Roosevelt and Churchill called "Superman" looks like.

"Mrs. Marlena said that it is not convenient for her to appear in public with you, General."

Alessandro lowered his head and said.

Luke's eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth raised, and he whispered softly: "I understand. Xhosa, are you satisfied with your current life?"

"I'm very satisfied! The arrival of the Sheriff of the town respects me very much, and the Governor of Palermo even came to visit me yesterday. All of this is thanks to you."

Alessandro nodded.

He has already obtained the power and status.

Now in Sicily, anyone who sees him will take off his hat and address him as "Your Excellency".

Even the boss of the Camora family is like this.

Luke looked around, looking at the fierce mafia members, and said as he walked: "I can give you another chance to choose. After the war, the Allies have different opinions on how to deal with Italy."

"The United States believes that Italy should be handed over to the United Nations for trusteeship, while the British only value overseas colonies and want to eat these cakes. The Soviets think that the joint trusteeship of the three countries is safer. For the time being, no one can convince anyone."

Alessandro frowned and thought, the future of the country determines the future path of the Mafia.

Luke, who got into the car, continued: "No matter what the outcome is, the Mafia family is destined to decline. You are just a product of a period of social instability. Once order is restored, the country will crack down. Just like Mussolini After coming to power, I will resort to knife attacks on you in order to win public opinion.”

"Xhosa, I am convinced of your ability. Therefore, you can choose to stay in Sicily, continue to enjoy life, and be a family manager..."

"Or, come with me to the North American continent, where there are more opportunities."

After Luke finished speaking, he closed his eyes, as if resting and waiting for a reply.

Alessandro thought for a long time, his eyes changing.

He was speechless all the way until he finally made a decision before arriving at the hotel.

"General, it is my greatest honor to be able to follow you!"

Luke, who stepped out of the car, just smiled and said nothing more.

Luke returned to New York with the Howling Commandos, and this time he no longer had to live in the old house in Brooklyn.

Instead, he was warmly welcomed by a group of powerful officials and moved into a luxurious room at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

It was the world's first skyscraper hotel and has quite a history.

When it was first built, President Hoover delivered a congratulatory speech in the Cabinet Office of the White House.

As he said, the Waldorf Astoria Hotel is a benchmark in New York. It has always been loved by dignitaries from all over the world and has witnessed many important historical events.

For example, after the end of World War II, representatives of the four victorious countries, the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union, signed the "World Peace Agreement" in a suite in its tower.

The tower is not a small one. It has hosted the King of Monaco, Queen Elizabeth I of the United Kingdom and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Now, Luke is lucky enough to live in the tower suite of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, like countless celebrities.

"This is really..."

Malena raised her head and looked at the bright crystal chandeliers and luxurious furniture, as if falling into a dream.

She never imagined that she, who came from the countryside of Sicily, would one day live in such a house.

Happiness came so suddenly that Marlena couldn't believe it.

Moreover, no man would still stare at him with unabashed greed.

All this is because she is Luke's lover.

Power and status provided shelter to a poor woman who should have had a tragic fate.

"You can settle here temporarily, Xhosa will protect your safety."

Luke leaned into the soft sofa, Marlena sitting on his lap.

Alessandro took about three hundred people with him and followed him out of Sicily to the unfamiliar continent of North America.

Their compatriots have already prospered, going to various high-end places, and making friends with politicians and Hollywood stars.

"I never believe in gangs, but they can sometimes do dirty work for you. The mafia who came across the ocean to the United States has no other support. They can only hug my thigh tightly."

Luke gently sniffed the fragrance of the mature girl's hair and said leisurely.

He is now a brigadier general. After defeating the Axis and Hydra, he may go one step further and become the youngest major general in the history of the Federation.

But status is not everything. It requires funds, connections, and intricate interest groups to support it.

The Mafia can serve as a solid foundation.

Luke targeted Las Vegas, Nevada, a gold mine to be discovered.

In the early years, the United States was in the midst of the Great Depression. In order to stimulate the economy and tide over the difficulties, the Nevada State Assembly passed a bill to legalize gambling.

Since then, Las Vegas has become a gambling city, but it is far from the fame it would later become.

Luke, who had been involved in the Irish gang, did not want to get involved in the two hugely profitable businesses of smuggling and drugs.

That would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, and in the end it might even turn into an embarrassing situation where you have to keep wiping the mafia's butt.

The gambling, hotels, and security industries in Las Vegas are all areas where the Mafia can flex its muscles.

While the casino has not yet developed, if you get involved in it first, you should be able to get unexpected surprises.

In the original timeline, Las Vegas was paved by fellow Mafia member Benjamin Siegel, who raised $6 million to build the Flamingo Hotel and large casino, attracting people from all over the world. rich tycoon.

“You always see the long term.”

Marlena said adoringly, and a moment later she was laid down on the sofa.

Her wavy black hair spread out like a lotus flower, and her beautiful face had a blush.

"It's daytime..."

Marlena said weakly.

"Don't get me wrong, I just think this sofa is very soft and want to test the quality."

Luke's mouth was serious and his hands were skillful.

Outside the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows, the faint sound of car horns could be heard.

Sometimes urgent, sometimes soothing. (End of chapter)