Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 41: A perfect dive


The secret base of Fort Claus is heavily guarded. There are two arms manufacturing factories on the left and right, and as many as 600 defenders are stationed there.

With a strong fortress and powerful firepower, it can isolate all external enemies.

If the Allied forces wanted to break through from the front, they would probably have to pay several times more heavy casualties.

The best way is to mobilize the air force to carry out high-intensity carpet bombing.

Use brutal tactics of firepower to completely destroy this Hydra base hidden in the deep mountains and forests!

Otherwise, those giant tanks like steel monsters and enhanced warriors with greatly weakened pain perception and extraordinary physical strength would be able to swallow up many lives of the Allies.

This is also the reason why the Allied Command is unwilling to send troops to carry out a rescue plan.

There is no point in dispatching hastily except for losing more lives!

"Luke, how can we sneak into this base without telling others?"

Rogers asked, hiding behind some trees.

This secret base of Hydra is too tightly defended.

The guard post is like a steel sentinel standing in the night. A team of Nazi soldiers patrols back and forth every five minutes, and conspicuous searchlights sweep around.

Rogers, who was carrying a shield, had a headache. At this moment, he finally understood how ridiculously difficult a task it was to raid Hydra's secret base with just two people!

"I have a bold idea."

Luke thought for a moment and said seriously: "How about I rush out and kill them all, so that no one will discover our existence! A complete infiltration operation can be achieved!"


Rogers couldn't catch his breath and almost suffocated to death.

I coughed quietly several times before I regained my composure.

He couldn't tell if Luke was joking or if he actually meant to do this.

Even after receiving serum injection, he became a super soldier.

Put it on the battlefield and you can defeat one against a hundred.

But in the face of Hydra's fierce artillery fire, individual heroism alone will not work. There must be a careful plan!

Rogers racked his brains, thinking of a way to not only complete the task of rescuing the captured soldiers, but also avoid Hydra's detection.

"Luke, I think..."

Before Captain America could come up with a plan, Luke sprinted out of the bushes.

The strong air current blows the fallen leaves on the ground!

In a few breaths, he disappeared deep into the jungle.

At the same time, on the muddy road next to the bushes, a military truck transporting supplies drove past at a low speed.

The bright light of the car's headlights was like two sharp swords cutting through the thick fog.

The base door slowly opened, making way for a passage.


I saw an afterimage, pulling out a sharp straight line and crashing into the low-speed military truck!

The terrifying impact was like a solid cannonball that had been charged for a long time, hitting the car body hard.

The sturdy and thick truck suddenly deflated as if it had been hit countless times with a swinging hammer.

With a "boom", unable to withstand the sudden and terrible impact, the military truck rolled over and fell, sinking deeply into the muddy road.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

A huge noise woke up the peaceful secret base.

The guard guarding the door was the first to react and ran over with a metal-cased energy gun in his hands.

The base behind him also sounded the alarm, and the sharp whistle echoed in the night sky.

"this… "

Rogers looked at the fallen military truck and the obvious dented outline on it, and then at the unharmed Luke, and was speechless for a moment.

Super soldiers... are they that strong

Rogers lowered his head, stretched out his hands, and clenched them into fists.

Unfortunately, he did not feel the terrifying power in his body that could overturn a military truck.

They are all obviously the same super soldiers!

Why can Luke do it

Rogers, who has always maintained confidence and fighting spirit, couldn't help but wonder if Dr. Erskine had given Luke a little more dose when he injected them with the serum!

"You go to the cell where the captured soldiers are kept and see if you can find Bucky! I'll attract Hydra's attention!"

Luke spoke of his plan as he lifted the overturned military truck.

After replacing the template of "Magical Superman", he felt that the power in his body seemed to be improved again.

Not only has the efficiency of absorbing star energy increased, but all aspects of physical fitness have also been strengthened.

The bulging muscles of the hands are twisted together, like repeatedly twisted steel wires, highlighting the obvious lines full of strength.

The army uniform was stretched tightly, making a whining sound as if it was about to be torn apart.

As for the military boots under his feet, cracks had appeared in the process of sprinting.

[Cover the skin]

Seeing that the military uniform was about to be stretched open and he was about to fall into the embarrassing situation of being disheveled, Luke quickly covered it up with the skin he had put away before.

With the Kryptonian suit protecting his body, no matter how fierce the battle, he would never look like a big green guy, with only his underpants barely covering his face every time.

"The enemy is here... run!"

Not long after, guards wearing Hydra armbands arrived quickly.

There was only one figure standing on the muddy road.

The tall man in steel armor lifted the overturned military truck like he was lifting weights!

This shocking scene beyond the scope of human understanding directly caused the guards carrying energy guns to lose their ability to think.

Facts have proved that even Hydra, which has been brainwashed by fanatical thoughts, still has the same desire to survive as ordinary people.

After seeing the inhuman strength shown by the intruders, several guards shouted "Long live Hydra" and ran away without looking back.

"Superman of the Allied Forces! Notify the leader! Superman is coming!"

Urgent shouts were heard back to the base.

Someone recognized Luke's young face, it was the Superman who appeared frequently in newspapers and on the radio these days!

"Super Aim Deployed!"

Luke narrowed his eyes slightly and used precise vision to locate the giant tank at the entrance of the base.

The arms were slightly bent and the legs were lowered, like throwing a shot put, and smashed out a military truck weighing several tons!

Hydra guards swarmed out in groups, looking at the roaring military truck in the air with unbelievable and shocked eyes.


The loud noise shook the entire base!

The giant tank was directly crushed by a military truck and completely scrapped!

The driver who sat in had been crushed into a puddle of mud-like meat paste before he could adjust the turret.

The explosion of fire lights up the night sky!

The base is boiling!

Taking this opportunity, Rogers quickly changed out of the black uniform of a Hydra guard, put on a helmet that concealed his face, and sneaked into the base.

"Those Hydra soldiers... were so unlucky to meet Luke."

Rogers no longer doubted his friend's strength, and he finally knew what the real situation was behind the "Conqueror of Italy" and "Capturer of Rome" in the Allied propaganda.

No wonder every time I asked the Howling Commandos how they sneaked into Sicily and raided the Palazzo Venezia, the gang always talked about him.

Now it seems that the whole process is likely to be Luke driving unparalleled all the way, and then others watching and cheering.

"Arms factory... the cells are at the back!"

Rogers disguised himself as a Hydra soldier and successfully entered the arsenal.

The defenders carrying energy firearms were stimulated by the alarm and all ran outside.

"What's this?"

Along the way, Rogers saw huge missile heads.

There are many soldiers responsible for embedding energy blocks that emit blue light into it.

With the idea of gathering intelligence, he stuffed a piece into his pocket and walked towards the cell where the captured soldiers were kept.

On the other side, the Red Skull, who was staying in the command room, heard the alarm sounding and quickly mobilized surveillance to check the situation.

In the intense firelight, a tall figure was seen tearing through the flames, with a dark red cloak fluttering.

Those sharp eyes seemed to be able to overcome many obstacles and look at the Red Skull through the surveillance camera. (End of chapter)