Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 45: Vibranium shield, mysterious realm


"Long time no see, Howard."

Luke finally managed to get away from the admiration and cheers of the crowd and returned to the temporary base of the Strategic Science Corps.

When you walk in the door, you see Howard Stark, the chief scientific research consultant, working non-stop.

He wears many hats and has many identities.

He is not only the largest weapons sponsor of the Allies, but also a smart and famous scientist.

Not only did he have strong financial resources, he was also extremely capable and had invented many novel gadgets for the Allied forces.

Many big bosses in the Ministry of National Defense have a good impression of this arms tycoon.

Talents like this will naturally not be ignored by the Strategic Science Corps.

In the name of a scientific research consultant, Colonel Phillips recruited Howard into the army - even though the old-school soldier didn't like him.

"Luke—do I need to call you His Excellency the Brigadier General?"

Howard turned his head and glanced, chuckled and said.

"Congratulations, you have become a hero of the Allied Forces again! To be honest, I really envy you. You only need to say your name to get countless women to throw themselves into their arms, and I have to show off my car. Only by giving me the keys, making a reservation at a high-end restaurant, and showing off my humor and charm, will those beautiful girls be willing to sleep with me.”

After coming to the Strategic Science Corps these days, Luke has a clear understanding of Howard.

Different from the later mature, steady, serious and serious founder of SHIELD.

Now, the arms tycoon who led Stark Industries to its rise is no different from his son.

He likes to seduce beautiful women to prove his strong charm as a male creature.

Appreciation and affirmation of others will never come out of that mouth - it is said that this is the consistent arrogance and venomous tongue of the Stark family.

Compared to Tony Stark, who has not yet become Iron Man, he only sees machines and women.

Howard only has one more hobby than his son, making money.

In just a few decades, Stark Industries can catch up with the footsteps of established giants such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and General Dynamics, and try to keep pace with them, and then catch up.

Among them, Howard's communicative skills and genius brain account for a large part of the credit.

"I don't think those tricks of yours are always tried and true, right?"

Luke laughed lightly.

Within the Strategic Science Corps, many people said that the reason why this sexist playboy risked his life and went to the front line was entirely because of that cool female agent, Peggy Carter.

The other party wants to pluck this charming and thorny red rose and kiss it.

Unfortunately, Carter ignored him and refused many invitations to date.

"After that flight, Carter and I went to have cheese fondue."

Howard looked triumphant, like a victorious soldier.

"Mr. Stark, don't you think that I don't know that the so-called 'cheese fondue' means cheese and bread? If eating bread together is considered to have captured your heart, wouldn't it mean that half of the women in New York would fall in love with you?" relationship."

Luke sneered deliberately.

"What do you know, you have to be patient with women."

Howard was not angry. Instead, he acted like a senior and taught: "You have to be like Don Quixote who charges at the windmill, fail and try again. At the same time, don't lose your bottom line too much and behave incomparably." Being eager will make the other person feel that your feelings are cheap and do not take them seriously, but you must also ask for help and show up at any time. If a woman's heart is a strong castle, then I must be the best in siege warfare in the world. General!"

"Since Carter agreed to have dinner with me, we are one step closer and not too far away."

Seeing Howard complimenting himself without hesitation, Luke smiled lightly.

The other party's appearance is quite similar to his son.

It seems that narcissism is also one of the traditions of the Stark family.

However, in Luke's view, Howard is both a successful businessman and the world's top scientist.

Compared to his son, this Iron Man father is actually better in every aspect.

The first is Tony Stark's high-tech armor, which uses the core technology Ark Reactor.

Howard had been developed a century ago, but due to the material conditions and limitations of the times at the time, it was unable to meet the miniaturization requirements.

Otherwise, no matter how smart Tony is, it would be a fantasy to rely on a hammer to knock out a suit of armor and design unprecedented cold nuclear fusion energy in a dark and humid cave.

His dad has already paved the way to become a superhero!

Later, Tony, who transformed into Iron Man, was troubled by palladium poisoning. The new element to solve the problem was discovered by Howard first and left to his son.

In other words, his dad was ahead of his time!

The reason why Tony will have future achievements is not only the strong financial support and solid technical support of Stark Industries.

More importantly, he inherited the knowledge left by his father!

That is the most precious legacy!

"I heard that you previously snatched a fighter jet order contract from Lockheed Martin, and recently won a passenger aircraft order contract that was supposed to be for them. Someone in the Ministry of National Defense has already expressed dissatisfaction with you."

Luke said casually.

Howard, who was busy researching Hydra energy weapons, looked a little ugly and said harshly: "I told my secretary about this problem. There is fierce competition among peers. This is inevitable. Lockheed - If Martin Company is dissatisfied, then let their researchers work harder to keep up with my genius brain!"

Howard, who was so charming just now and imparting tips on how to seduce girls, can instantly turn into a venomous person.

It can be seen that Lockheed Martin has indeed caused some considerable pressure on Stark Industries.

"What, Brigadier General, are you going to lend a helping hand to help Stark Industries tide over the difficulties?"

As a smart man, Howard quickly interpreted other meanings from Luke's words.

"With all due respect, you probably can't get involved in this kind of thing."

The head of Stark Industries said very tactfully that Luke's current status might not be of much help.

After all, the military rank on the epaulette is one thing, but the actual power he possesses is another.

Unless Luke can sit in Eisenhower's seat, maybe he can speak.

"No one can say what's going to happen in the future, right, Howard?"

Luke looked at the new weapons of the Strategic Science Corps and glanced at a shining silver round shield underneath.

"Can you give me this? I'm sure Steve would like it."

Howard, who was lost in thought, waved his hand and motioned for Luke to take it as he pleased.

Anyway, judging from the military rank, Fang Cai should be the leader of the Strategic Science Corps.

"But you're sure Rogers will use this thing. It's just an unfinished product."

Sensing Luke's vague intention of cooperation, Howard's attitude changed somewhat.

He is a pure businessman, far from having noble sentiments or good qualities.

An arms dealer who hopes to make a fortune from the war cannot take moral conscience very seriously.

As for patriotism, that's something you only wake up to after reaching the pinnacle of your career.

Just like only successful entrepreneurs will be keen on charity and show their love.

"Believe me, Steve will definitely fall in love with it at first sight! I really don't want to see him carrying a trash can lid to the battlefield."

Luke said with a smile.

Perhaps because he was beaten since childhood and often used trash can lids on the roadside as weapons, Captain America likes to fight with a shield.

"The material of this shield is very special, called 'vibranium'. It has the special effect of absorbing kinetic energy and hardly conducts heat and kinetic energy. To a certain extent, it is indestructible!"

Howard explained.

"It's a pity that this material is so rare! We can't equip the entire army with it!"

Seeing Howard's regretful expression, Luke's eyes flashed. He knew that there was a huge amount of vibranium veins somewhere.


A third world country that appears to be backward but is actually technologically advanced but behaves extremely backward.

Hidden among the mountains of the African continent, few people know of its existence.

"You can go shopping if you have time."

Luke looked at the shield in his hand, his young face reflected on it. (End of chapter)