Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 48: The task of saving the world is left to you


The next morning, when Luke, Rogers, and Howard appeared outside the barracks at the same time, the scene was a bit awkward.

Everyone showed a tacit understanding and smiled. Even Rogers, who had no knowledge in this area, also laughed and laughed.

Everyone seems to know what happened last night.

"Morning, Luke, and Steve, are you guys getting up for morning exercise too?"

Howard coughed twice and asked pretendingly.

Regardless of obvious clues such as his hair, which was as messy as a chicken coop, his loose tie, and his untied shoelaces, he just opened his mouth and said that he got up early to exercise.

"I thought you would be tired enough after exerting so much energy last night. I didn't expect you could still get up and exercise in the morning. Howard, you have amazing perseverance."

Luke said teasingly.

"Hey, what about you, Luke! I never expected that you, a thick-browed man with big eyes, would pick off the most beautiful red rose in the military camp with your own hands without saying a word - you are the secret master. !”

Howard fought back not to be outdone, with a somewhat sour tone in his tone.

In the past, I showed great courtesy to Carter, but the other party was unmoved and had an indifferent attitude.

However, Luke did nothing and easily picked off the thorny rose.

This makes Howard, who has always been unfavorable in love, a little frustrated.

"If I said that nothing happened with Miss Carter last night, you would definitely not believe it."

Luke shrugged seriously.

As expected, he received suspicious looks and disdainful laughter.

"Come on, you're just like an alcoholic who always says he doesn't drink too much, or a politician who always says he serves the citizens. It's unconvincing!"

Howard sneered, obviously not believing it.

A man and a woman alone, they disappeared after a dance and did not appear until the next morning.

Could it be that we watched the stars and the moon all night and talked about our life ideals all night

Rogers nodded and agreed.

It can be seen that after a night of extremely immersive first experience, he has grown a lot.

"Tell me, how did you do it?"

Howard looked curious, he wanted to know where he lost.

Talk about looks!

Well, Luke was indeed young and handsome.

But isn't a man as mature, steady, and rich in content as he is more attractive

Talk about achievement!

Although Luke is a war hero of the Allied Powers and a world-famous Superman.

But in the scientific world, Howard Stark is also a rising star.

A new talent who is expected to rival Robert Oppenheimer and Leo Szilard!

"Since you asked sincerely, I won't hide it - Miss Carter said that she was deeply attracted to me when she first saw me. She thought I was like a firefly in the dark night, so bright , so outstanding..."

Howard was stunned on the spot. After seeing Luke's joking eyes, he realized that this guy was just talking nonsense and spit hard -


The tutor he received should not have behaved in such a disrespectful manner.

"If I couldn't beat you, I would definitely punch you!"

Howard turned around and left, but because the movement was too large, he almost twisted his waist.

Finally, he left with one hand on his hips and a stumbling posture.

"Hey, I can tell by the look on your face that you had a good night."

Luke put his hand on Rogers' shoulder, and the two of them walked towards the barracks.

He remembered that in his previous life, someone always brought up a topic: whether Captain America was a virgin who had been single for seventy years.

Looking at it now, it's definitely not the case.

"Her name is Margaery."

Rogers said coyly.

He's not quite used to chatting on this kind of topic yet.

In the afternoon, as soon as Luke walked into the war room after finishing his rest, he heard Colonel Phillips roaring.

"Johann Schmidt should be put in a lunatic asylum!"

He stood in front of a map, looking shocked and angry.

Rogers, Carter, and Howard were all sitting at the long table, with serious expressions on their faces.

The remaining senior officers remained silent even without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the entire room dropped to freezing point, as if the air was frozen.

"What's wrong?"

Luke asked with a frown.

After the angry Colonel Phillips saw him, his tone slowed down a lot, and he explained patiently: "The Red Skull wants to destroy half the world! Starting with New York, not even Berlin of the Axis Powers will be spared! We must stop him! "

Colonel Phillips pressed his finger hard on the red dot of the mark.

Those were several very important cities for the Allies and the Axis Powers, including New York, London, and even Berlin.

The hearts of everyone present sank. These are all densely populated and prosperous metropolises.

Once Hydra's plan is successfully implemented, the casualties will be difficult to estimate!

The Strategic Science Corps was able to learn this information because the command room of the Hydra base contained the map and detailed information of the Red Skull's plan.

When they escaped, they didn't have time to destroy or take them away.

It happened to be seen by Rogers who was searching for his friend Bucky, and he remembered it in his mind.

"Schmidt is researching mysterious forces beyond our understanding! If he were allowed to cross the Atlantic, he could destroy the entire East Coast in an hour."

Howard's affirmative tone made the atmosphere in the war room even more depressing.

As the chief scientist of the Strategic Science Corps, he has especially studied the blue energy block that Captain America slipped into his pocket at the military factory.

The power is huge and the effect is amazing!

This is what Howard came to!

He just extracted a tiny bit of it and prepared it for analysis, but he almost blew himself up.


In critical moments, Colonel Phillips ignored the titles of superiors and subordinates.

"I have sent a report to the Allied Forces Command and the White House. Mr. President, I hope you can stand up and stop Hydra's plan! At this time, only you can do it! In twenty-four hours, the Red Skull will He’s about to implement his crazy plan!”

In the war room, everyone's eyes were focused on Luke.

The Allies need a hero to save the world!

And he is the most suitable candidate!

This young brigadier has created miracles again and again.

Capture the city of Rome, Italy, assist the Allied forces in landing on Sicily, destroy Hydra's secret base, and rescue captured soldiers...

All kinds of legendary and amazing deeds are enough to prove Luke's strength.

He is called "Superman" and "Savior of the Allies" by everyone, and this is not without reason.

"Steve, you must know where Hydra's headquarters is, right?"

A faint smile appeared on Luke's calm face.

"There is an underground base in the Alps! That is where Hydra's headquarters is located!"

Rogers replied firmly.

"Then are you willing to come with me to destroy it and stop the Red Skull's evil plan?"

After hearing the answer, Luke smiled calmly, and this calm attitude infected everyone present.

"I will obey your instructions unconditionally, Commander!"

Rogers held his head high and showed no fear in his eyes.

In his opinion, this operation must be full of danger.

But as Luke's friend and a soldier of the Allied Powers, he is naturally obliged to participate!

"Your Excellency, Brigadier General, take me with you!"

As Dugan took the initiative to ask for a fight, the members of the Howling Commandos also agreed.

The honors and applause they received all came from Luke's wise leadership.

The Howling Commandos admire and respect this young commander from the bottom of their hearts!

"Okay. I'll give you two hours to pack your equipment and then set off!"

Luke didn't say much. An impassioned speech was unnecessary. The final victory was the key.

After receiving the answer, everyone in the war room dispersed.

Carter stood up and moved his fingers unconsciously on the table.

I wanted to say something, but my lips moved twice, and then I left without saying a word.

Luke curled his lips, being a gentleman would not end well. (End of chapter)