Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 489: Flashpoint follow-up, Doomsday Clock



Barry subconsciously held his breath, but not only could he speak normally, he also didn't feel suffocated by being in a vacuum environment.

"Don't stay too far away from me."

Luke opened his biological force field and silently covered the entire Mars, creating an ecological environment suitable for humans.

Not to mention the vacuum of the universe, even star explosions cannot break his protection.

Multiverse-level existences can no longer be measured by common sense.

"Why here?"

Barry was confused.

He originally thought that Luke would go to the Justice League first, or find Superman to recognize him.

After the Flashpoint crisis was resolved, the origins and history of the superheroes of the Justice League were more or less changed.

For example, Superman lost his parents and appeared in the public eye earlier.

Wonder Woman Diana did not participate in the First World War and did not leave Paradise Island until modern times.

Some people have even been forgotten.

The third generation of The Flash, Wally West.

To be precise, he is the fastest man in the world.

Compared to the second generation Flash, Barry Allen is even faster.

Wally West was one of the first people to detect Doctor Manhattan, but his existence was rewritten by the blue man, making all superheroes forget the existence of the third generation of Flash.

Batman, the Teen Titans, and Wally's wife all don't remember his name.

Later, only Barry recognized it.

He remembered Wally and dragged him out of the Speed Force space.

Later, when he learned that someone was tampering with the timeline and trying to manipulate the Justice League, The Flash would naturally not sit idly by.

Barry ran directly to Gotham and told Batman to quickly use the smartest brain in the world to find a solution.

After discussing for a while, they did not make it public and convene a meeting with the members of the Justice League. Instead, they went back to the Flashpoint world, which was about to collapse.

Thomas Wayne and Bruce Wayne, two generations of Batman from two different worlds.

They had a father-son meeting and guessed Dr. Manhattan's intentions.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, The Flash couldn't help but think of Superman's cousin.

If someone changes one heroic story after another through the occurrence of Flashpoint.

So, could Luke's disappearance also be caused by the other party

With this in mind, Barry quickly found Wonder Woman.

Except for Batman, Wally, and myself.

Diana was the one most likely to realize the problem.

Because, it was in that Flashpoint world that should not have appeared that Wonder Woman and Superman's cousin had an overly close intersection.

After learning about this, Diana revealed a secret.

She always felt that she had forgotten a very important key person. The other person always appeared in her dreams, but she could not get close to him and couldn't see clearly.

Wonder Woman ends up handing Barry an old photo of herself with a man.

Using the remaining energy, the latter finally locked Luke's location and traveled to another set.

The above is the continuation of Flashpoint.

"The culprit the Justice League is looking for is on Mars."

Luke's eyes flashed, and his invisible sight quickly covered the entire planet, and then he said: "It's just that the superhero seems to have discovered this."

Rewind the time to two days ago.

Because of certain international disputes and vicious incidents, the legitimacy and rationality of the Justice League have been questioned by the world.

Superman, who was once regarded as a "beacon" with perfect moral character, has been attacked by public opinion and public opinion.

Faced with this situation, as the brains of the Justice League, Batman's mind is on another thing.

So who is behind everything

Tampering with the timeline

Is it Reverse Flash


Albert Swann is dead.

There is no doubt about this.

He died in the Batcave.

Die in front of Batman.

Bruce clearly remembers that a ball of blue light enveloped the Reverse Flash.

Then, the speedster, the future man, the super criminal who seems to have discovered some shocking secret.

It was as if it had been wiped away and turned into a wisp of smoke.

Lex Luthor

Batman shook his head, denying the answer.

That arrogant bald man has not appeared for a long time.

He had no motive and no reason to do so.

Just playing hide-and-seek with Superman and the police catching the thief is enough to satisfy all Lex Luthor's needs.

Batman thought of villain name after villain name and then rejected them again and again.

Who on earth is it

While he was confused, he also felt terrible.

Batman has always hated loss of control and the unknown, and only likes accurate answers and predictable developments.

One day later, the Moon's Watchtower Headquarters.

Martian Manhunter Ron detects a strange energy fluctuation in his hometown.

After careful consideration, Batman decided to take his family members, Nightwing and Batgirl, to Mars.

Joining this team is Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, Supergirl Kara.

Take appropriate measures to deal with possible dangers.

Batman drops by Constantine, as well as Zatanna from Justice League Dark, the Green Swamp Thing of all things.

Hal Jordan and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps, like Guy Gardner, John Stewart, etc.

They are all Green Lanterns who, after Hal Jordan, are responsible for the security of Sector 2814, the star field surrounding the Earth.

All in all, this lineup is quite luxurious.

In the Justice League, in addition to Superman who remains on Earth, there is also Wonder Woman who wants to speak out at the United Nations.

Thunder Shazam, Aquaman, and Cyborg are all here.

"Seal the planet!"

The spaceship arrives on Mars, and Batman walks out first.

He was wearing a jet-black suit with life-support equipment and his voice was dull.

Several Green Lanterns followed the instructions and raised their rings.

The shining green light formed a huge shield, enveloping the huge Mars inside.

Looking around, there is a red land.

A huge building like a clock stands here.

"Any plans, Batman?"

A huge crowd of superheroes stepped out of the spaceship.

They stepped into the precise, perfect and mechanical building with vigilance and caution.

A naked blue man appeared in front of everyone.

"It's so immoral!"

Constantine, who was following the team, glanced at Zatanna, who turned her face away, and scolded her righteously.

Although, he usually does promiscuous things, such as taking drugs and holding parties with many people.

But there is no bottom line anymore, and I won't expose myself in public and walk around like a bird.


Green Lantern Hal cursed.

"Kara, close your eyes!"

Martian Manhunter J'onn stands in front of Supergirl.

"Who are you? What's your name?"

Batman took a few steps forward and asked in a deep voice.

His keen intuition reminded him that this blue man was dangerous.

"They are fighting against a power that fears them..."

Dr. Manhattan answered the question incorrectly.

"What's the meaning?"

Batman frowned.

"Sorry, I'm talking to Bruce Wayne in six minutes."

Dr. Manhattan turned around, raised his head and said, "Tachyons make my vision a little confusing."

"You went to Mars to find the answer to the problem, but you didn't even understand the problem itself. Wouldn't it be ridiculous?" (End of Chapter)