Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 49: A careerist's dream, a Valkyrie's rage


The Alps were covered with snow, and the howling cold wind whipped everyone hard like a whip.

Luke, wearing a thin brigadier general uniform, stood upright in the ice and snow, not affected by the outside weather at all.

According to the original timeline, he wanted to conquer the underground base in the Alps and raid the headquarters of Hydra.

Captain America must break into the enemy camp alone, create opportunities, and attract the attention of the Red Skull.

Then, the Howling Commandos descended from the sky and beat Hydra to a pulp.

This time, however, Rodgers didn't have to take such risks.

With Luke as the main attacker, he only needs to lead the Howling Commandos and hold off the Hydra soldiers.

"If you are alone, will you..."

Although he had seen Luke's amazing ability to break into the Hydra base alone, overturning trucks and smashing tanks, Rogers was still a little worried.

After all, no one knows what secret weapons the Red Skull hides!

"Don't worry. We'll start taking action in half an hour!"

Luke said in a relaxed tone, indicating that it was not a big problem.

All the Red Skull can rely on is Hydra's special forces and powerful weapons created by extracting the energy of the Cosmic Cube.

His own combat power is about 50-50 with Rogers - considering that Captain America can fight back and forth with Iron Man, Thor, and even Thanos.

Being able to match Rogers's combat power 50-50 might be considered a compliment for the Red Skull.

"Luke, do you think Bucky will be in this base?"

Rogers put down the telescope in his hand. He was still thinking about his friend who had been missing for a long time and had no news.

"I don't know. According to the information I got, Bucky may have been transferred to another Hydra research institute in Germany."

Luke doesn't have time to search for the specific whereabouts of Baron Strucker yet. He can only hope that the next time he sees Bucky, he has not become the killer of Mo De's feelings.

Countries are studying plans similar to super soldiers.

Germany’s “Aryan Superman”, the Soviet Union’s “Winter Soldier”, and the British also have legends about weird and mysterious things like wizards, werewolves, and vampires.

All in all, it was a crazy time.

People worship supernatural powers and regard powerful creatures as gods.

"I can already feel it, the butterfly's wings are starting to flap."

Luke thought silently.

As he became more involved in the plot, the original timeline gradually shifted.

His intuition reminded him that more unpredictable things would happen in the future.

Thirty minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Luke put aside his distracting thoughts and looked towards the snow-capped mountains.

Hydra's unknown headquarters is hidden deep in the canyon.

At this time, under the Alps, the Hydra headquarters was located.

The Red Skull is delivering his final speech to his fanatical followers before dominating the world.

He was wearing a black leather suit, revealing his red head without any concealment.

In the past, Red Skull would have needed to use a mask to disguise himself as a normal person to avoid those strange looks that were either frightening or unacceptable.

But not anymore!

He is about to sit on the throne of the world's ruler, and an unprecedentedly huge empire will be born!

Inflated ambition and strong self-confidence make the Red Skull disdain to hide his true face.

What's more, for those fanatical believers who were brainwashed by him, this ferocious and terrifying appearance not only did not arouse disgust and fear, but instead brought heartfelt awe and surrender.

"Hydra will surely win this war! Valkyrie will cast down the wrath of the gods and burn all enemies who disobey us to ashes!"

Behind the Red Skull is a new aircraft equipped with a "Valkyrie" warhead.

In another two hours, the Axis Powers will launch a counterattack against the Allies at his suggestion.

He has long prepared a group of loyal believers who will sacrifice their lives for Hydra. When the time comes, he will fly a plane and drop Valkyries on the target city to end this war completely!

"...If one plane is shot down, hundreds of planes will fight back with the fiercest force!"

The Red Skull raised his wine glass and said in a sonorous voice, "If you cut off one head, two more will grow!"

"Long live Hydra!"

"Long live Hydra..."

Many fanatical believers in uniforms below raised their hands and shouted loudly.

At this moment, Red Skull was extremely satisfied and full of confidence.

He believed that he was the chosen one, a better leader than the head of state who led the Third Reich to blow the war horn and then failed!

"I am destined to rule this world! The Hydra Empire will rise!"

Red Skull has the same dream as every careerist.


A huge explosion sounded and a sharp alarm sounded, alarming the entire base.

The beautiful fantasy of this Hydra leader came to an abrupt end!

"What happened?"

Red Skull asked angrily.

If you have any bad news, you can't wait two hours to come back.

Allow yourself to quietly raze the Axis and Allies and build a new world from the ashes!

The Red Skull was very dissatisfied at being forcibly pulled out of his dream of world domination.

That red head looks particularly terrifying!

"That... Superman from the Allied Forces is here again! He's coming in!"

A Hydra soldier replied in a panic.

"What a bunch of rubbish! Damn Erskine!"

The Red Skull sounded gloomy and cursed.

As early as in the secret base of Fort Claus, he had seen the horror of the Allied Superman.

Invulnerable and powerful, he is simply an enhanced version of a super soldier!

Even if they later sent out the only four enhanced warriors on hand, they would only be able to block the opponent for a few more minutes.

"If I had known earlier, I should have joined forces with Sebastian Xiao..."

Red Skull thought with some regret.

If he wasn't worried about Sebastian Xiao's desire to snatch the Cosmic Cube, he would indeed have the intention to form an alliance with the mutants.

After all, everyone belongs to the Axis camp, and the supermen of the Allies are the real enemies who need to be united against the outside world.

It's a pity that the leader of the Hellfire Club is also an ambitious person and difficult to control.

The other party may not obey the leadership of Hydra, let alone be willing to be a weapon in the hands of the Red Skull!

"Go out to meet the enemy! Resist the Allied Superman, the world belongs to Hydra!"

With a wave of his hand, the Red Skull sent out all his numerous men to resist the Allied Superman's attack.

He carried the suitcase containing the Rubik's Cube and hurriedly boarded the plane behind him.

Those extremely loyal Hydra soldiers were nothing more than cannon fodder.

Red Skull has no extra time now to pay attention to the allied superman's surprise attack.

The Valkyrie plan is launched ahead of schedule!

As long as the plane crosses the Atlantic Ocean, destroys the east coast of the United States, and then wipes out other target cities.

Without leadership, the Allies and the Third Reich would fall into chaos.

When the time comes, he will be the first to stand up and reorganize the Axis camp through Hydra, and he will naturally be able to defeat the leaderless Allies.

As for that terrifying Allied Superman…

"Dr. Zola! Not only do I want you to use the energy of the Cosmic Cube into weapons! I also want you to speed up the pace of human experiments!"

The Red Skull boarded the plane, came to the cab, and said viciously.

"I want to become as strong as Luke Cavill! No! More powerful than him!"

Dr. Zola had a bitter look on his face. Based on the blood samples provided by the Red Skull, he could only reverse-restore inferior products at best.

Those enhanced warriors who have no self-awareness are just defective goods after injection.

It seems completely impossible to reach the level of Allied Superman!

Who knows what improvements Abraham Erskine later made to the serum!

"I'll try, Mr. Schmidt."

Dr. Zola replied rather reluctantly.

After receiving the reply, the Red Skull got into the driver's seat and put the Cosmic Cube, which was a metal instrument, into the central hub.

He seemed to have seen the spectacular sight of mushroom clouds rising everywhere on the earth. (End of chapter)