Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 491: Punch through the multiverse


"Batman, I don't think there's any need to continue talking nonsense with this guy!"

Shazam, who has a free-spirited personality, stood out from the crowd, kneading his casserole-sized fists and looking eager to try:

"Give him a good punch and we'll know everything!"

This strong, muscular man's real name is "Billy Batson."

Don't be fooled by appearances, he is actually just a fifteen-year-old kid.

By chance, Billy Batson was selected by the wizard of the Rock of Eternity and received the magical power of six gods.

As long as you shout the name "Shazam", a magical lightning will fall out of the sky.

Transform him into a strong and brave superhero.

Billy Batson combines the "wisdom of Solomon", "the strength of Hercules", "the endurance of Atlas", "the power of Zeus", "the courage of Achilles", "the courage of Mercury" The speed of profit."

Of course, about the “wisdom of Solomon.”

Because it is rarely reflected, it is also jokingly called "locked wisdom."

"That's right! If he's a dangerous criminal, he should be in jail. If he's a lunatic, then we'll beat him awake!"

Sea King Arthur Curry agreed very much, waving his trident and pointing it at the blue man who exposed his body.

Batman gathered everyone together and ran to Mars not to appreciate each other's **.

Nowadays, the Justice League, and even superhumans around the world, are being questioned and vigilant.

Superman is caught in a crisis of public opinion, and Wonder Woman is forced to take to the stage of the United Nations to prepare a public speech to restore the bad situation.

There are tons of problems on Earth waiting for superheroes to solve.

They didn't want to waste their time on a blue guy who didn't like wearing clothes.

No matter how powerful the other party is or what kind of conspiracy they have.

No one present showed any fear.

In the New 52 timeline after the end of Flashpoint, the Justice League is already strong enough.

They defeated the Lord of Apokolips and prevented Darkseid's invasion.

He also repelled repeated attacks from the action fiend Blacknia and successfully saved the earth.

Even the Anti-Monitor Mobius, who masterminded the "Crisis on Infinite Earths", fell at their feet.

Now, facing this blue man whose name and origin are unknown, these superheroes are equally confident.

"I don't mind if you keep chatting for a little longer, I'm charging by the hour anyway."

Constantine, who was holding a Silka cigarette in his mouth, shrugged and looked like he was watching a show.

"Speaking of which, do any of you have a nickname for this guy? How about Birdman? I think it's perfect!"

Wearing a yellow trench coat, with his hair as messy as a bird's nest, he looked like a slovenly and decadent uncle.

This is Constantine.

He appeared in a team of superheroes and seemed out of place.

It's like a children's animation with an adult film character inserted into it.

"No one wants to hear your bad jokes or appreciate your sense of humor right now."

Zatanna covered her forehead and motioned for Constantine to shut up.

The latter shrugged, and Batman was able to convince him to join the operation.

Naturally, it cannot be based on a sense of responsibility or a sense of justice, such illusory things.

As long as he is given enough money or can get benefits, Constantine will always be the first activist to jump out.

Of course, if there is danger or a price to be paid, he is also the fastest one.

Zatanna, who was standing next to Constantine, silently walked away a few steps and distanced herself.

There is no way, in terms of reputation, he may be the worst in the game.

Even Swamp Thing is more popular than Constantine, after all, the former is just a little weirder.

And the latter will sell you to the devil at some point, or throw you out to block the knife.

It’s no secret that Constantine is a jerk, in every sense of the word.

But it's ironic that whenever the world is facing destruction.

This guy is always very resourceful and makes people have to hold their noses to cooperate with him and become a teammate.

"If you would shut up, I might add an extra zero to your bill, Constantine."

Batman didn't look back and directly activated his money power, successfully rendering the opponent mute.

The reason why he called Constantine, Zatanna, and Swamp Thing from the Justice League Dark.

It was to target the blue man on Mars as much as possible.

Green Lantern harnesses the energy of the emotional spectrum.

Shazam has the power of a god.

Cyborg can carry out technological suppression.

Aquaman Arthur and Supergirl Kara are thugs.

Martian Manhunter Ron is responsible for linking everyone's minds and serving as the issuer of tactical orders.

Batman thinks that he has considered all aspects and possible problems that may arise.

"I hope you can cooperate and don't resist needlessly."

Batman, wearing dark armor, said in a deep voice.

The blue man has been surrounded by superheroes. What else can he do except surrender

"Green Lantern!"

Batman looked at Hal Jordan.

The latter took the lead in raising the lantern ring.

Green light spurted out and turned into huge chains to bind the blue man.

The other Green Lanterns also followed suit, transforming their emotional energy into various weapons to attack the incapacitated Dr. Manhattan.


Doctor Manhattan didn't resist, just stared at Green Lantern Hal Jordan's ring.

**'s body disintegrated into a stream of particles, easily dodging the attacks of many Green Lanterns.

Then, the quantum body was reorganized in an instant.

Came to Hal Jordan and wanted to take off his ring.

This action caused the green light ring to explode with explosive light, like a gushing wave, drowning everyone present.

"I'm very interested in him."

Dr. Manhattan seemed unaffected. Balls of green light impacted his body without causing any damage.

"What's inside?"

Hal Jordan roared and concentrated his willpower, trying to resist Dr. Manhattan.

But it was of no use, and the light ring that belonged to him was finally taken off.

"This energy uses emotions as raw material, and is collected and converted into energy by the ring. It is a very novel thing."

Dr. Manhattan held the light ring, looked at it for a moment, and then threw it to Hal Jordan, who fell to the ground.

"Everyone, let's go together! We don't need to talk about morality to deal with this kind of villain!"

Constantine retreated to the back of the group and shouted loudly.

Listening to this impassioned tone, those who didn't know thought he was going to lead the charge.

"Try magic."

Batman gestured.

Zatanna opened her hands and cast irony magic.


Waves of cold currents that froze the blood emerged out of thin air and swept towards Dr. Manhattan.

Swamp Monster was not far behind. Towering trees and vines suddenly grew out of the barren and dry red soil of Mars.

The thick tentacles waved and broke through the palace, lashing out at the opponent like a whip.

Shazam mobilized his divine power, and bright white magic lightning burst out all over his body.

"Magic? You think you are manipulating this mysterious energy, but you are not."

Dr. Manhattan remained expressionless and his voice was indifferent.

"In my opinion, the power you control is just a fragment of creation, the embodiment of a concept."

The naked blue man opened his palms, freezing air and cold currents, all-green plants growing, magic lightning... all attacks suddenly decomposed into atomic dust invisible to the naked eye.

Then, the unstable energy was reorganized by him and existed in a completely new way.

"This is what magic really is."

Dr. Manhattan looked at the fiery core in his palm and blew gently.

Infinite light and heat were released, like a nuclear explosion.

The strong airflow instantly destroyed the majestic clock-like palace, and at the same time launched a group of superheroes out.

"Batman, go get Superman!"

Constantine ran the fastest and used magic to protect himself without being affected.

He shouted at the jet-black armor, not even Green Lantern and many mages were a match for Dr. Manhattan.

Who else but the Sons of Krypton on Earth can stop the other

"I can handle it!"

Kara stood on the ground of Mars, going against the violent airflow, and her eyes radiated blazing beams of light.


Dr. Manhattan's eyes flashed white.

Supergirl's heat vision failed to penetrate Quantum Body.

The blue man bent down, grabbed a handful of dirt, and held it tight.

In an instant, matter was transformed, and a green kryptonite appeared.

"Is this your weakness? Weakness, pain, discomfort..."

Kryptonite radiation hits Kara, causing her to immediately lose her strength.

"What should I do? Even the Justice League is no match for that blue man!"

The Flash who was watching the battle was very anxious, especially after seeing Hal Jordan being knocked down, he wanted to rush directly into the battlefield.

After all, good friends share the same quilt.

"I know. But if you join in, it will have no other effect than increasing the number of losers by one."

Luke didn't hide his whereabouts, he just watched every move of the blue man.

The quantum body and quantum senses allow Dr. Manhattan to control everything and dominate the particle movement of matter and energy.

He can perform decomposition and reorganization at will, such as turning soil into kryptonite.

You can better understand and analyze the power of magic and emotional spectrum from a microscopic perspective.

Even the Flash, who possesses the Speed Force, may not be able to do anything against Doctor Manhattan, whose reaction speed is Planck time.

To sum up, this blue man may be the most difficult opponent the Justice League has ever encountered.

Even if Superman on Earth arrives in time, it will not have any impact on the battle situation.

"Are you going to take action?"

The Flash looked at Superman's cousin next to him, hope shining in his eyes.

Within a few minutes, all the superheroes in full force fell to the ground.

On the surface of Mars, only the blue man remains standing.

Even Batman, who has the most powerful brain, is helpless when faced with a crushing power gap.

"He and I still have an old score to settle."

The corner of Luke's mouth curled up and he glanced at Dr. Manhattan.

The dark red cloak fluttered up, and he stepped out with a sonic boom.

No greetings, no greetings, just a punch.

For the first time, surprise appeared in Dr. Manhattan's indifferent eyes.

"You actually came out of that world?"

Previously, in order to prevent Luke from sabotaging his plan, he exiled him to the Watcher universe.

"Adrian asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

Luke clenched his fists, and the space around him trembled.

The next moment, like a broken mirror, it broke into a dark void.

The shield of emotional energy enveloped by the Martian atmosphere was impacted.

Like a fragile eggshell, it dissipates directly.

The fallen superhero looked up and could only see a blurry afterimage.

The man was tall and tall, with his cloak raised high, as if occupying the center of the universe, emitting endless light and heat.

Dr. Manhattan tried to see through the attack of this punch. Ordinary physical combat could not harm the quantum body at all.

But a fist that includes all the templates of Magical Superman, Insurrectionist, Mechanical Superman, Super Kryptonian, Silver Superman, Superboy Supreme... can't be that simple.

Wherever the fist passed, not only was the space shattered, but time also began to curl and shrink.

The sparks beneath his feet screamed in pain, as if they were about to fall apart soon.

"Is this the ending I saw?"

Dr. Manhattan's eyes were in a trance, looking at the tall man with blazing eyes and a fluttering cloak.

This punch sealed all the ways out!

space, time.

The quantum body is temporarily unable to travel normally through time and space.

There is no other way out than a hard connection from the front.


A loud bang!

It's like the rumble of thunder that shakes the multiverse!

Mars, Earth, Apokolips, Oa, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, and even the interior of the Wall of Origin...

Those multiverse-level beings feel that terrifying power very clearly.

No fancy, no tricks, just pure power, almost piercing through the dimension of reality.

The bright light rolled like a wave, and all the superheroes on Mars fell into a state of blindness.

Wait until they regain their eyesight and can see things clearly.

Dr. Manhattan has disappeared, and the tall man who was as powerful as a rainbow has also disappeared. (End of chapter)