Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 493: Almighty Universe, Final Story


"Keep laughing!"

The indifferent voice, accompanied by the hard fist, hit the body of the Laughing Bat.

The slender black shadow that filled the multiverse seemed to have shrunk in size like melted wax.

The scary and crazy shrill laughter that spread to every corner also stopped abruptly.

The Laughing Bat seemed to have its throat stuck, and could no longer make any sound.

"How can this be… "

The Laughing Bat, who can always predict everything and guess everything correctly, uttered this classic line from a third-rate villain.

Through countless plots and predictions, he successfully stole most of Papetua's power.

Destroy the Justice League's defenses with the help of countless Batmans from the Dark Multiverse and spread nightmare laughter to every corner.

Nowadays, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman... those superheroes have no power to fight back when facing themselves.

Even the Goddess of Creation is losing ground. Who else in this multiverse can stop him

Such thoughts occupied the entire brain of the Laughing Bat just a second ago.


Superman jumped out of nowhere and woke him up.

"That's it! To be honest, I hate it when you keep talking about, "I expected all this", those clumsy plots and tricks!"

"I hate it too, your harsh, noisy, ugly laughter like a castrated rooster!"

"From the time Barbatos used Batman as a portal, summoned the Dark Knights, and prepared to open the Dark Multiverse, your novice protection period has ended."

Luke had no scruples and released the power within his body.

The reason he was able to cause damage to the Laughing Bat was because of Superboy-Prime's template.

The latter comes from the original Earth, where all superheroes are fictional characters in comics.

Therefore, Superboy-Prime actually comes from the "reality dimension".

There are not only comics about the Justice League there, but also an editorial department.

Luke, who has obtained the template of Superboy Prime, can not only break the "fourth wall" like Deadpool, but also has the ability to break through the sixth dimension.

No matter how powerful the Laughing Bat is, as long as he does not enter the Almighty Universe, he can interfere with the direction of the story and change the ending of the story.

Then, he is just a puppet who cannot break out of the comic frame and cannot violate the comic settings.

"You can't kill me! This multiverse is about to be restarted. Those dead superheroes and destroyed parallel universes... they can all be reborn after the restart!"

The Laughing Bat fell on the remains of the Wall of Origin and said in a sharp voice: "If you kill me and prevent the multiverse from restarting again, then they will really die!"

Luke stared at the Laughing Bat that fell from the sixth dimension, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and asked: "What does that have to do with me?"

"Well… "

The Laughing Bat, who was good at sophistry and deception, was stuck and seemed to not know what to say.

"I don't care about the restart of the multiverse, nor do I care about the lives and deaths of countless people. I just want to beat you to death, that's all."

Luke's face was expressionless, holding the Laughing Bat in one hand, which was unable to resist.

Since even Superboy-Prime can cause huge damage to this guy.

Then, face the more powerful Luke.

The Laughing Bat had no other option but to turn his little head and continue to use verbal attacks.

Superboy-Prime comes from the Origin Earth and has his template.

Luke doesn't need to care about the Laughing Bat's "everything is within my expectations" cheating ability.

"Would you like to guess what I'm going to do next?"

The corner of his mouth curled up with a trace of mockery, and he said jokingly: "You guessed it right, maybe I can let you go."

The Laughing Bat seemed to feel the approach of death and struggled desperately. He kept throwing chips one after another.

But Luke turned a deaf ear and lost the comic setting, the ability to "everything is as expected".

The so-called ultimate boss who combines Batman and Joker to spread dark nightmares is just a waste.

"I gave you a chance. You are smarter than Batman and crazier than the Joker. You can't even guess my thoughts. You are really a failure."

Luke arrives at the end of the multiverse, a place farther and more void than the Wall of Origin.

A dead crimson sun appeared in his sight.

This is not an actual stellar body, but after the Laughing Bat destroyed the multiverse, all the earths were absorbed here, forming a huge "grave".

All stories and all characters will become the burning of this dying sun and die with it.

"Say goodbye to this world."

Luke held down the Laughing Bat and rushed towards the burning dying sun.

The flames of destruction burned everything, and the twisted and elongated black shadow continued to shrink, sending out bursts of rich smoke containing the power of nightmares.

"Even if I die, the multiverse will still fall into a continuous cycle! There will still be villains like me who will stage boring stories with those superheroes!"

The Laughing Bat, who was extremely close to death, said in a sharp voice.

"No, I can end this, I can make everything more exciting."

The dark red cloak blended with the fire of destruction, Luke broke into the core of the dying sun, and then watched the Laughing Bat turn into ashes.


With the death of the Laughing Bat, the Dark Multiverse collapsed.

In the endless void, only a tall figure stood.


Those who survived shouted the name.

Brilliant golden light fills the body surface, like a dazzling star that cannot be looked directly at.

Luke, who finally unlocked the "Golden Superman" template, overlooked the multiverse that was about to be restarted.

With a faint smile on his face, he took a step and disappeared from everyone's sight.

A few months later.

Watchtower Headquarters.

"Where did you go? What did you see?"

This is the forty-second time The Flash has asked the same question.

"Curiosity will kill the cat, Barry."

Luke shook his head and did not answer.

Everyone in the Justice League wants to know whether they will finally enter the Almighty Universe and open the ultimate door.

"But I really want to know!"

Barry blinked, looking pitiful.

"Well, this is my biggest secret. You must not spread it out."

Luke lowered his voice and spoke carefully.

"I promise! I will never reveal anything to anyone else! Even if Batman... tortures me!"

Flash slapped his chest hard in assurance.

Unfortunately, when it comes to the second half of the sentence, my confidence is a bit lacking.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just met two fellow villagers."

Luke smiled slightly and told Barry the answer.

"They have prepared a big plan that affects the future of two multiverses."

Barry was confused and didn't know what he meant.


From New York

Or a small town in Kansas

Or Krypton

Luke raised the corners of his mouth and stopped talking without continuing.

The Laughing Bat died completely, and the multiverse that should have fallen into his hands was restarted again.

The timeline that belongs to Dr. Manhattan and carries out the Doomsday Clock event, and the timeline that belongs to Luke and begins the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

They merge into one and are no longer distinct.

The existence of Superman's cousin has been accepted by the Justice League.

The multiverse without its manager has entered a new stage.

"Without the barrier of the Wall of Origin, our world is completely exposed to the outside world."

In the Justice League Hall, Batman is discussing important matters with Lex Luthor.

Before the big incident in death metal, the two were on equal footing and would never sit at the same table to discuss the issue.

But when facing the Laughing Bat, the Justice League received a lot of help from Lex Luthor.

Even Batman, who has always been the most vigilant, reluctantly recognized this arrogant guy.

"Clark's eldest cousin, my godfather, he comes from another universe."

Lex Luthor swiped the screen to bring up a macro map of the multiverse.

"According to the information provided by The Flash, that universe is very similar to ours."

Batman crossed his hands, propped his chin, and said in a hoarse voice: "Let's not talk about whether the people over there are friendly enough, our world and their world are getting closer."

"No one knows if two universes collide, whether they will be destroyed or... cause other troubles."

Lex Luthor was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "I believe the Godfather will find a way."

"You actually place your hope of solving the problem on others?"

Batman expressed surprise, knowing the man well.

Lex Luthor is an arrogant and annoying guy.

When the world is in danger, he will step forward and act as a hero;

He will also disregard the lives of others and do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

But no matter what, Lex Luthor always only believed in himself.

Others are just tools to him.

"First of all, it's none other than Luke, who is my godfather."

Lex said seriously.

"Secondly, whether you and I accept it or not, we have to admit the fact that this universe now belongs to him."

Batman was silent.

The creation goddess Pappetua, under the control of the Anti-Life Equation, became Luke's workman.

The Laughing Bat was completely erased and disappeared from the story forever.

Dr. Manhattan took over the work of the world casters and monitors, always observing the changes and development of the multiverse.

The Justice League has absolutely no involvement in the aftermath of all this, and has no right to speak.

"Give yourself a break, Batman."

Lex Luthor turned off the macro map of the multiverse and said in a relaxed tone: "I have an intuition that the stories that will happen in the future will be more exciting."

Paradise Island.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell, and the endless ocean glowed with golden light.

Diana sat on a protruding rock, looking into the distance with trance-like eyes.

She doesn't know why, but she likes to stay quietly like this.

Only at this time will the heroic Amazon princess show her inner softness.

The setting sun slowly sank into the sea level, leaving only half of the silhouette.

A series of footprints suddenly appeared on the beach.

"Long time no see, Diana."

A warm voice reached Wonder Woman's ears.

She tilted her head and looked at the young man with a smile on his face.

This scene seemed familiar.

"That photo..."

Diana remembered the old photo she gave to The Flash, which showed a man and woman cuddling intimately.

It was like a bright light flashed across his head, and the dust-laden memories came flooding back in an instant like a tide.

"You... kept me waiting for a long time."

Wonder Woman, who was sitting on the rock, threw herself into the man's arms.


It was like a shutter sound.

The beautiful silhouette is frozen.

"That's the end of the story."

A pair of hands gently closed the book, Luke touched the child sitting on his lap and smiled: "It's time to go to bed."

"Hey, I haven't heard the part about the Justice League versus the Avengers yet!"

The little girl who looked like she was only five or six years old shook Luke's arm vigorously and shouted: "Tell me more! Dad, I want to know the story after the two multiverses merge!"

"It's already very late. Let's listen to it next time."

Luke pinched the cute little girl like a porcelain doll, ignored the big dazzling black eyes, carried his daughter back to the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

"Good night, daddy. I love you three thousand times."

The little girl hugged the stuffed teddy bear, gave Luke a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight, baby."

Luke smiled contentedly, extinguished the bedside light and closed the door.

After a few minutes, he returned to the study.

Open a brand new book, hold a pen and write down a sentence -

"It's time for a new story to begin." (End of chapter)