Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 51: ?The universe is so big, I want to see it


"I told you, don't come any closer! Then everyone will explode into a ball of fireworks!"

The Red Skull squeezed the remote control in his hand, hesitating in his heart, and subconsciously took a step back.

Even though he looked ruthless and wanted to die together, he felt a little reluctant to let go when he thought that his dream of ruling the world and establishing the Hydra Empire had not yet been completed.

No matter how strong your ambition is, you cannot be decisive in the face of success that is so close and the end point that is within reach!

"Brigadier General Cavell, you don't even want to risk your own life to protect the Allies? What a stupid idea!"

The Red Skull tried to impress Luke, but seeing the steady steps and resolute face, the next words got stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit them out.

He realized that no matter what he did, he could not shake the other person's mind.

Even the threat of death could not stop Luke.

This golden spirit of giving up oneself to save the world moved Red Skull a little.

"Erskin once said that serum will reveal the dark side of human beings. Good people will be better, and bad people will be worse... Could it be that Luke Cavill can obtain more powerful power than the super soldier because of his noble character and open heart* *?"

The leader of the Hydra did not want to believe it. He had always maintained a scornful attitude toward justice and kindness that humans affirmed.


Luke seized the opportunity and rushed over in one stride.

He raised his hand and knocked the Red Skull to the ground, and the remote control that detonated the Valkyrie missile was also trampled to pieces.

He looked down at the other person and said softly: "Schmidt, fear of death is not a shameful thing."

How could a power-hungry careerist accept failure so easily

Die together is the worst choice for the Red Skull.

"I believe the Allies will be very interested in the secrets of Hydra."

Luke chuckled.

I have to say, the super soldiers are really rough-skinned and thick-flesh.

Red Skull was punched in the abdomen by him, and he just fell to his knees, with his back bent like a lobster. A normal person would have had his sternum shattered and would be unable to get up again.

"Ahem... We are all products of serum and have infinite possibilities... Ah!"

The Red Skull put down his previous proud posture and became groveling, but before he could finish his words, he was kicked to the ground by Luke.

The extremely ferocious red head looked like cracked porcelain.

"Your vision is too narrow. You always think about conquering the world and limit your sights to this blue planet, but ignore the vast galaxy - there are more exciting scenery there!"

Luke remained expressionless as he operated the instrument and took out the Cosmic Cube that released the central hub.

Wisps of faint blue light, like flowing water, transformed into energy fluctuations that condensed into substance.

[Main mission: Six Infinity Stones, the end of the single universe!]

[Requirement: Collect six infinite gems. (0/0) (Completing this mission will open a new chapter in the multiverse)]

[Reward: Superman Template, 'The One']

After glancing at the mission, Luke was about to reach out and pick up the metal instrument containing the Cosmic Cube.

The Red Skull, who fell to the ground and was unable to get up for a while, stared at Luke with hatred in his eyes and said in a crazy tone: "No! It's mine! No one can take it away!"

He pulled out an energy pistol with a flashing blue light and pulled the trigger.

However, the target was not Luke, but the Cosmic Cube.

With a "whoosh" sound, the beam hit the metal instrument.


The hard shell shattered!

The rectangular cube emitting blue light fell out.

As if being stimulated, it emits bright light.

The entire cab was filled with energy fluctuations that spread like mist.

Wisps of blue light twisted and changed, like tiny lightning bolts.

Sometimes they flicker, sometimes they intertwine, forming a high-brightness blue mist.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, as if it is tearing the void apart!

"See! This is the power of gods! Compared to the great power it contains, human beings are so small!"

There was a hint of obsession in Red Skull's fanatical eyes.

He stared at the slowly rotating energy vortex inside the Cosmic Cube. That translucent cube seemed to hide a complete galaxy!

"The Norwegians keep it safe and cover up its existence with the statue of the World Tree, trying to hide it for a long time! However, the guidance of fate allowed me to find it! Endless energy, a key bargaining chip to rule the world!"

The Red Skull was vomiting blood and shouting loudly, as if he was crazy.

"I master the core technology of extracting the energy of the Universe Rubik's Cube, Brigadier General Cavill..."

"Your Excellency, Brigadier General, I am the discoverer of this technology!"

Dr. Zola, who was hiding nearby, spoke out.

He eagerly stood up and showed his worth, completely ignoring the angry look of the Red Skull that almost breathed out fire.

"See. Schmidt, you have no more value."

Luke smiled nonchalantly, reached for the glowing cube, walked up to the Red Skull, raised his foot and stepped on the red head.

He originally wanted to keep the other party, not only to hand it over to the Allies as a credit, but also to dig out more intelligence through the torture methods of the Strategic Science Corps.

Luke is very interested in the true origin of Hydra and the history hidden behind it.

"It doesn't belong to you anymore, Schmidt."

Luke raised his right hand, holding the Cosmic Cube and shaking it constantly, but he could not escape from his palm.

The faint blue light eroded the body along the blood vessels, burning the skin like a flame, and intense pain swept over him.

However, Luke did not let go. Instead, he tightened his grip even harder, as if he was about to crush the Rubik's Cube.

As if he realized that he couldn't resist, the energy overflowing from the cube began to undergo subtle changes.

They seem to form a particular pattern and resonate with a hidden rhythm.

The void began to vibrate, making a slight buzzing sound, as if a portal to the unknown world was condensing!

Luke saw the vortex getting bigger and bigger. When the released energy approached a certain critical point, the blue force field shrank slightly, and then the formed channel slowly opened on the metal bulkhead of the cab.

On the other side is the unfamiliar starry sky, and the colorful and magnificent pictures are uncertain in life and death.

Like illusion, yet like reality.

"That's the realm of God! Where the gods live!"

Red Skull shouted at the top of his lungs. He used all his strength to push away the leg that was stepping on his head.

Just like a thirsty traveler in the desert who sees an oasis and rushes towards it like crazy!

The leader of Hydra has completely lost his mind and doesn't care whether what he sees is reality or a mirage.

Luke didn't stop it.

He held the buzzing and trembling Cosmic Cube tightly with one hand, while calmly watching the Red Skull rush towards the gradually opening space channel.

The opponent was immediately enveloped in a ball of blue energy, like a poor guy trapped in a bubble, his body being eroded and melted.

"No! This is not..."

The Red Skull's expression changed from ecstasy to horror. Life can go up and down so quickly.

He watched with his own eyes as his body was being eroded bit by bit by the blue energy.

Like weathering, it gradually disappears into the cab!

"Have a nice trip."

Luke smiled slightly as he listened to Red Skull's unwilling roar.

If he guessed correctly, the other party should have been exiled to the planet Vormir to guard the soul gem.

Hopefully, that desolate world can satisfy Red Skull's ambition.

"The universe is so big, I want to see it."

Luke sighed as he held the cube.

Looking at the nine star fields that emerged at the other end of the space channel, he couldn't restrain his impulse to join them.

In the vast galaxy, not only the civilization of the earth has been nurtured, but also other races.

"Not yet, let's wait."

Luke suppressed the indescribable restlessness, loosened his hand that tightly held the Cosmic Cube, and put the glowing cube into his suitcase.

After leaving the contact of organic life, the Cosmic Cube, one of the infinite gems, also became quiet and no longer released strong energy fluctuations.

"Dr. Zola, can you fly a plane?"

Luke turned to look at the chief scientist of Hydra who had witnessed the whole process, and asked gently.

The latter nodded repeatedly. He participated in the design of this new aircraft and could still operate it simply.

"So about the whereabouts of John Schmidt, the Red Skull..."

Luke asked again as he sat comfortably next to the driver's seat.

"Schmitt was stubborn and wanted to complete his evil plan to destroy half the world. Brigadier General, you single-handedly stopped him and knocked this ambitious madman off the plane, ending Red Skull's criminal life."

Dr. Zola replied wisely.

As a researcher of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he knew very well how powerful that cube was.

If ordinary people come into direct contact, they will only be eroded by the energy and turned into fly ash, but Luke is safe and sound.

This is enough to prove that the opponent received Dr. Erskine's second-generation serum injection and became the most perfect super soldier, which is not something ordinary people can fight against.

"Then return, Dr. Zola."

Luke leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes gently.

He noticed that the moment he held the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there seemed to be an invisible line of sight watching him.

Who is the one? (End of chapter)