Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 55: ?Hit him like an elite


In the dark forest, a military motorcycle was speeding at lightning speed, and the roar of the engine echoed, startling the crows perched on the branches.

"Damn it! Those Germans are coming after us!"

Stephanie, who held her hands on the motorcycle's direction handle, resisted the urge to turn back. She was afraid of seeing the German soldiers pursuing her.

We are now very close to the Allied front. As long as we leave this dense forest, we will reach a British stronghold a few kilometers ahead.

It's safe once you get there.

"Is there anything to eat?"

"You must have food, right!"

"Give me something to eat..."


There are a large number of refugees in the dense forest.

They are all poor people who are homeless in the war and have nowhere to go.

"I have nothing to eat!"

Stephanie saw a ragged man blocking the way. Instead of slowing down, he tightened the accelerator.

This was not the time to overflow with sympathy. Along the way, she had seen so many refugees who were hungry that she was a little numb.

Ending the war is the best way to save them!

Stephanie thought.


The motorcycle hit the man and his skinny body hit the tree trunk.


Stephanie gritted her teeth, saw the surging wave of refugees in front of her, and pulled out the MP40 submachine gun under her windbreaker.

"Go away! I can't help you! Go away!"

Da da da! Da da da!

The piercing sound of gunfire spread through the dense forest, and the bullets shot out tore apart the leaves above the head.

Out of the instinct to survive and the fear of death, the small waves of refugees that were gradually approaching finally dispersed and made way for a passage.

"It's hell on earth!"

Stephanie still couldn't help it and looked back.

The dispersed refugees actually walked towards the man who was knocked away.

Hunger makes them lose their reason and their human dignity.

She didn't want to think about what would happen next, it would become a nightmare that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

"A car is coming!"

"They must have food!"

"Give me something to eat..."


The roaring and mixed sound of the engine came towards the dense forest.

A group of soldiers wearing German uniforms drove motorcycles through the dimly lit forest.

They whizzed by, turning a blind eye to the overwhelming flow of refugees.

"Get out of the way!"

A German officer took out his pistol and shot the rushing refugees without hesitation.

They don't want to be wasted by this group of low-class people. The spies who have sneaked into Berlin are just ahead.

The Holy General has ordered that this threat must be eliminated before the other party returns to the territory of the Allied Powers!

"Shoot! Shoot! Kill these pigs for me!"

The leading German officer shouted loudly.

When he saw more and more refugees gathering, he directly issued an order to shoot anyone who dared to stop them on the spot.

Da da da-

Gunshots rang out!

Life is like seedlings in a field, and large areas are harvested by the sickle of death.

Stephanie, who tightened the accelerator and rushed out of the dense forest, heard the gunfire, her eyes turned red, but she never looked back.

She didn't care about the bloody massacre that followed. She carried with her the secrets of Berlin's "Aryan Superman" and related technologies.

If it cannot be delivered to the Allied forces in time, more people will die.

"Thank God it's finally here."

Ahead was the Allied position, and Stephanie saw steel tanks, sandbag bunkers, and vigilant soldiers.


After firing a warning shot into the air, a British soldier pointed a Sten submachine gun at Stephanie, who was not planning to slow down.

On the battlefield, you will not hold back just because the opponent is a woman.

That way, you will only die quickly.

"My name is Stephanie! An MI6 agent!"

Stephanie did not bother to explain too much and directly announced her identity. She believed that London would not do nothing.

This is the British military position closest to Berlin. If MI6 wants to send people to respond, it will definitely be arranged in advance.


The soldier slowly put down the Sten submachine gun in his hand and said to the comrade next to him: "Go and notify Brigadier General Luke Cavill! It's the Allied Superman who just arrived here—"

He had indeed been ordered to cooperate fully if a woman claiming to be "Stephanie" requested assistance.


Before the soldier could finish speaking, a ball of fiery energy blew his body to pieces!

Flesh and blood rotting!

Like a pool of sticky red mud, splashed on the bunker!

"Get cover! This is an enemy attack!"

Stephanie narrowly dodged the energy light ball behind her and rolled off the motorcycle, falling onto the hard ground.

Fortunately, she is not a weak female scientist, but a well-trained undercover agent.

When her body lost balance, Stephanie curled up and protected her head to minimize the damage she suffered.

"Tank-level... Aryan superman."

Stephanie, whose elbows and knees were only bleeding from friction, put her hands on her hands and hid behind the bunker.

She poked her head out and saw a burly German soldier chasing after her.

Judging from the logo on the opponent's armband, it is a "tank-level" Aryan superman manufactured in Berlin.

"Hurry up and get into the tank! Only then can we kill him!"

Stephanie yelled.

She knows only too well how powerful the "tank-level" Aryan superman is.

Bullets cannot break their skin, and even if they are injured, they can recover quickly.

The tank parked in the center of the position slowly started to move, its tracks rolled, and it moved forward.

The fort moved, and the main gun was aimed at the approaching German soldiers.


The artillery did not hit the opponent.

He moves very fast, and a bulky tank cannot keep up with him at all.

"monster… "

A British soldier holding a Sten submachine gun stood up bravely and attracted hatred.

A flurry of bullets hit the monster-like German soldier, sinking deeply into his flesh and blood, but causing no more fatal damage.


The German soldiers rushed forward and approached.

Hold the opponent's shoulders with both hands and pull outwards hard!


The human body is like a fragile piece of tissue paper, being torn apart directly!

Blood spurts out!

"Give me that gun!"

Stephanie snatched a Springfield rifle from the stunned soldier.

She knows the weaknesses of the "tank-level" Aryan superman.


The burly figure stained with blood stepped down heavily, and with the help of the rebounding power, he jumped into the air.

Then, it fell like a solid cannonball!

Only a "dong" sound was heard, and the German soldier jumped onto the tank.

He hugged the thick main cannon with both hands, and with a roar like a wild beast, he forcefully twisted the barrel into a twist!

"Is this... still a human?"

The British soldiers suddenly lost all morale to fight.

"Yes. He is still human and can be killed."

Stephanie lay on the bunker, staring coldly at the murderous German soldier through the scope of the Springfield rifle.

She stared with bated breath, waiting for the chance to strike.

"Freya—is that your name? The Holy General asked me to take you back or kill you on the spot."

The German soldier, whose eyes emitted a ball of energy and exploded the tank and the soldiers inside, seemed to sense something, turned around and looked at Stephanie, and said with a smile: "But I think it would be easier to twist your head off. "


The 7.62mm metal bullet was fired from the muzzle at high speed.

The German soldiers opened their palms to protect their eyes.

"Do you think I won't guard against my own weaknesses?"

This "tank-level" Aryan superman said contemptuously.

To deal with him, you need at least heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and howitzers.

A rifle alone is not enough.

"Are you Stephanie?"

Just when the female agent who was fleeing all the way was about to despair, a steady voice came from behind.

The tall figure enveloped Stephanie like a dark cloud.

She turned around, raised her head, and subconsciously replied: "That's right."

"You're safe."

The tall man smiled, and then asked: "Is that the Superman of the Axis Powers?"

Stephanie nodded. She didn't know who the other party was, so she reminded: "The 'tank-level' Aryan superman created by Berlin is a meat grinder on the battlefield. He is not something ordinary people can fight against!"

"Aryan Superman..."

The tall man walked out of the bunker, and a voice containing a relaxed smile floated behind him.

"He's the one I'm looking for!" (End of Chapter)