Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 56: ?You deserve to be called Superman


"Are you the Superman from the Allied Forces?"

The German soldiers who had been transformed by the Holy General looked sideways at the tall man who came out of the bunker, with a somewhat contemptuous tone.

He thought that the legendary hero who was vigorously promoted by the Allies and conquered Italy and captured the city of Rome by one man should at least be a strong man like Hercules.

-Two meters tall, with bulging muscles, he looks like a descendant of a Titan. He looks particularly intimidating at first glance.

But the Allied Superman who appeared in front of him was at best taller and stronger than ordinary people, without any exaggeration.

When it comes to body shape, Luke, who is 6.2 feet tall (191cm), is nothing compared to the burly German soldiers who are like little giants.

The muscles are even worse - the strong and powerful body of the Allied Superman still looks a bit "thin" when faced with a big man who looks like he has taken steroids.

Judging from the appearance alone, this fierce German soldier has a strong build, like an unparalleled warrior with an eight-foot height and an eight-foot waist in ancient times.

The rock-hard muscles almost burst the military uniform.

Quite a bit of the tough temperament of a devilish muscular man!

"You look like a Boy Scout."

The German soldier glanced at the young brigadier general and mocked: "A guy like you would be very popular and well developed if thrown into the British camp..."

The humiliating sarcasm did not make Luke angry. He turned to look at Stephanie and asked, "You said he is a 'tank level', do you mean there is a more powerful Aryan superman?"

"Yes. The three who defeated the Soviet army were the 'battleship-class' Aryan supermen. They are even more terrifying!"

Stephanie nodded and replied.

There was a hint of worry in her eyes.

Muscle is strength, physique is everything!

This is a fact recognized by many people!

Therefore, even though Luke showed a powerful aura that was not inferior to the German Superman.

But Stephanie still had doubts. She had seen with her own eyes in Berlin how powerful those "battleship-level" supermen were.

Tanks, bombers, thousands of soldiers…

They are no match!

As an Allied Superman, Luke didn't know if he could do it.

With this in mind, Stephanie tightened her grip on the Springfield rifle, ready to support the young brigadier general if the situation went wrong.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Julian. If I twist off your head and take it back to Berlin, the Führer will definitely commend me greatly, and maybe I will be awarded a medal like Siegfried."

The German soldier, as tall as a giant, chuckled.

Luke didn't answer, so there was no need to waste time with the soldiers.

Generally speaking, lines are reserved for important roles.

He stepped heavily, and Stephanie, who was hiding behind the bunker, felt the ground shake violently.

The cracks in the spider web extended to all sides, and the tall and straight figure tore through the air, creating a strong airflow.

In almost a breath, he was approaching the German Superman.

Make a fist with your right hand and hit it with all your strength without any fancy!

At this time, Luke's strength and speed have been greatly improved compared to before.

This feeling of making progress every day and every night, getting stronger every moment, once made him addicted.

The pleasure it brings even exceeds the sexual activities that humans are passionate about.

"So fast… "

The developed visual nerve allowed Julian to barely capture Luke's movement.

Feeling the heavy power coming towards him, he immediately put away his contempt.

The Allied super soldiers don’t look bad either!

Julian shouted, the strength in his body surged wildly, and his muscles twisted into a ball.

Cross your arms in front of your chest.

"Let me see your power first."

Such thoughts flashed through Julian's mind.

If he had seen with his own eyes the mutant "Steel Shell" who was beaten to death by Luke's punch after punch, he would definitely not choose to do this.

In a battle where the strength is not much different, giving up the initiative first is no different from committing suicide.

What's more, Luke's true combat power is far superior to Julian's—it's just that he doesn't know it!


The fist hit Julian's arms, and nearly ten tons of terrifying force was poured into one point.

Almost before the German superman could react, his two arms snapped directly from the elbows!

The force can twist the tank barrel, and the muscle fiber of the thick arm is like tightening a steel wire. It is like being thrown into a blender, and it is instantly shaken into rotten meat!

Severe pain went straight to Julian's brain. Before he could scream, Luke's eyes froze, his left hand reached out, pressed down on the German Superman's thick shoulder, and pressed down.

Julian, who was as burly as a little giant, was like a defenseless child. He couldn't bear the overwhelming force, his legs softened, and with a "thud", his knees hit the ground hard.

"I heard that the head of state in Berlin regards the Aryans as the most perfect race, and super soldiers like you are the 'Aryan supermen' considered by the Third Reich."

Luke lowered his head and looked down with cold eyes, "But now it seems that it's nothing more than that."

"The great head of state..."

Julian's face was distorted, and his arms were exposed with white bone stubble. His flesh and blood squirmed hard, trying to recover from his injuries.

He looked at Luke, his eyes turning blazing white.

"Long live the Third Reich!"

The fanatical roar fell, and an astonishing wave of energy formed into a powerful dazzling ball of light, which directly engulfed Luke.

Like a huge ball of lightning, it burned the air with a "sizzling" sound, and a burnt smell spread out.

Violent explosions continued to sound.

The rising thick smoke obscured the battlefield, making it difficult to see the specific situation.

"It's over!"

Stephanie held the Springfield rifle with a solemn look on her face.

She didn't think Luke could survive. You must know that the most powerful attack method of the Aryan Superman is to release energy light groups.

Even solid and thick tanks can be detonated, let alone the fragile human flesh and blood.

"He is careless and should be prepared for Julian's move!"

Stephanie thought sadly.

Julian moved so quickly that she didn't even have time to remind Luke to be alert.

"Allied forces...rescue failed."

Stephanie stared at the tall figure walking out of the billowing smoke, preparing for the final struggle.

She couldn't run far anyway, so instead of running away in a hurry and being caught up and killed by the enemy, she might as well fight to the death!

"Stephanie, you look nervous."

Then, a deep voice sounded, making Stephanie, whose whole body was tense, relax.

She couldn't believe it and asked subconsciously: "Why... you're not dead!"

When the thick smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, the figure that appeared turned out to be Luke!

He didn't know when he put on a suit that looked like steel armor. Except for the right palm that was firmly pressing on Julian's face, there were black marks like burnt marks on the surface of his skin, and his whole body was almost unscathed.

"Of course I'm alive, Stephanie."

Luke grinned.

He raised his hand to pick up Julian who had fallen to the ground due to exhaustion. After the German superman released the energy light group, he degenerated into an ordinary person like a machine that had run out of power.

"At this level, do you deserve to be called Superman?"

Luke curled his lips. The energy light group released by the other party contained destructive power, which was indeed difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Even I was slightly injured.

According to his estimation, an energy light group is almost equivalent to the explosive force produced by an anti-tank missile.

However, with the self-healing ability of the Superman template, the burnt wound on his right palm recovered as before in less than a minute. (End of chapter)