Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 57: ?Tank class, battleship class


The battlefield along the Allied lines fell silent.

Only the steel remains of the tank and the flesh and blood limbs on the ground silently told the fierce scene of the previous battle.

"Madam, do you need living materials?"

Luke dragged Julian, who had lost the ability to resist, to Stephanie.

The latter shook her head. She brought back the relevant technology and knew the specific process of making Aryan supermen.

Besides, Stephanie had seen a lot of living specimens used for dissection in Berlin.

Taking Julian with you will only increase the risk. Who knows when the other party will regain his strength.

"Oh well."

Luke smiled gently.

Then, without hesitation, he broke the German soldier's neck.

After the short battle just now, he roughly got the overall data of the "tank-level" Aryan superman.

Strength, speed, defense, neurological response, self-healing ability, etc...

Overall, stronger than Super Soldier.

Even if Rogers is known as the "50-50 captain", he may have a headache against a "tank level".

Unless you hit the weak spot, it's hard to win.

However, these Aryan supermen seem to have huge flaws that prevent them from lasting combat.

Luke keenly discovered that after Julian released the energy light group in his body, it was as if the power was exhausted, and his strength and speed degraded to the level of ordinary people.

Maybe this is why the Axis powers haven't launched a counteroffensive yet

Are Aryan supermen not suitable for long-term combat

A series of questions were temporarily held in his mind.

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to meeting the 'Battleship Class'."

Luke changed out of his steel armor-like suit and looked down at the German soldiers who fell to the ground.

The strength of this "tank level" has not yet reached the point of changing the war situation.

Unless the Axis powers can mass-produce explosive troops, it will be basically impossible to win by relying on a single-soldier strategy.

Stephanie's eyes flickered. Although she was curious about the Allied Superman's combat uniform, she did not take the initiative to ask.

This is most likely a secret technology of the Strategic Science Corps, and asking about it rashly may cause resentment.

"Commodore, the 'battleship class' is several levels stronger than the 'tank class'. Their recovery ability, physical fitness, and energy attack effect are several times that of the latter!"

reminded the female agent lurking in Berlin.

After witnessing Luke's battle with the "tank-level" Aryan superman, she gained another glimmer of hope for the future of the Allies.

However, it is still not optimistic to defeat the Axis powers.

There are hundreds of "tank-level" tanks in Berlin alone.

They are led by three more powerful "battleship classes", enough to form an invincible fighting force.

On the Allied side, there is only one Superman and one Luke.

"Stephanie, the Prime Minister can't wait to meet you, and I can't wait to know the truth about these Aryan supermen."

Luke walked in front, and someone would naturally come to clean up the battlefield later.

His mission is to bring Stephanie back safely.

Don't care about anything else.

"Thank you, Brigadier Cavell."

The female spy behind said quietly.

"Thank you for calling me Stephanie, it's been a long time since anyone... called me that."

"Holy General, do you want to continue tracking?"

The next day, a group of heavily armed German soldiers passed through the dense forest and came to the Allied lines.

The guards here had already withdrawn, leaving only a messy battlefield.

"Cancel the hunt. There is no more Freya, she has resumed her previous identity and returned to London... this damn bitch!"

The Holy General put his hands behind his back, with a solemn expression on his face.

The remains of the tank, scattered limbs, and traces of energy explosions...

Everyone told General Sheng that a fierce battle had taken place here.

"Can the existence that can fight against the 'tank level' be the superman of the Allies?"

he said to himself.

It can be seen that the Allies must have paid a heavy price to defeat the "tank-level" Julian.

"The Allies' Superman is nothing more than that. Far from being as exaggerated as the Allies say!"

The Holy General concluded.

He observed the scene carefully, and seemed to see the Allied superman and ordinary soldiers, who barely defeated Julian after going through all kinds of hardships, and won the final victory in the battle.

"General, we must assume that the core technology has fallen into the hands of the Allies. We must also assume that the locations of other military factories have also been exposed, and take countermeasures as soon as possible."

The female adjutant with blond hair said.

Stephanie, who escaped, was once a core member of the "Aryan Superman" project.

She knows too much, has been deeply involved in the most critical projects, and even took away part of the 'Blood of Woden'!

This is undoubtedly the worst news!

"Transfer all information and scientific research personnel on superhuman technology to the second stronghold and cleanse all inferior test subjects."

General Sheng said coldly.

He wants to speed up his pace and strive to help the Third Reich gain a greater advantage before the Allies create their superman.

"I hope... the head of state can listen and not be dazzled by the momentary victory."

General Sheng was worried. He did not dare to have too much hope for Berlin's mustachioed leader.

After all, that man was a well-known master of micro-manipulation. His military skills were extremely average, but he always liked to point fingers at generals who had experienced hundreds of battles.

The Third Reich faced a series of defeats, including the Battle of Stalingrad, the Normandy landings, and the Ardennes Counterattack. The will of the Führer was everywhere.

A mustached man whose demagoguery, leadership and military command abilities are in inverse proportion.

This is the Holy General's evaluation of the Führer.

"Return to Berlin. We were so close to taking over the world... just so close!"

sighed the German general.

London, underground bunker.

A few days later, in the prime minister’s dedicated office.

As one of the heroes of the Allied Forces, Stephanie put on a green dress, carried a briefcase, and sat on a chair.

Next to her was Brigadier General Cavell, who was sitting upright.

This time is different from the past, even the senior staff are not here.

There are only three people in the office.

"Thank you, Stephanie."

The Prime Minister poured a glass of wine and handed it to the female spy who had been lurking in the enemy's lair for several years.

"You are the best member of MI6. I have heard your name for a long time. It turns out that you did create a breathing space for the Allies and rescued us from the horror caused by those monsters in Berlin."

"Recently, I heard that many members of Congress only dare to stay at home and do not even go to the parliament hall. Because these cowards are afraid that Hitler and his demons will suddenly fall from the sky, lift off the roof, and hang them all. On the street lights!”

The Prime Minister said in a humorous and sarcastic tone, which relieved the solemn atmosphere in the office.

"No, Your Excellency Prime Minister."

Stephanie took the glass, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Those Aryan supermen who were created, let's see for the time being. At most, they can only operate within the scope of the Third Reich."

"I have participated in this plan and know their flaws. The Aryan superman cannot fight for a long time. The weakness of the 'tank class' is the eyes, as well as heavy firepower such as rocket launchers and anti-tank weapons. The 'battleship class' will become more and more tired as it fights. The weaker."

"According to the experimental report, the limit time of the latter is almost eight hours. Every time you start an all-out battle, you must rest for a period of time before you can recover."

"So, for now, the Germans can at most defend their territory. But - when they accumulate enough troops, that will be the beginning of disaster!"

Hearing Stephanie's answer, the Prime Minister didn't know whether to be happy or scared.

He turned his attention to Luke, who was sitting across from him. He heard that this young brigadier general had personally killed a "tank-level" Aryan superman.

This news excited the senior leaders of the Allied Powers and effectively dispelled the fear of frontline soldiers.

The defeat of the Soviet army gave many people pessimistic thoughts.

The victory created by Luke became a precious material for the Allies to vigorously promote!

"I haven't fought against the 'Battleship Class' yet, so I don't know their strength."

Luke guessed the Prime Minister's idea and asked him to kill all the Aryan supermen one-on-one. This was simply unrealistic.

Hundreds of "tank-level", plus three unknown "battleship-level", I'm afraid they will squeeze themselves dry!

Besides, he has no obligation to help the Allies through life and death.

The heroic and fearless super soldier is only a superficial character, and it is not advisable to get too deep into the drama.

"I think Stephanie must have more critical information, otherwise the German army would not have to pursue her all the way from Berlin."

Luke asked the question to the female spy next to him.

"Yes, I can help the Allies and create 'Superman'!"

Stephanie said word for word.

As soon as this big news was announced, there was a brief silence in the Prime Minister's Office.

"It means...the Allies can also have Superman?"

After a moment, there was a "pop" sound, and the cigar in the Prime Minister's hand fell to the table.

"I was assigned to the Norwegian research team in 1941, and my undercover identity at the time was the biologist 'Freya Bergen'."

Stephanie recounted, speaking softly: "After Berlin confirmed that I was a Nazi supporter, they recruited me into the project team of the 'Aryan Superman' project."

"There is no need to say more about the rest of the story. In short, I successfully penetrated the core and came into contact with these-"

Stephanie opened the briefcase. In addition to a document, there was a glass vessel containing many irregular red crystals.

The colors are bright, like crystal clear blood coral.

The blood of Woden! (End of chapter)