Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 63: The joyful experience of first mutation


A week later, the first batch of recipients transformed by "Woden's Blood" were ready.

A total of three hundred and twenty-one people, whose blood reacted with the red crystal, were eligible candidates for the "Allied Superman" program.

Now it is settled in a camp outside London, waiting for preliminary trials.

It has to be said that when the state machinery is activated, everything is done very efficiently.

From screening suitable candidates to selecting qualified recipients, the speed is amazing.

"Brigadier General Cavell, the next step is the transformation process. However, I still suggest that you and the Allied top brass not to have too much hope."

In Bletchley Manor, Luke and Stephanie walked along the tree-lined path.

Not long ago, news came from the Allied Forces that the Holy General in charge of the "Aryan Superman" project had somehow jumped out first and killed the ambitious head of state who was about to show off his ambitions with a stab in the back. .

Sudden changes caused Berlin to fall into temporary chaos.

The subsequent change of power and purge of forces further delayed the progress of the Third Reich.

As a result, the Holy General, who had finally created the "Aryan Superman", could not immediately expand his advantage.

Regarding this situation, the Allies are naturally happy to see it happen.

If you want to buy more time, it would be best to wait until the Allied Superman army is mass-produced.

Therefore, the two camps maintain a delicate balance - which can also be understood as being in the cooldown period of climbing the technology tree and working hard to explode troops.

"To create a 'tank-level' soldier, it takes at least half a month of transformation and several weeks of high-intensity training before they can officially serve and set foot on the battlefield."

Stephanie explained.

"'Woden's Blood' is not like a serum. After being injected, you can become a super soldier and become more powerful after you survive. It has a transformation process, from the skin on the surface to the muscle fibers, cells and so on inside. , there will be some drastic changes.”

Luke nodded in understanding.

He is different from the Allied top brass who want to see results urgently.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste.

It took Berlin several years of research to create three "battleship classes". How fast could the Allies go

"Regarding the cultivation and research of the 'Blood of Woden', I found Dr. Arnim Zora. He used to be the chief scientist of Hydra. He designed powerful energy weapons and also had certain knowledge in biology. experience."

As the leader of the Strategic Science Corps, Luke has considerable power and can mobilize many resources.

Recruiting the imprisoned Dr. Zola into the team is just a trivial matter.

"You don't trust us?"

Stephanie raised her eyebrows. Luke has deployed a lot of people in the "Allied Superman" plan these days.

For example, Steve Rogers was one of the first recipients.

There is also Peggy Carter, who is responsible for deciphering ancient documents. Although the other person is British, she seems to be more on the American side.

Now, there is another Dr. Zola.

"This is the reward for rescuing you, Ms. Stephanie. The Prime Minister promised to share the transformation technology and related information about the 'Blood of Woden' with the Strategic Science Corps."

Luke looked calm. He was not a voluntary worker who did good deeds without asking for anything in return.

"Well, I'm just a scientific researcher anyway, I can't care about this."

Stephanie shook her head and did not continue the topic.

In fact, she is not very concerned about national interests.

Winning the Axis Powers and ending the World War is what Stephanie cares about.

"Brigadier General Cavill, your friend Steve Rogers has chosen to join the 'Allied Superman' program."

The female spy blinked her eyes, showed her signature charming smile, and tentatively said: "He is a super soldier, and he is different in his own right. Based on my experience, Rogers may have a chance to survive the twenty-fourth level of mutation and become ' Battleship level'. Aren't you excited at all?"

"With your Commodore's strength, if you participate in human body transformation, you will only become stronger! Maybe you can even surpass the 'Battleship Class' and become a more perfect creature!"

Luke shook his head, rejecting Stephanie's rather tempting suggestion.

He said calmly: "I don't need to be Superman, because I am."

Even if you really want to use the "Blood of Woden" to improve yourself, you have to wait until Dr. Zola conducts research and confirms that there are no problems.

In the world of superheroes, the poor rely on mutation and the rich rely on technology.

But Luke, he relies on cheating!

Two days later, camp outside London.

Rogers was wearing only a pair of shorts and sitting bare-chested on a high-backed chair.

His hands and feet were tightly tied, restricting his ability to move.

"This is going to hurt, Captain Rogers. And for the first time, considering the consequences of failure, you have the option to give up."

Stephanie was wearing a white coat and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"I can handle it, come on!"

Rogers took a few deep breaths to show he was ready.

The ambiguous conversation between the two made the atmosphere a little weird.

It was as if they were about to engage in some kind of adult game that was not suitable for children.

"Steve, don't let me down. I'm still waiting to fight side by side with you and raid Berlin."

Luke automatically ignored the previous pornographic chat history and stood aside to cheer him up.

"I'll try my best. If I fail, Luke, you must remember to help me take care of Margaery and tell her not to be too sad and find a better man."

Perhaps Rogers was worried that he might not be able to survive, so he prepared his last words in advance.

"Actually, I have already thought about it. When the war is over, I will go back to Brooklyn..."

"Shut up! I didn't hear anything. You should leave these things to yourself!"

Luke quickly interrupted Captain America who was frantically raising the death flag.

Lines such as "I'll go back to my hometown to get married after fighting this war", "I'll wash my hands in a golden basin after completing the final work", "My child is about to be born", and so on. Basically, if you say it, you can be sure that this person is going to get it. .

Even though Captain America should be the destined son of this era, who knows whether Luke's arrival will be like a butterfly flapping its wings.

If Rogers was slapped away, he was worried that the Supreme Master in Kama Taj would draw a circle to talk to him.

"Well, you're ruthless, Luke."

Rogers still didn't understand, and said in a resentful tone.

"Gentlemen, are you done? I'm going to start."

Stephanie, who was watching quietly, put on a pair of rubber gloves and took out a grain of 'Woden's Blood' from the glass vessel. "

"Good luck, Captain Rogers."

As soon as she finished speaking, she pressed the red crystal particles called "Woden's Blood" on Captain America's forehead.

It was like a hot iron, burning Rogers' skin. The sound of "chichi" was endless, and there were even wisps of smoke floating away.


Painful sounds poured out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Rogers' eyes widened, and the "Woden's Blood" branded on his forehead slowly melted and seeped into his body.

He felt as if his skin and cells were wrapped in lava, and an astonishing amount of heat was radiating from his body.

"Brigadier General Cavill, you have to control him!"

Seeing that Rogers was about to break free, Stephanie couldn't help but turn her eyes to Luke.

If you want to subdue a super soldier, this little protective measure is not enough.

"Steve, bear with it. If you can't resist the pain, you might as well enjoy it."

Luke comforted Rogers while walking to the other person's side.

He stretched out his two hands and pressed the strong body, whose muscles were constantly moving, as if it had been treated with electric shock, on the high-backed chair.

Fortunately, this chair was reinforced, thickened, and made of metal, otherwise it might not have been able to withstand Rogers' violent struggle.

"This is just the first mutation."

Stephanie sighed.

When she was in Berlin, she had seen people biting off their tongues, banging their heads against walls, and even asking researchers to kill themselves because they couldn't bear the terrible pain that was beyond human endurance.

"I believe Steve can get through this."

Luke used his hands to firmly fix Rogers to the chair.

The purpose of those alien creatures called "Bruder Zerg" is to create war machines, not to take lives.

The transformation success rate of "Blood of Woden" is indeed very low.

But Captain America is a very lucky person who was able to survive even the serum injection without any side effects.

Compare the appearance of the Red Skull, and then think of the little man in Brooklyn, transformed into an American butt.

It can only be said that the gap between people is sometimes wider than that between people and dogs.

"I hope so."

Stephanie was noncommittal.

She believed that Rogers had "battleship-level" potential, and it only depended on whether the other party could bear the pain of transformation. (End of chapter)