Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 71: ?There is no need to talk about morality when dealing with the Axis powers



Blazing white energy as dazzling as lightning poured on the "tank-level" soldiers wearing Allied uniforms.

The latter's shoulder seemed to have been hit by a cannonball, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood, and the white stubble of bones was exposed, which was particularly horrifying.

However, this "tank-level" Allied soldier did not fall. Instead, like a bull, he rushed towards the enemy desperately.


The two figures rolled into a ball and struggled with each other.

Compared with the "tank-level" tanks of the Third Reich, Allied soldiers were rougher and thicker and could withstand the opponent's output.

He hugged the enemy's waist with all his strength, and his companion rushed forward, grabbed his neck firmly, and twisted it hard!

As if picking a fruit from a tree, the fragile neck bones were directly twisted, and blood came out like a fountain.

The strong body fell to the ground with a "bang".

This fierce battle started five minutes ago.

The Sieglinde Battle Group, a group of three, and the Allied soldiers, a group of six, met on the street that was necessary to reach the Arc de Triomphe.

The unexpected encounter broke out immediately!

The direction of strengthening on the Allied side is heavily armored warriors.

Focus on transforming the body and enhancing defense.

Correspondingly, the means of energy attack are weakened and the lethality is reduced.

The "tank-level" soldiers produced by the Third Reich were more comprehensive.

They have more time to master their own abilities, and their overall combat power is higher than that of the Allies.

Therefore, Luke arranged a team of six people to try to avoid fighting alone.


A huge explosion sounded!

Seeing their compatriots being killed, the two remaining "tank-class" soldiers worked together to create a wave, and the dazzling light enveloped the entire street.

The strong air flow was like a rolling hurricane, knocking down street lamps.

The terrifying energy was like an overwhelming torrent of lightning, pouring out in an instant!

The allied soldier who had just broken the enemy's neck was unable to dodge and was covered.

No matter how thick-skinned and thick-skinned he is, and his defense is amazing, he can't stop this fierce offensive.

In an instant, the skin and flesh of the whole person were peeled off by the high temperature, leaving only a charred skeleton.


The leader of the six-person team quickly dodged backwards to avoid being affected.

Their advantages are their numbers and defensive power, which enable them to fight attrition against the "tank-level" tanks of the Third Reich.

Once they fall into an unfavorable situation where the energy is against Todoroki, they must retreat in time - this is Luke's plan.

In his original words, "There is no need to follow any rules when dealing with Nazis, we can just do it together."

However, when the situation is bad, you must know how to retreat strategically, and you cannot charge blindly.

"I'm here to help!"

Before the Allied squad with one dead person could exit the street, a tall figure wearing a star-striped uniform appeared behind them.

"Follow me!"

Rogers held his vibranium shield in front, striding forward like a Spartan warrior guarding Thermopylae.

The astonishingly powerful ray of destruction poured on the circular shield like a tide, but it did not cause any damage.

"Luke is right. As long as I raise my shield, the enemy's attack will be focused on one point and will not attack other vital points on my body."

Rogers forcefully broke through the combined force of the two "tank-level" soldiers, and rushed forward in one phase.

The metal shield draws an arc from bottom to top, like a powerful and heavy uppercut that knocks away the enemy in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, Rogers followed up with a dragon strike and kicked the German soldier who had not yet reacted.

The opponent's abdomen contracted, bending like a lobster, and his body rolled and smashed into the glass showcase on the street.

"Don't scatter, go to the next street to meet the others!"

After easily dispatching the two enemies, Rogers turned around and said.

The tactic they adopted was to form a team of six, forming an encirclement in batches and advancing towards the Arc de Triomphe.

The Allied soldiers nodded and withdrew from the streets in an orderly manner.

"Another enemy is coming."

Someone reminded.

Not far away, three figures wearing German uniforms came quickly.

"I can handle this!"

Rogers grinned and held the vibranium shield in his right hand.

Fiery energy burst out from his eyes.

"I don't know what's going on with Steve, but don't happen to bump into Sieglinde. That German bitch is not someone to be trifled with."

Luke was walking on the wide street leading to the Star Square. He really wanted to see how powerful the "battleship-class" soldiers could be.

He did not team up with other Allied soldiers and traveled alone.

Captain America, the only one who can stand up to Sieglinde, moves around as an assaulter, taking out those "tank-level" German soldiers and forming a complete encirclement.

According to the intelligence of the Strategic Science Corps, there is only one "battleship class" Sieglinde in Paris. If he is surrounded by a numerical advantage, and Rogers may be able to get rid of him - this is the plan of the Allied Forces Command.

In their eyes, Luke plays more of a commanding role.

Defeating a "battleship class" head-on doesn't feel very realistic.

"Huh? You came to me on your own initiative."

Suddenly, Luke stopped, a strong fighting spirit rising in his eyes.

He heard a strong heartbeat, like a drum.


At the end of the street, a vigorous figure appeared under the night sky.

The well-pressed German uniform outlines the woman's exaggerated figure.

The blond braid moved without wind, as if it had escaped gravity.

"Superman of the Allies?"

Sieglinde's voice was slightly hoarse, and her sharp eyes pierced Luke, as if she wanted to see this man through.

"I thought you were a little older, not like a boy scout."

"There was a guy named Julian who said something like that to you, and then—he died."

The corners of Luke's mouth curled up, without the slightest hint of nervousness as if facing a powerful enemy.

He felt a strong and powerful life force from Sieglinde, like a burning fireball, releasing an astonishing light.

He is a worthy opponent!

"Let me explain in advance, I am definitely not a rough and rash man who likes to attack women, but there is no need to pay so much attention to it on the battlefield, right?"

Luke seemed to be gathering strength, taking every step slowly and forcefully.

The solid ground trembled slightly, opening up fine cracks like spider webs.

"I just hope you don't cry like a woman then, Commodore."

Sieglinde's eyes were slightly hot, filled with blazing white light.

A ball of energy like ball lightning shot out and hit Luke who was walking towards her.

The latter did not choose to block hard and turned sideways to avoid the attack.

Terrifying energy poured into the streets, forming a powerful blast of air that turned into a blazing night wind.

"It's almost as lethal as a rocket, and it won't cause fatal damage to me."

Luke made a rough judgment, his thoughts moved slightly, covering his skin.

Immediately, he stepped hard and hit Sieglinde whose skills were cooling down.

The astonishing speed made the dark red cloak rustle and turn into an afterimage.

Luke made a fist with his right hand, and the muscles twisted into a ball, making a small sound like an explosion.

A fist heavy enough to penetrate a tank was aimed at Sieglinde's pretty face and struck down mercilessly!

"Strength is great! I like the muscular look!"

Sieglinde captured Luke's movement trajectory. She did not choose to defend like the "tank-level" Julian. Instead, she opened her palms and tightly grasped the heavy fist that fell.


It's like the sound of metal colliding hard!

The terrifying power was like a cannonball, blasting into Sieglinde's palm.

Her body shook violently, and the German uniform covering her arms was torn apart and scattered into flying debris.

The ground on which the legs were standing collapsed even more!

A stream of dust rose up, forming a thick smoke screen!

"It's my turn!"

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Sieglinde's lips. It was not easy to block this punch.

It's just that this "battleship-level" female soldier has no intention of retreating in her eyes, and instead takes the initiative to attack.

A powerful and heavy knee strike followed, like a bullet being fired, fast and violent!

"so close!"

Luke's eyes narrowed, as if he had expected it in advance, and he subconsciously blocked it, his arms numb from the shock.

At this time, he had no sympathy for her, so he pinched Sieglinde's wrist, twisted her body and threw her over her shoulder, slamming her to the ground.


Concrete blocks splashed out like a torrential rain, and Sieglinde embedded deeply into the road, pressing out a human-shaped outline. (End of chapter)